telecommunication link

[ˈtɛlɪkəˌmjunɪˈkeʃən lɪŋk][ˈtelikəˌmjuni-ˈkeiʃən liŋk]


  • This system can realize the high - efficient and scientific management to the functions of Billing & Account in telecommunication and it can also become an important link in overall computerization and specialization in business treatment of telecommunications .

    此体系结构的研究与设计,可以实现 电信结算功能的高效化和科学化管理的目标,成为电信业务处理全面计算机化、专业化的一个非常重要的 环节

  • Calculation of Telecommunication Interference Caused by Yunnan-Guangdong ± 800 kV Ultra High Voltage DC Transmission Link

    云广± 800kV特高压直流线路 通信干扰计算

  • The reliability of telecommunication network not only related to the node link and topology of network but also related to the capacity of network .

    通信网的可靠性不仅与网内节点、 支路可靠性和网的拓朴结构有关,还与容量有关。

  • This article described the network structure model for stratospheric telecommunication system and pointed out that the ATM on wireless link was the main technology in this system .

    分析并给出了平流层 通信系统的网络结构模型,指出ATM无线 传输技术是平流层通信系统的主要技术。

  • Local telecommunication network is connected by quite a lot of equipment and link any default of a component may communicate with several other equipments and cause many children alarm .

    本地 通信网是由大量设备与 链路互连组成的,其中一个部件的故障可能关联多个设备和 链路,从而引发大量衍生的告警。

  • Good evening Shen Le you went to the expo and as we saw in your story the major telecommunication carriers are churning out applications that 's going to link more devices to their networks .

    晚上好沈乐,你去过展览会,正如我们在你的报道中看到的,主要 电信运营商正大量生产更多设备 联系到他们网络的应用程序。

  • On this basis the telecommunication interference caused by this DC link is calculated and evaluated .

    在此基础上对该 线路 电信干扰进行了计算和评估。

  • Technical drawbacks of TD-SCDMA system are analysed in this paper from many aspects including the characteristics of personal telecommunication system in walking environment spectrum spread gain and comparison of different 3G standards radio link budget and smart antenna etc.

    文章从步行环境 移动 通信系统的特征、3G标准的比较和扩频增益、无线 链路预算及智能天线的作用等方面分析了TD-SCDMA标准可能存在的技术缺陷。

  • With the increase of structure data in the areas of internet telecommunication biology information and social network analysis ( SNA ) link mining has became an attracted research area in data mining .

    由于在互联网、 电信、生物信息、社会网络分析等领域可获得的链接丰富的数据日益增多, 链接挖掘已经成为数据挖掘的研究热点。