technical progress

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈprɑɡˌrɛs][ˈteknikəl ˈprəuɡres]


  • This some technical progress has welcomed the dry process the semi-dry process desulphurization haze desulphurization technology recent fast development time .

    这一些 技术 进步,迎来了干法、半干法脱硫烟气脱硫技术的新快速发展时期。

  • Technical progress also can promote scientific development conversely .

    技术 进步反过来也能促进科学的发展。

  • Promote China 's technical progress and economic development by using ZF products and technology .

    用ZF的技术及产品带动和促进中国的 技术 进步及经济的发展。

  • Technical Progress Industrial Structure Transition and Their Effects on China 's Employment

    技术 进步、产业结构变动对我国就业效应的经验研究

  • Have realized the enterprise 's goal of technical progress and profit increase year By year

    实现了企业 技术 进步和经济效益逐年增长

  • This paper analyzes the correlations among the demands of coke market Chinese economic growth steel industry growth coke price policy and the technical progress etc.

    分析了焦炭市场需求与中国经济增长、钢铁工业增长、焦炭价格、政策和 技术 进步等的相关性。

  • Technology trade as a channel of the technology transfer has played an important role in the LDC 's economic growth and technical progress .

    技术贸易作为技术转让的一种途径,在有效推动欠发达国家经济增长和 技术 进步中起着重要的作用。

  • Analysis of the Technical Progress and the Development Prospects of Coal Derived Methanol Industry in China

    我国煤基甲醇产业的 技术 进展及发展前景分析

  • The technical progress plays a key part in all cases .

    在所有情况下, 技术 进步都起着关键的作用。

  • Under the framework a country 's policy objectives for bioenergy production are identified first & along with forecasts of economic and population growth and technical progress .

    这一框架工具首先确认一个国家的生物能源生产的政策目标,还将确认经济和人口增长以及 技术 进步的预测。

  • Industrial Deepening and Technical Progress in China & Based on the Regional View

    中国工业深化和 技术 进步&地区视角的分析

  • Adhere to technical progress and speed up structural adjustment in our cement industry

    坚持 技术 进步加速我国水泥工业结构调整

  • Fourth to quicken technical progress and improve the technological innovative capabilities of enterprises .

    四是加快 技术 进步,提高企业技术创新能力。

  • Research on Technical Progress and Technical Efficiency of China 's Logistics Industry

    中国物流业 技术 进步与技术效率研究

  • Technical progress of domestic and foreign acetone-benzol dewaxing units were introduced in detail .

    详细介绍了国内酮苯脱蜡装置 技术 进展 情况

  • They therefore restrained free competition and served as a check on technical progress and market expansion .

    所以中国的行帮反而限制了自由竞争,不利于 技术 进步和扩展市场。

  • The adjustment of the economic structure industrial structure and the technical progress of science make steady development in Chinese economy .

    经济结构、产业结构的调整,科学 技术 进步,使我国经济以稳健的态势发展。

  • Digital media is becoming the strong power of university culture based on technical progress .

    数字传媒正在成为基于 技术 进步的大学文化有力支撑点。

  • After technical progress element and quality of factor of production introducing to improve an element in increasing research when economy the connotation of capital concept expanded .

    当经济增长研究中引入 技术 进步因素和生产要素质量改善因素后,资本概念的内涵扩大了。

  • Author has introduced the technical features and the present technical progress of purification process of low temperature methanol washing ;

    介绍了低温甲醇洗净化工艺的技术特点和近期 技术 进展

  • In this article the history of physics of liquid crystals was reviewed and current technical progress of research on LCD was reported .

    本文回顾了液晶物理学的两次发展高潮,对当前LCD的 技术 发展动向作了介绍。

  • Technical progress frees humankind of heavy labour and inconvenience .

    技术 进步将人类从繁重的体力劳动和生活不便中解放出来。

  • I do not mean to suggest that there was no technical progress during this long time .

    我并不是说,在这段历史期间没有任何 技术上的 进步

  • The Research on Chinese Energy Efficiency Based on Technical Progress and Marketization Innovation

    基于 技术 进步与市场化改革的中国能源效率研究

  • With the technical progress and the economical development the energy structure has changed gradually .

    和灭 科技 上和经济的收铺,动力构造逐步 收生变更。

  • In this paper the development course of superalloy in China the technical progress and innovation in recent years and works in the future are described .

    本文描述了我国高温合金的发展历程,近期的 科技 进步与创新和今后需进行的工作。

  • The Analysis of Technical Progress and Energy Efficiency Based on ARDL Method

    技术 进步与能源效率&基于ARDL方法的分析