abbr.Technical Data Report 技术数据报告

  • Detection and Analysis of Aerospace Wire Insulation Faults Based on TDR

    基于 时域 反射 的航空导线绝缘故障检测与分析

  • The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases ( TDR ) is also under review .

    也在对热带病研究和培训特别规划( TDR)进行审查。

  • The Application of the Pulse TDR Gauge to Power Plant

    脉冲 时域 反射 计在电厂中的应用

  • Design and Realization of Testing System for Measuring Communication Cable Breakpoint Based on TDR

    基于 时域 脉冲 回波的通信线缆断点测试系统的设计与实现

  • TDR has advanced and matured technology and process in treatment of leachate and it is the forthgoer and practitioner in domestic high standard treatment of leachate .


  • On the basis of electromagnetic theory and time domain reflectometry ( TDR ) method the effects of TDR sensor type material and size on the accuracy of the measurement are systematically analyzed .

    从电磁学理论及时域反射测量( TDR)法出发,系统分析TDR传感器类型、材料及尺寸对测试精度的影响。

  • Tanzanian scientists were among those that nominated TDR for the award .

    坦桑尼亚科学家提名将该奖授予 热带 研究 培训 特别 规划

  • Step wave is better in TDR than pulse wave .

    故障 检测中阶跃波 优于脉冲波;

  • In extension however TDR had a steeper slope than controls at the L4 / 5 operative level .

    然而,伸展时,在L4/5手术节段 TDR与正常对照相比倾斜度更大。

  • Application of TDR to Liquid Level Measurement on High-pressure Heater

    TDR 技术在高压加热器液位测量中的应用

  • TDR is working on indicators to measure whether the framework is having any effect .


  • Phosphogypsum Slag Site Monitor Technique Based on TDR

    基于 时域 反射 的磷石膏渣场监测的 试验研究

  • Key technology of TDR is Disk-Tube Reverse Osmosis ( DTRO ) system .

    主要产品是 管式反渗透垃圾渗滤液处理系统。

  • TropIKA . net run by the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases ( TDR ) will provide free information chosen by experts for practical use in infectious disease studies .

    这个名为TropIKA.net的网站是由热带疾病研究和培训特别项目( TDR)发起的,它将提供由专家选择的免费信息,让它们用于实用的传染病研究中。

  • Laboratory TDR monitoring of physicochemical process in lime kiln dust stabilized clayey soils ;

    采用 时域 反射 监测石灰加固土内的物理化学反应过程。

  • TDR can be used as thermal mat on laps for better comfort .


  • As a result the TDR used for monitoring landslide can fast realize real-time the continuous monitoring .

    由此可见, TDR用于滑坡监测,能够实现快速、实时、连续监测。

  • One possible method to measure water contents is Time Domain Reflectometry ( TDR ) which is widely-used especially in hydrology or soil-physics .

    时间域反射法( DR)一种测量含水量的方法,这种方法被广泛应用于水文学和土壤物理学中。

  • The Information Evidence and Research cluster now includes the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases ( TDR ) .

    信息、证据和研究部门现在包括了 热带病研究和培训特别规划。

  • Experimental Study on the Suitability of TDR Technology in Landslide Deformation Monitoring


  • MPR images were useful supplements for axial images in TDR diagnosis which improved the diagnosis .

    MPR是横断面诊断 TDR的重要补充,有助于提高 TDR诊断水平。

  • Visit the grant opportunities page in the TDR ( Tropical Disease Research ) web site or the capacity strengthening page in the RHR ( Reproductive Health and Research ) web site .

    请访问 TDR(热带病研究)网站的资助金机会网页或RHR(生殖卫生和研究)网站的能力加强网页。

  • There will be a report to the TDR Standing Committee .

    将向 TDR常设委员会提交报告。

  • Design of a test instrument for measuring ADSL cable breakpoint based on TDR

    基于 TDR的ADSL线缆断点测试仪设计

  • Now in GMRC with the help of TDR and the probing system we can cover most of impedance tests .

    目前,在GMRC利用 TDR和探针系统。我们可以进行阻抗测试。

  • Development and application of TDR probes to monitor water level and electrical conductivity

    地下水位及电导率 TDR测试探头研制与应用

  • Analysis on Water Content Deviation of Expansive Soil Measured by Moisture Measurement System Based on TDR

    基于 TDR 技术的水分测量系统量测膨胀土含水量偏差分析