

[计] 科学技术,应用科学

  • Research on Inspection technologics for Lead 、 Zinc Concentrations and Its Applications

    铅、锌 精矿质量检验 技术的研究及应用

  • Technologics and practices of fabric washing

    网子清洗的 有关 技术和实践

  • In this paper direct platemaking technology is briefed frequency modulated half tone dot technology ( principles characters and technologics ) is emphasized .

    本文简述了直接制版技术,着重叙述了调频网点技术,包括原理、特点及 技术

  • It is very important technologics means for technical equip to manufacture mechanism It is a very factor on technical level quality procreative efficiency and labour working intensity of processing machine .

    工艺装备是机械制造行业的重要 工艺手段,它是 直接影响机械加工工艺水平、产品质量、生产效率和工人劳动强度的主要因素。

  • The paper analyzes the requirement of virtual experimental system and the characteristics of Java discusses the logic model of implementing virtual experimental system and gives the codes to illuminate the important technologics of the client and the server .

    该文较为详细地分析了网上虚拟实验系统需求和Java语言特征,论述了如何实现网上虚拟实验系统的设计模型,以及实现客户端和服务器端的关键 技术并用代码进行说明。

  • Development and application of coal conversion technologics suitable for Chinese condition

    发展适合我国煤 国情的煤转化 技术

  • It is pointed out that by intensified energy conservation intensive promotion of cleaner and efficient utilization technologics for fossil energies and quickened development of new energy and renewable energies it is possible to realize a better coordinated energy economic social and environment development .

    指出通过强化节能,大力推广洁净高效矿物能源利用 技术,并加速发展新能源和可再生能源,中国能源与经济、社会和环境的协调发展是有可能实现的。

  • Technologics from USA and Australia introduced via GSP to our business operations have strengthened our ability to satisfy the reliable supply requirements of our customers .

    不仅 如此,从美国和澳洲引进的 绿色 安全生产 体系 技术更增强了我们对客户要求稳定供货的承诺能力。

  • The paper analyzes the scheme and technique to fulfil the secure requirement of multilevel secure database and discusses the logic model of implementing the mandatory access control of the multilevel secure system and gives the codes to illuminate the important technologics of the mandatory access control .

    较为详细地分析多级安全数据库实现的方案和技术,并侧重论述了多级安 全子系统中强制访问控制 模块实现的模型思想,以及实现强制访问控制的关键 技术,并加以代码说明。