working method

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈmɛθəd][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈmeθəd]


  • This text analyzes the CBAC working method and realizing method and gives an application example for CBAC .

    本文分析了CBAC的 工作 方式和实现方法,并给出了一个CBAC应用的实例。

  • The new working method further reduced production costs .

    新的 操作 方法进一步降低了生产成本。

  • The working method and requirement of the hydrologic reconnaissance for the wellhead field of the alluvial lacustrine plain are systematically expounded in this paper .

    本文系统地阐述了冲湖积平原水源地水文勘测 工作 方法及要求,结合小杨庄水源地指出了水文勘测工作的重要性。

  • To link work at selected spots with that in entire areas is a very effective working method .

    点面结合是一个很有效的 工作 方法

  • The paper introduces the networking plan and the working method for HLR redundancy backup .

    本文对HLR冗灾备份的组网方案及 工作 方式等关键内容进行了介绍。

  • The advantages of the reel internal gear with cold extruding technology replacing traditional metal cutting working method were narrated and the technological for the reel internal gear was analyzed .

    叙述了卷筒内齿轮用冷挤压工艺代替传统的金属切削 加工 方法的优点,并对卷筒内齿轮进行了工艺分析。

  • Introduced control system main construction process working theory and working method .

    介绍了定向钻穿越控制系统、主要施工程序、作业原理和 作业 方法

  • Did this working method establish itself unconsciously or is it the result of years of work ?

    这种 表演 方式是无意识形成的还是多年经验的成果?

  • Study on Geological Conditions and Working Method along Fengjie and Wushan of Three Gorges Reservoir Area

    三峡库区奉节·巫山一带农业地质条件及 工作 方法探讨

  • This paper analyzes the optimal path of Dual ring network MAC control protocol and presents a new control mode . Then it studies the working method of self healing network when network malfunctions in this new control mode .

    在对双环网络最优路径的MAC协议控制方式的研究中,提出了一种新的控制方法,并进行了分析,同时对各种自愈环网的 工作 过程进行了讨论。

  • This paper mainly introduces the research realms working method and procedures of the geology of coalfield geophysical logging .

    简要介绍了煤田测井地质学研究的主要内容和一般 工作 方法及应遵循的工作流程等。

  • It is necessary to unify the working method procedure and assistant software in constructing national wide spatial database .

    在全国空间数据库建设 工作中,实行统一的 工作 方法工作程序和建库辅助软件,可实现高效率、高质量的效果。

  • They fell on every opportunity to improve their working method .

    他们利用每一个机会来改进他们的 工作 方法

  • Activity of five caring about is an innovation of three combination activity and is a leap on the understanding of family planning thoughts and working method .

    “五关爱”活动是计划生育“三结合”工作载体的创新,是人口和计划生育工作思路和 工作 方法认识上的一次飞跃。

  • Our working method should be as I have just mentioned that is to consult with the people concerning all matters and to solve problems through conferences of representatives .

    我们的 工作 方法就是刚才谈的,一切事情和他们商量,用开代表会议的方式解决问题。

  • This article discussed the location and the working method of student mass organization in university .

    本文论述了在高校中学生社团的定位及其 工作 方法

  • Exploration of fundamental characteristic and working method of railway engineering quota work in the new era

    谈新时期铁路工程定额基本特征与 工作 方法

  • He begins to use a systematic working method and receives very good result .

    他开始采用一种系统化的 工作 方式,并且收效很好。

  • Problem needs attention in strengthening supervising working method of residence project

    加强住宅工程监理 工作 方法应注意的问题

  • Since the adoption of the new working method production has gone up .

    自从采用了新的 工作 方法,产量提高了。

  • The invention discloses a sputtering depositing separation cavity type deposition device for a vacuum thin-film and a working method for the same .

    本发明公开了一种溅射、沉积分离腔式真空薄膜沉积装置及其 工作 方法

  • By means of improving working method the settlement of abutment is solved well .

    通过改进 施工,桥台沉降问题得到了很好的解决。

  • We have to improve our working method .

    我们得改进一下 工作 方法

  • The paper introduces the aim and content working method structural analysis as well the content and result of monitoring for the construction control of the bridge .

    该文介绍了该桥施工控制的目的和内容、 工作 方法、结构分析及监测内容和成果。

  • We have to give people who are responsible of many departments time to create a functional empathy and a new working method .

    我们必须让那些许多部门的时间来创建一个功能的同情和新的 工作 方法负责人。

  • This was when he evolved the working method from which he has never departed .

    就在这个时候,他逐步形成了那种他一直沿用至今的 工作 方法

  • Provision of information instruction training and supervision to ensure implementation of the safe working method .

    提供资料、指引、培训及监督,确保安全 工作 方法能够切实执行。

  • Completed pile working method of bore hole filling pile in the rock area with under-earth mined out layer

    这去掉了我的一桩心事。有地下采空层的岩石地区钻孔灌注桩成 工法

  • This working method which is related to that used especially for running movements is inadvisable .

    这个分片包干的 工作 方法,是同那种专搞运动的方法有关,是不好的。