
[ˈtɪr][ˈtɪə steɪnd]


  • Her face was dirty and tear-stained .

    她污垢满面, 泪痕 斑斑

  • I found a crumpled tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk an English paper .

    我在他桌子深处找到一张 皱巴巴 的纸。

  • Dorm room beaming smile has gone a tear-stained face slowly moving to each individual .

    宿舍里一 张张灿烂的笑脸已 ,一 沾满 泪痕的脸庞缓缓移动到每一个人 上。

  • He sat up his head muzzy with the dream his cheeks salty tear-stained .

    满脸 泪痕,咸咸的。他坐起来,脑海里还懵懵懂懂地萦绕着那个梦。

  • She hurriedly slipped the tear-stained letter into her pocket ; and rising leaned out of the window to hide her face .

    她把那封 沾满 的信匆匆塞进 衣兜起身,将身子探出窗外,不让他看到自己的脸。

  • It made the drops of water on the grass glitter like beads and showed up the dirtiness of Jill 's tear-stained face .

    阳光 得草地上的水珠像珍珠一样闪闪发亮,也使吉尔满是 泪痕的脸 显得

  • He looked down into scarlett 's tear-stained face and some of the wrath faded but it was still hard and set .

    他低头看了看思嘉 满面 ,气也就渐渐消了,但依然 面孔。

  • Two women with tear-stained faces told us how the fire had destroyed their village .

    两个脸上带有 泪痕的妇女告诉我们她们的村庄是如何被大火烧毁的。

  • She wiped her eyes and a slight smile began to crease her tear-stained cheeks .

    她擦去眼角的泪水,一个不显眼的微笑弄皱了她 满脸 泪痕的脸颊。

  • The winds still moan through the fields and the tear-stained cheeks of dawn are pale .

    风儿仍在呜咽 掠过田野,黎明苍白的脸颊 泪珠