working item

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈaɪtəm][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈaitəm]

[经] 工作项目

  • This paper introduces the working foundation item planning control survey survey of detail cadastral inventory and so on which applies digitalization surveying and mapping technique to carry through cadastration .

    对利用数字化测绘技术进行地籍测量的 作业依据、 项目策划、控制测量、碎部测量、地籍调查等作了介绍。

  • Thank you ! you 'd better put this drawing in the starter . it 's more convenient for working By the way what item do you arrange for tomorrow ?

    谢谢!你最好把图纸放在启动箱内。 工作时很方便。顺便问一下,明天你安排什么 项目

  • The working draft is unclear as to whether a sub-list such as the Leave menu appears when a user activates the main list or whether a user must activate the sublist item itself .

    关于当用户激活主列表时子列表(如Leave菜单)是否会出现,还是用户必须激活子列表 本身以使其出现, 工作草案并未说清楚。

  • When working with multiple development lines the team area a work item is associated to is determined by its Filed Against and Planned For properties .

    处理多条开发线时,与工作 物件关联的团队区域将由其类别和目标确定。

  • Working with QA and sourcing for npi & nii process including new item setup new formula update and new material implementation to ensure the transaction smoothly and limit the quantity of dead inventory .

    质检及采购部门一起,建立或更新包括 产品的名称,产品生产公式及原料的采用方案等档案,并要确保这一过程的顺畅而且要减少库存积压的数量。

  • A group of persons working on behalf of or strongly supporting a particular cause such as an item of legislation an industry or a special segment of society .

    为某项特殊事业,如某法 条文,某种产业或某一特定社会部门 工作的或强烈地支持它的一群人。

  • Help business to work after working well each item sell the front and sell ;

    协助业务做好各项 售前及售后 工作

  • A work item type author can define a defect work item type that has a state called working and use this work item when a developer is making changes .

    工作项类型作者可以定义状态名为“ 正在进行”的“缺陷”工作项类型,并在开发人员做出更改时使用此工作

  • Dynamic process of heard working - a principle of least cardiac work with cardiac kinetic item

    心脏作 的动力学过程&考虑动功率的最小 原理

  • The problems of definition content method and working procedure as well as managing period of item of the relative ex-post evaluation during the ex-post evaluation work of port construction item are described in the paper .

    阐述港口建设项目后评价工作中有关后评价的定义、内容、方法、 工作程序及 项目管理周期等问题。

  • Open the work item by using the Work Item view to change the state to Start Working .

    通过使用WorkItem视图打开这个工作 条目,从而更改此状态为Start Working

  • According to the characteristics of technological process at the stage of engineering development this paper suggests that the verification should be included in the working procedure of technological regulation so as to determine the item to be controlled and the method of control .

    根据型号在工程研制阶段工艺设计特点,文中提出了在工程研制阶段工艺设计 可将检验作为 工序安排在工艺规程中,针对要控制特性的特点,控制方有多种式。

  • Results The total level of satisfaction of the doctors working in the township hospitals is low and the most unsatisfied item is lack of chance to get promotion .

    结果:广东省乡镇卫生院医生总体满意度处于一般水平,最不满意的是 职称 晋升机会。

  • While scientists have discovered that a kid 's working memory holds on average one less item than an adult 's the jury is still out on why this is the case .

    尽管科学家们发现儿童的瞬时记忆区域中所能储存的信息 条目平均要比成年人少一条,但这个现象的原因所在仍然没有 公论

  • Sources of working capital are subdivided into profit sources and other sources ; applications of working capital are also subdivided into profit distribution and other applications all shall be shown item by item .

    营运资金来源分为利润来源和其他来源,并 分项列示。 营运资金运用分为利润分配和其他用途,并 分项列示。

  • Optionally add a layout table and arrange the controls as you did when working with the edit item template .

    或者,也可以按照 使用编辑 模板的方式添加布局表和安排控件。

  • It means that the code is working properly and that the value of the imgpath configuration item is being set and read properly .

    这个结果意味着代码 运行正常并且正常设定和读取了imgpath配置 的值。

  • Note that when working with multiple development lines the Planned For attribute ( see below ) also affects the team area a work item is associated to .

    请注意,在 处理多条开发线的时候,PlannedFor属性(参见下面)也影响与工作 物件关联的团队区域。

  • However that is part of the point : Using a for loop makes working with each item in a container simple even with a list that contains a variety of different objects .

    但是,这是一部分要点:使用for循环使 处理容器中的每个 项目非常简单,甚至处理包含各种不同对象的list也是如此。

  • After complete processing the products planned by the producing plan and working progress form the production department should make records according to the completion situation ; in case any item is not finished it should be adjusted appropriately .

    按“生产计划及 进度跟踪表”中所确定的产品加工结束后,生产部应根据完成情况进行记录;对未能按时完成的 项目,应予以适当调整。