tax treatment

[tæks ˈtritmənt][tæks ˈtri:tmənt]


  • The notice has important significance as before the release of Bulletin No.13 corporate restructuring transactions tax treatment has been not very clear .

    在13号公告发布之前,企业重组交易有关的增值 处理一直并不十分明确,该公告的出台对此具有重要的意义。

  • A wine investment fund is treated as a financial vehicle however and therefore is subject to the same tax treatment as any other kind of financial fund .

    但葡萄酒投资基金被视为一种金融工具,因此和其它任何形式的金融基金一样适用同样的 税收 政策

  • Exploring the Accounting and Tax Treatment of Non-Monetary Assets Transactions

    试析非货币性资产交换的会计和 税务 处理方法

  • What is the tax treatment for the couple in relation to home loan interest deduction ?

    就该对夫妇的居所贷款利息扣除在 税务上怎样 处理

  • The aim is to pressure countries which offer foreigners favorable tax treatment into abiding by OECD rules .

    目的是给那些为外国人提供 逃税 服务的国家施加压力,使他们遵守OECD规则。

  • According to the current accounting standards and the law of enterprise income tax this paper discusses accounting and tax treatment of non-monetary assets transactions .

    以现行会计准则和企业所得税法为依据,论述了非货币性资产交换的会计处理和 税务 处理方法。

  • They provide for favourable tax treatment that reduces the tax bills of wealthy people who live in the UK but do not regard it as their permanent home .

    它们为那些生活在英国但未将这里视为永久家园的富人提供了很大的 税收 优惠,降低了这些人的税负。

  • We are equalising the tax treatment between foreign and local investors .

    我们是在使外国和本地投资者的 税收 待遇平等化。

  • Cause analysis and countermeasures on the differences between accounting treatment and tax treatment

    会计处理与 税务 处理差异的成因分析及对策

  • He is trying to get a more rational tax policy adopted one that gives favourable tax treatment only for investments held for 36 months rather than the current 12 months .

    他正在促使政府采取一项更加合理的税收政策,该政策将仅对持有超过36个月的投资给予 税收优惠 待遇,而非现行的12个月。

  • But liberals happily take private equity money to block reform of carried interest tax treatment .

    但自由派自己乐意拿私人股本的钱,阻拦附带权益的 税收 待遇改革。

  • The United States follows a global system with respect to the tax treatment of income earned in other countries .

    美国对于在其他国家取得的所得的 税收 待遇,采用的是全球制。

  • Preferential Income tax treatment to enterprises in poverty stricken regions

    贫困地区企业优惠所得 待遇

  • Xviii . preferential income tax treatment to enterprises utilizing waste

    十八、对废物利用企业优惠所得 待遇

  • There is difference on tax treatment when a branch and subsidiary are set up by a foreign investment .

    企业在进行国外投资时,设立分支机构和子公司的 税收 待遇不同,二者各有利弊。

  • Cooperatives are allowed special tax treatment if they chose to follow certain rules .

    如果合作社运营遵循一定规定,则允许享受特殊 税收 待遇

  • Private companies still face considerable disadvantages when it comes to tax treatment and government funding for research and development while state suppliers are highly reluctant to make way for new competition .

    税收 待遇及用于研发的政府基金方面,民营企业仍面临相当的劣势,而国有军品供应商则非常不愿意给新竞争对手让路。

  • The qualified enterprises that employ new employees holding the Preferential License for Re-employment in current year will enjoy relevant preferential tax treatment .

    对符合条件的企业当年新招用持《再就业优惠证》人员,将享受相应的 税收 优惠

  • In such case the foreign funded Start-up Investment Enterprise as Limited Liability Partnership might enjoy the preferential tax treatment under the2007 Notice .

    在这种情况下,有限责任合伙人制的创业投资企业可以享受2007年通知规定的 税收 优惠政策。

  • Preferential income tax treatment to enterprises transferring technologies

    二十、技术转让企业优惠所得 待遇

  • Xxii . preferential income tax treatment to enterprises which provide job opportunities for the unemployed

    二十二、为失业者提供就业机会的企业的优惠所得 待遇

  • An even bigger problem is the favourable tax treatment of debt relative to equity .

    而更大的问题是对于权益性负债的 税收 优惠

  • The tax treatment of debt was relatively stable .

    债务所 取的 税额相对稳定。

  • By illustrating the excessive administrative rules and less attraction in tax treatment it showed the problems in the designing of our present private pension system .

    从行政规定过多和 税收 优惠激励不足说明了我国企业年金制度设计中存在的问题。

  • A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment .

    农民能够得到某种具体的 税收 待遇

  • What would be the tax treatment for the home loan interest deduction under personal assessment ?

    在以个人入息课税方式评税下有关居所贷款利息扣除在 税务上怎样 处理