abbr.Tank Car 油槽车

  • Study on sentinel lymph node biopsy by carbon nanoparticles and ~ ( 99m ) Tc sulfur colloid for rectal cancer

    联合纳米炭和~(99m) Tc-硫胶体标记法行直肠癌前哨淋巴结活检的研究

  • Objective To explore the relationship between plasma total cholesterol ( TC ) concentration and the risk to myocardial infarction .

    目的探讨血浆总胆固醇( TC)水平与心肌梗死患病风险的关系。

  • The removal efficiency of TC by PVP-NZVI under different reaction conditions were investigated .

    探讨不同反应条件对 PVP-NZVI去除四环素的影响。

  • As the applications a new integrable coupling of TC hierarchy by using the Tu scheme .

    作为应用,利用屠格式得到了 TC方程族的一个新的可积耦合。

  • This game source code for the TC game !

    本游戏源码为 TC小游戏!

  • Study the effect of composition variation within the constituent oxides in the high-Tc superconductors to the structure TC and hole concentration .

    研究高温超导体中各种氧化物间组成变化对结构、 超导 温度和电洞浓度的影响。

  • TC-IDV : A New Tool for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting and Research

    TC IDV热带气旋预报和研究的新工具

  • For example a schedule will have a reference to TCs ( a credential path ) stored along with it .

    例如,时间表可能与 TC的引用(凭证路径)一起存储。

  • SpringSource tc Server includes Apache Tomcat enhanced operational management capabilities and advanced server and application diagnostics .

    SpringSource tcServer包含了ApacheTomcat、增强的操作管理能力及高级服务器和应用诊断功能。

  • In specific reaction medium glyphosate-isopropylamine TC were synthesized using glyphosate and isopropylamine as starting material .

    在特定反应介质中,采用草甘膦酸和异丙胺为原料合成了草甘膦异丙胺盐 原药

  • To understand the relationship between levels of serum TG TC GLU UA with sex and age .

    目的了解高校教师血清甘油三酯、 胆固醇、血糖和血尿酸水平与性别、年龄的关系。

  • It allows you to dramatically reduce the time spent waiting for apps to redeploy when working with tc Server .

    在使用 tcServer时,它可以在很大程度上减少等待应用重新部署的时间。

  • Studies on safety and effecting factors of floating tablets in stomach with ~ ( 99m ) Tc

    ~(99m) Tc研究胃漂浮片试验的安全性和影响因素

  • When receiving a TC an authentication provider will not verify their origin or consistency explicitly but implicitly only .

    当收到 TC时,身份验证提供者并不显式地检验其来源或一致性,只隐式地检验。

  • TC called third-party BGI simple procedure to achieve strong results it is really very rare procedure .


  • The TC determines the need for achieving interoperability within current identity standards .


  • Why TC 's games are so disgusting ?

    为什么 TC的游戏是如此恶心?

  • Megatron not here soundwave and casseticon not here TC and Skywarp not here .

    威震天不在,声波和磁带们不在, 惊天雷和闹翻天不在。

  • Q.Do you anticipate that there will be more companies led by women at the TC50 and Disrupt this year ?

    你预计在 TC50 TC 颠覆 大会由女人领导的公司 不会多一点?

  • MR : I am a co-chair of the SCA-J TC and a member of4 other SCA-related TCs .

    MR:我是 SCA-J技术委员会的联合主席和4个其他SCA相关技术委员会的成员。

  • But still need attention are : first response to TC 's little understanding of graphics programming !

    但仍需注意的是:首先应对 TC的图形编程有点了解!

  • CONCLUSIONS : The relationship between serum total cholesterol ( TC ) and dementia seems to be bidirectional .

    结论:血清总 胆固醇 水平与老年痴呆的关系似乎是双向影响的。

  • A data-correction scheme for sustained wind speed and TC frequency is also provided .

    进一步提出了对 台风年鉴数据中风速和频数的订正方法。

  • OBJECTIVE : To investigate changes in serum TC from midlife to late life and their relationship with late-life cognition .

    目的:研究中年到晚年血清 胆固醇 水平所发生的变化,以及这种变化与老年认知功能之间的关系。

  • Non-thermal wind vorticity variations and the TC central pressure changes are in a better consistency .

    非热成风涡度的变化与热带 气旋中心气压变化有较好的一致性。

  • Tocopherol cyclase ( TC ) is a key enzyme for plant vitamin E biosynthesis .

    生育酚环化酶( TC)是维生素E生物合成途径中的关键酶。

  • TC here is a centerpiece of the method as it helps to track environment factors .

    这里的 TC是方法的核心,因为它可以帮助跟踪环境因素。

  • Name the Test Case folder TC_Folder and click OK .

    将测试用例文件夹 命名 TC Folder,并点击OK。