taxation administration

[tækˈseʃən ædˌmɪnɪˈstreʃən][tækˈseɪʃən ədˌminisˈtreiʃən]

[法] 税务费用

  • To establish service model taxation administration system matches with our party .

    建立服务型 税务 管理体系符合我们党的宗旨和 政府的性质。

  • The management of the tax sources is the embodiments of the Tax management and the national economic policy . It is the beginning and basis of tax administration and runs through the whole taxation administration .

    税源管理是治税思想和国家经济政策的具体体现,是 税收 管理工作的起点和基础,贯穿于税收征管 工作的全过程。

  • The first is the introduction part including background purpose meaning description of research and the review of development of the taxation administration system and the impact of the enterprise by system optimization .

    一是导论部分,包括研究背景、目的、意义、研究内容的说明及 办税系统的发展综述和办税系统优化对企业财务的影响综述。

  • The State Taxation Administration shall in combination with deepening the reform of tax collection administration earnestly conduct the organization guidance supervision and inspection of this work .

    国家 税务 总局要结合深化税收征管改革,切实做好对这项工作的组织指导和监督检查。

  • The whole system is mainly consisted of internal portal and external portal taxation administration system .

    整个系统主要包括内部门户、外部门户、 纳税 申报 等子系统构成。

  • The former official reply on tax exemption issued to the representative office upon approval by the State Taxation Administration shall still be effective .

    原已经国家 税务 总局批准享受免税待遇的代表机构,原免税批复仍然有效。

  • The State Administration of Taxation initiated the pilot assessment for VAT payment in Qingdao State Taxation Administration in 1999 .

    1999年国家税务总局开始在青岛市 国税 实行增值税纳税评估试点工作。

  • Specific measures for the implementation of this Circular shall be worked out by the State Taxation Administration in conjunction with the departments concerned .

    本通知的具体实施意见,由国家 税务 总局会同有关部门制定。

  • Scheme of environmental tax already initially took shape designed by Ministry of Finance State Taxation Administration and Ministry of Environmental Protection .

    对此,由财政部、国家 税务 总局和环保部三部委拟定的环境税方案初步成型。

  • This paper is concerning of a research of the practices and problems in local taxation administration and the behavior of taxpayers and tax offices coming from the experience of regional local taxation administration practices .

    本文从基层税务工作者在区域经济的税收征管实践体会出发,探索对地方 税收征收 管理实践中存在的问题及纳税人与税务机关的涉税行为进行研究。

  • The tax service is an important element of our current taxation administration .

    纳税服务是我国目前 税收 征管中的一个重要内容。

  • Taxation administration is an important step in the execution of the tax law and is the guarantee for the realization of the aims of the tax law ;

    税务 执法是税法运行的法律本科毕业论文重要环节,是税法目标实现的保证。

  • Land Taxation Administration in the Qing Dynasty : Jianyang County Land Tax Case during Qianlong Period The Copper Coin Money 's Circulation and Government Management in 1736-1795

    从乾隆建阳田赋案论清代的 赋税 管理清乾隆年间制钱的流通与政府应对

  • From now on in order to meet the demands of state macro-control the State Taxation Administration is authorized when necessary to list additional items that may not be subjected to tax reductions or exemptions .

    今后,根据国家宏观调控的需要,如需增加不得减税免税的其他项目,授权国家 税务 确定。

  • Since tax administrator system was implemented it has been playing a more and more important role in both tax source management and taxation service . It advanced taxation administration by law promoted the quality and efficiency of taxation administration and strengthened the tax source management .

    税收管理员制度施行以来,在税源管理和纳税服务 工作中的作用得以强化,有力地推进了依法治税工作, 税收 征管的质量、效率、税源控管力度得到进一步提升。

  • In 2008 State Taxation Administration built up large enterprises tax Division of Management and followed by tax departments at all levels the special tax management about large enterprises was carried out all of the country .

    大企业税收管理司是国家 税务 总局于2008年成立的 部门,随后,各级、各地方税务机关也纷纷成立了大企业税收管理 机构,针对大企业的专业化管理在全国展开了。

  • To establish the tax assessment index is the core of the tax assessment the state taxation administration announced a series of tax assessment indexes in the document .

    在该办法中,国家 税务 总局认识到建立纳税评估指标是开展纳税评估 工作的核心,由此公布了一些重要的纳税评估指标。

  • Strengthening of taxation administration of self-employed private economy and intensification of taxation on audit of accounts involve many sides and have an integral nature it is therefore a difficult job .

    加强个体、营经济 税收 征管,强化查帐征收工作涉及面广,综合性强,难度较大。

  • This thesis pays great attention to the theories concerning with data warehouse and J2EE technology and based on which gives a prototype data warehouse system applied to one city-level taxation administration business furthermore an up-to-run data query system is established according to this model .

    本文在研究数据仓库理论和J2EE技术的基础上,提出了基于某市级 国税系统业务系统的数据仓库原型系统,并初步实现了该市税收数据查询分析系统。

  • Study and Development of the Quality Investigates System Based on Taxation Administration Database

    基于 税收 征管数据库的 征管质量考核系统的研究与开发

  • Study on Construction of Reconciliation System of Taxation Administration Lawsuit

    税务 行政诉讼和解制度的构建

  • In the process of reduce asymmetric information and carry out tax excellently target technical innovation of taxation administration is one of the important method .

    在减少信息不对称、实现税收优化目标的过程中, 税收 征收 管理技术创新是重要手段之一,具有自身的特点和作用。

  • The asymmetric information of both collect tax and pay tax brings negative influence for taxation administration .

    在税收征收 管理过程中,征税方和纳税方的信息不对称给 税收 征收 管理带来一定负面影响。

  • Tax levying and administration are a crucial indispensable part of taxation administration .

    税收征管是 税收 管理活动中重要的、必不可少的内容之一。

  • This essay presents after an analysis of the existing problems a feasibility study for the application of performance management in Taxation Administration at grass-root level .

    本文在分析了目前基层 税务行政 管理中存在的问题后,对绩效管理在基层 税务 行政 管理中的运用进行了可行性研究。

  • It determines the quality and efficiency of the taxation administration system .

    它决定着 税收 征管 工作的质量和效率。

  • Research on the Archives of Taxation Administration under the Taxation Informationization Environment

    税收信息化环境下 征管档案 管理研究

  • We should correctly understand the dialectical relationship among collection administration and check and reasonably establish internal offices for the taxation administration .

    正确理解征、管、查之间的辩证关系,合理设置内部 征管 部门

  • More comprehensive and stable daily operation and maintenance management are required since the China Taxation Administration Information System ( CTAIS ) and more other tax information systems were deployed and applied at the provincial level in 2006 .

    随着2006年中国 税收综合 征管系统(CTAIS)在我省完成省级集中部署和全面应用,越来越多税收信息系统实现了省级集中,对税收信息系统日常运维的职责要求不断加强。