teem with

[tim wɪð][ti:m wið]


  • The large anonymous crowds in which we now teem began with the agricultural revolution .

    现在的大量 人口 出现 始于农业革命。

  • If that the earth could teem with woman 's tears Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile .

    要是妇人的眼泪 生化 力量,她的每一滴泪,掉在地上,都会变成一条鳄鱼。

  • Geoscience disciplinary organization should be the logical start-point of modern geoscience development paradigm . Its development not only needs a nice environment provided by government but also requires a disciplinary organization teem with reasonable structure .

    地学学科组织是构建地学学科发展范式的逻辑起点,其发展既需要政府及有关管理部门创造良好的外部环境,更需要建设一 结构合理的学科组织 队伍

  • These rivers teem with fish .

    这些 河里 许多 的鱼。

  • Societies of the Middle East in transition teem with various political thoughts which are the results of the social realities of the region .

    处在转变时期的中东社会, 涌现 各种各样的政治思潮,这是中东社会现实所使然。

  • Hills in the suburban of city teem with ugly tombs .

    城市 近郊的山头上, 到处 可以 看到 样子丑陋的坟墓。

  • Cities always teem with evil and decay . Let 's give it a good shake and see what falls out !

    城市 充斥 邪恶与腐败,让我们给它好好摇一摇,看看会掉出什么东西!

  • In addition we develop a productivity factor model which reflects the productivity of a software test organization and can be used to adjust test efforts calculated by TEEM . The authors discuss the time-transparency problem and test organization issues with a test method proposed and described in detail .

    本课题的研究成果主要体现在创造性的提出了用于航天型号软件测试的软件度量理论以及软件工作量估计模型。作者已将这种方法用于 PITS系统TCP/IP协议族的远程异地测试子系统的设计。

  • In this collection such stories as Sinking Moving South and Silver-gray Death teem with citations from German and English romantic works .

    其中的小说《沉沦》、《南迁》、《 银灰色的死》 包含 大量的对德国和英国浪漫主义作家作品的引用。

  • These scripts teem with personal characteristics but lack of plot character concordant structure and social reality .

    这些 剧作 具有 强烈的个人特征,它们缺乏情节、人物、整一的结构和社会真实性, 因此它们 解读 往往 困难 重重

  • But to date although the descriptive accounts teem with testable hypotheses statistical evidence rarely informs the story of the origins and impacts of fairhousing laws .

    但是到目前为止,虽然 伴随 可试验 假说的描写性报道大量出现,但是却几乎没有统计证据告知公平住房法的起源和产生的影响。

  • Teem with at anxious make medicine of4 big bosoms having long history .


  • This along with several related studies from the same period contrasts with some of the artists'brasher pictures which teem with life and activity .

    这和同一时期的几个相关研究与一些艺术家表现生命和活力的 仓促之作形成了对比。

  • God said Let the waters teem with countless living creatures and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of heaven .

    上帝说:“水中 游鱼,地上要 无数飞鸟” 于是上帝创造出 种类 繁多的大小鱼类及飞鸟。