technology import

[tɛkˈnɑlədʒi ˈɪmpɔrt][tekˈnɔlədʒi ˈimpɔ:t]

[经] 技术引进

  • Chinese enterprises have enhanced the competitive ability by technology import and innovation .

    中国企业通过 吸收 国外 技术增强了竞争实力,必须走 引进消化与创新之路;

  • The examining and approving organ shall issue a Technology Import Contract Approval Certificate which is uniformly designed and numbered by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade .

    由审批机关颁发经贸部统一制刷和编号的《 技术 引进合同批准证书》

  • The technological fusion is a kind of action of the technological innovation and is the successor activity of the technology import it plays important part .

    技术融合是企业技术创新活动中的基本行为,它是 技术 引进的后续环节,对提升企业的技术能力有着重要的作用。

  • Suggestions are raised in the article on mode selection technology import as well as key project organization of high-speed train .

    对我国高速列车模式选择、 技术 引进、攻关组织等方面提出建议。

  • The competent authorities of commerce are in charge of the administration of registration of technology import and export contracts ;

    商务主管部门是 技术 进出口合同的登记管理部门;

  • Technology import contracts for projects with feasibility study reports approved by the ministries / commissions of and departments under the State Council are to be examined and approved by MFERT .

    但是,跨地区委托设在北京的公司(不包括北京市属公司) 对外签订的 技术 引进合同,由经贸部审批;

  • The entities receiving technology from a supplier the technology import contract signed by the two parties shall undergo examination and approval procedures in accordance with the provisions of these Detailed Rules .

    该类企业从供方获得技术所鉴定的 技术 引进合同,应当按照本细则的规定办理审批手续。

  • The Research on the Correlation of Technology Import and Technology Innovation in China

    技术 引进与我国技术创新的关联研究

  • Secondly if the technological gap between the local technology and foreign ones is absolutely small to forbid the technology import is reasonable .

    当国际可选择技术与我国自主研发技术质量差距较小时,我国政府应限制本国的 技术 引进活动;

  • A recipient of imported technology or a company or enterprise commissioned to sign a technology import contract with the foreign party

    技术 引进合同的受方或者代理对外签约的公司、企业

  • Research of Automobile Industry International Technology Import Way of Our Country

    我国汽车业国际 技术 引进方式研究

  • Pesticide company mainly engaged in processing compounding and agricultural products applied technology research and pesticide sales goods and technology import and export .

    公司主要经营农药加工、复配及农化产品应用技术的研究以及农药销售、货物及 技术 进出口。

  • At the same time involved in commercial and domestic supply and marketing materials goods and technology import and export diversification of the company .

    同时涉及国内商业及物资供销业、货物及 技术 进出口多元化发展的公司。

  • It shall commission a company or enterprise which is authorized to import technology from abroad to sign a technology import contract with the foreign party and shall provide a power of attorney .

    应当委托具有对外技术引进经营权的公司、企业对外签订 技术 引进合同,并出具委托书。

  • The technology import must shoot three birds with one stone

    技术 引进要“一石三鸟”

  • An Analysis on the Deviation of Technology Import and FDI in China

    我国 技术 引进与外商直接投资背离的分析

  • A technology import contract shall state clearly the following items .

    技术 引进合同应当订明下列事项。

  • AMMC 's main business scope : domestic trade goods import and export technology import and export sideline : agricultural technical consultation and property leasing .

    公司主要经营业务范围:国内贸易、货物进出口、 技术 进出口;兼营:农机方面的技术咨询,物业租赁等。

  • This conclusion bears great significance to technology import and technology innovation for a country with catching-up economy as China .

    这一结论对中国这一经济赶超型国家的 技术 引进和技术创新战略具有重要意义。

  • Technology Import and Biased Technical Change : a Comparison of Anhui Province with Guangdong Province and the Whole of China

    技术 引进与制造业技术变迁偏向:全国、安徽省、广东省的比较研究

  • Study on Problem and Countermeasure Technology Import of China

    中国 技术 引进问题与对策研究

  • Other technology import contracts which the examining and approving organs believe should undergo examination and approval procedures .

    审批机关认为应当履行审批手续的其他 技术 引进合同。

  • Where the receiving party to a technology import contract infringes another person 's lawful rights and interests by using the technology supplied by the supplying party the supplying party shall bear the liability therefore .

    技术 进口合同的受让人按照合同约定使用让与人提供的技术,侵害他人合法权益的,由让与人承担责任。

  • For the technology import contracts that comply with relevant regulations the foreign enterprise may enjoy the benefits of enterprise income tax reduction and exemption .

    对于符合规定的 技术 进口合同,外国企业可以享受减免企业所得税的优惠。

  • Attaching importance to technology import in foreign investment ;

    重视外商投资项目中 技术 引进

  • The company is focus on technology import and self-designed products and takes it as the company tenet .

    上海强翠实业有限公司坚持 技术 引进和自主开发并用的企业宗旨。

  • The Institution integrates technology import development and trial-manufacture test and technical cooperation which is the international transfer of technology with Russia and China .

    技术 引进、研发、试制、试验以及技术合作为一体、中俄共建的国际技术转移机构。

  • Own and operate all types of goods and technology import and export agent business but the state limited companies or prohibit the import and export of goods and technologies except ;

    自营和代理各类商品和 技术 进出口业务,但国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外;

  • Any licensed or registered technology import contract which has terminated shall be submitted with the competent foreign trade department under the State Council for filing .

    经许可或者登记的 技术 进口合同终止的,应当及时向国务院外经贸主管部门备案。

  • A technology import contract involving the assignment or licensing of patent or trade rights obtained in China

    涉及在中国取得专利权或者商标权的转让或者许可的 技术 引进合同