technical requirement

[ˈtɛknɪkəl rɪˈkwaɪrmənt][ˈteknikəl riˈkwaiəmənt]


  • Technical Requirement & Quality Control of Construction for Self-Compacting Concrete

    自密实混凝土 技术 要求及施工质量控制

  • Dynamic measurement of crude oil & Technical requirement of displacement meter installation

    GB/T9109.2-1988原油动态计量容积式流量计安装 技术 规定

  • The principle and technical requirement of throwing stone and pressing mud concrete pile are described and its actual application to the compound foundation is introduced .

    论述了投石压浆素砼桩的基本原理及 工艺 技术 要求,并介绍了在复合地基中的实际应用。

  • General technical requirement of oil film bearing for rolling mill

    GB/T13345-1992轧机油膜轴承通用 技术 条件

  • The plane comes in and taxis up to its place . Technical requirement of launching appliances for free-fall lifeboat

    飞机降落了,并滑行到位。 GB/T16303-1996自由降落救生艇降放装置 技术 条件

  • Brief survey and technical requirement analysis of series cleaner for aircraft

    飞机系列清洗剂概述及 技术 要求综合分析

  • Technical requirement and test method for the non-glare display glass tube

    GB/T14126-1993显示管防眩玻屏 技术 要求及试验方法

  • The Seller shall provide complete drawing data of the generating set based on the technical specification technical requirement scope of supply and warranty condition .

    卖方应根据机组技术规范, 技术 要求,供货范围,保证条件等提供完整的图纸资料。

  • Technical requirement for the safety sailing of vessels & Communication and navigation

    GB/T6551-1993船舶安全开航 技术 要求通信与导航

  • Negotiate with customer and clarify the technical requirement and conclude the technical agreement .

    与客户沟通,明确 技术 要求,达成技术协议。

  • Main Technical Requirement and Its Inspection for Electronic Products

    电子产品的主要 技术 要求及其质量检验

  • General technical requirement and testing method for marine power plant

    GB/T12980-1991船舶电站通用 技术 要求和试验方法

  • Aeronautical communications log Global maritime distress and safety system ( GMDSS ) & Technical requirement for marine telecommunication equipment

    GB15304-1994全球海上遇险安全系统(GMDSS)船用无线电通信设备 技术 要求

  • In this paper the composition technics and technical requirement of cladding additives of ammonium nitrate are studied .

    文章主要对包覆硝酸铵所选用材料的复合工艺及 技术 要求等进行研究。

  • Technical requirement for lifeboat davit installation

    GB13406-1992吊艇架装置 技术 条件

  • A key technical requirement is that an SaaS application can enable housing of multiple tenants within one infrastructure .

    一项重要的 技术 需求是,SaaS应用程序可以在一个基础结构中承载多个承租者。

  • For the technical requirement of the ultra-narrow gap TIG welding a method of optimization design is put forward based on numerical simulation and entity model .

    针对超窄间隙TIG焊的焊接 工艺 要求,提出了一种基于实体建模和数值模拟仿真相结合的焊枪优化设计方法。

  • The scheme does not only meet the technical requirement but also embodies the integration of water conservancy engineering and water culture .

    方案在满足 技术要求的同时体现了水利工程与水文化的融合。

  • This requirement borders being a technical requirement and a business requirement .

    这个需求既是 技术 需求,也是业务需求。

  • Most of these are matters of convention not of technical requirement but you are doing your site wrong not to provide them .

    大多数这种文件都与约定有关,而非 技术上的 要求,但如果不能提供这些文件,就会使站点创建误入歧途。

  • Based on special technical requirement in tobacco baking and operation trait fuzzy control with variable factor is designed for different tobacco first baking phase .

    根据烟叶初烤 工艺 要求和操作特点,为初烤阶段设计了可变因子模糊控制算法。

  • The results show that the complicated and precise Al alloy castings produced by the technology can satisfy technical requirement .

    实践证明,用该方法生产的复杂薄壁铝合金铸件,能够满足 技术 要求

  • You will identify technical requirement on the system base on the business needs and opportunity and come up with system solution to meet the technical requirement .

    您将确定你的 技术 建立在系统的业务需求和机会上的,并提出系统解决方案,以满足技术要求。

  • The new process technology and technical requirement of large diameter thick wall steel tube for super tall building are discussed .

    阐述了超高层建筑大直径厚壁钢管的加工新工艺、新 技术 要求;提出防止焊接裂纹及振动时效消除焊接应力的措施。

  • Estimate rough effort and write technical requirement specification as input for detailed design ;

    评估 需求开发的工作量,编写 技术细节、接口文档作为开发人员开发依据;

  • In the meanwhile the technical requirement to the TEM is higher and higher .

    与此同时,对瞬变电磁法 技术 要求也越来越高。

  • In this article the general principle and technical requirement is discribed .

    本文阐述了混比系统一般工作原理和 技术 要求

  • Process and technical requirement for the development of the active pharmaceutical ingredient ( API ) generic drugs

    仿制原料药研究开发流程及 技术 要求

  • In addition it corresponds to WTO / TBT Agreement that certification scheme and technical requirement harmonize with IEC Guidelines and standards .

    此外,它相当于在WTO/TBT协定的认证计划和 技术 要求相协调,与IEC的准则和标准。

  • Your product 's code must provide for both rank amateurs and all the possible cases an expert might encounter . Don 't let this technical requirement influence your design thinking .

    你的程序代码必须同时解决业余爱好者和专家可能会遇到的各种情况,但不要让这样的 技术 需求影响你的设计理念。