tax on sales

[经] 销售税

  • In addition the central government 's recent decision to increase the consumption tax on liquor sales has squeezed liquor makers'profit margins laying the ground for the price rises .

    此外,最近中央政府近期决定 白酒 销售增加消费 也挤压了生产商的利润,加剧了白酒价格的上涨。

  • China rolled out a5 percent tax on oil and gas sales in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on a trial basis in June last year to help fund the development of western provinces .

    去年六月份,中国在新疆维吾尔族自治区试点, 石油、天然气 征收5%的 税率,为西部省份的发展提供资金。

  • China said it would scrap a tax rebate on agricultural commodities exports to clamp down on foreign sales .

    中国表示,将取消农业大宗商品的出口 退税,以减少粮食 出口

  • The local taxation authorities for the enterprises who commission export must levy tax on the goods as those for domestic sales .

    委托企业所在地的税务机关须 该批货物按 内销 征税

  • Currently the turnover tax of logistics industry is mainly levied on sales tax only a small part of logistic processing services is levied on value-added tax .

    物流业现行 征收的流转 主要是 营业税,只有少部分的物流加工劳务征收增值税。

  • The government has tried repeatedly to cool the property market in recent years including through the tightening of mortgage requirements the adoption of a new tax on short-term sales and more .

    近年来香港政府不断试图给房地产市场降温,措施包括提高按揭贷款门槛以及对购入不久即 出售的住宅 开征一种新 等。

  • China has confirmed that a new tax on sales of primary resources will be rolled out nationwide .

    中国证实,初级资源 销售将在全国范围内实行。

  • But Mr Tang said that under current Chinese law Mr Chen was not required to pay tax on his share sales .

    但唐骏表示,根据中国现行法律,陈发树无需为 出售股票而 缴税

  • New house purchasing deed adjustment hardly has any significant impact on the housing market whether it is to raise or lower the tax rate there has little change on either house price or sales volume of Hangzhou real estate market .

    新房购置契税税率的调整几乎对商品房市场没有太大影响,无论是提高还是降低 税率 商品房市场的 成交量和价格都改变不大。

  • Moscow has raised a gasoline export duty by a hefty 44 per cent this month in what amounts to the imposition of a prohibitive tax on overseas sales .

    本月,莫斯科将汽油出口关税大幅上调44%,实际上相当于 海外 销售实施寓禁于 税收

  • On Handling of Income Tax on Equal Sales and Tax Planning

    视同 销售中所得 的处理及税收筹划 问题

  • They can be crude by restricting trading or banning new investors from the markets or subtle perhaps by imposing a capital gains tax on share sales .

    他们可以正面出击限制股票交易或禁止新投资者入场;也可以采取迂回手段,或许可以 股票 出售征收资本利得

  • Some state statutes impose special taxes usually in the form of stamp tax on sales of stock .

    有些州的法规 股票 销售征收特种税,通常是以印花 的形式 征收

  • Value-Added Tax shall levied on sales of philately stamps and first day covers by postal departments .

    邮政部门 销售集邮邮票、首日封,应当 征收增值

  • Despite a recent increase in the wholesale tax on cigarette sales the cost of smoking remains very low on the mainland & with some packs selling for less than $ 1 .

    尽管香烟的批发 销售 近来有所提高,但在中国大陆的吸烟成本仍非常低&有些香烟每盒售价不到1美元。

  • Almost all states and many other taxing units levy a tax on sales of merchandise .

    几乎所有的国家和许多其它收税单位都 商品的 销售 抽税

  • State media said late Thursday that a0.1 percent stamp tax on buying shares would be abolished although an equivalent tax on share sales would remain .

    据国家媒体上周四晚间的报道,现行税率为千分之一的证券(股票)买入印花税将被取消,证券(股票) 卖出方印花税仍按原有 税率 计征

  • More specifically the IRS is threatening to impose a withholding tax of up to 30 per cent on sales of US assets by groups that it deems to be non-compliant – and the assets could include US shares or US Treasury bonds .

    说得更具体点,美国国税局威胁,要 其认为违规的公司 出售美国资产的收益征收至多30%的预扣 &这些资产可能包括美国股票或美国国债。

  • The proposed enterprise value tax on sales of financial partnerships is not a bill of attainder as prohibited by the US constitution – a law that victimises an individual or a small group .

    拟议中的、 出售金融合伙企业 征收企业价值 的法案,并不是一部受到美国宪法禁止的、牺牲个人或小团体利益的‘不经审判便定罪法案’。

  • But a much larger number of affluent Britons feel hard hit by tweaks to tax allowances as well as higher taxes on pension contributions capital gains and house sales .

    但是大量英国富人遭受到 税前扣除额的重击,另外,他们还要缴纳高额的养老金、资本所得税和房屋 销售税。

  • Since 1993 California entrepreneurs and early-stage investors have enjoyed a partial state income tax exclusion on sales of stock of a qualified small business .

    自1993年以来, 销售“合格”小型企业股票的加州企业主和早期公司投资者一直都 享受州所得 的部分减免。

  • In particular the mainland 's tax regime is so irrational that its local governments rely heavily on real estate for their revenue-probably more than the SAR government relies on land sales .

    不合理的 税制,造就了地方政府 土地财政的严重依赖,其程度较之香港政府对 地收入的依赖有过之而无不及。