


  • He tried to open an account at the branch of his bank nearest to his workplace .

    他想在自己银行离 工作 单位最近的网点开一个账户。

  • With Workplace Forms you can create forms that automate the capture and processing of business information .

    有了 WorkplaceForms,就可以创建自动捕获和处理业务信息的表单。

  • The government will legislate against discrimination in the workplace .

    政府将制定法律,在 工作 场所禁止歧视。

  • The ideal working environment to me is a challenging and fun workplace .

    对我来说,最理想的工作环境应该是充满挑战和乐趣的 地方

  • The researchers sought to study the relationship between workplace bullying and job performance .

    研究人员试图研究 职场欺凌与工作业绩之间的关系。

  • In the main children are taboo in the workplace .

    工作 场所基本上禁止儿童进入。

  • Don 't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions

    不要让 工作中的一点烦 心事打击了你的雄心抱负。

  • The research also found one in 20 women experienced workplace sexual harassment .

    此外,调查还发现,平均每20名女性中就有1名曾经历过 职场性骚扰。

  • I think I need to consider my workplace ergonomics .

    我觉得我需要考虑改造我的 办公室 工作环境了。

  • I have a safe workplace .

    我有一个安全的 工作 环境

  • Complete installation configuration and maintenance information for Workplace Forms Server can be found in the product documentation .

    完整的 WorkplaceFormsServer安装、配置和维护信息可以在产品文档中找到。

  • Your workplace is your second home and the people you work with are your second family .

    你的 工作 场所是你的第二家庭,和你一起共事的人也 就算是你那里的家人。

  • Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights .

    工会领袖们即将赢得争取 工作 场所权利斗争的胜利。

  • Her company ran its own workplace nursery .

    她的公司开办了内部的 托儿所

  • They do not operate out of fear in the workplace but out of happiness and generosity .

    工作 场所中,他们的行为并非出于恐惧,而是出于快乐和慷慨。

  • Women 's battle for equal rights has certainly had an effect & both in the workplace and at home .

    当然,女性在 工作和家庭中为争取平等权利而进行的斗争(对男性流泪比例提高)也起到了一定的作用。

  • In the workplace how we select a suitable own industry and work ?

    在职 中我们如何选择一个合适自己的行业和工作呢?

  • Workplace canteens are offering healthier foods than ever before .


  • Michael : That 's good because there are strict laws about sexual harassment in the workplace .

    迈克尔:那很好,因为关于 工作中的性骚扰有很严厉的法律条文。

  • Their houses were workplaces as well as dwellings

    他们的房子不仅是住所,还是 工作 场地

  • In this section we discuss execution and the hindrances we encounter in the workplace .

    在本节,我们讨论执行和在 工作时遭遇的阻碍。

  • But many believe that informal channels and conversations in the workplace can be helpful to employers .

    但许多人认为,在 工作 场所的非正式沟通渠道和交谈可能对雇主们有益。

  • Children are another significant determinant of workplace behaviours and attitudes .

    子女是决定 工作中的行为和态度的另一个关键因素。

  • This is normal behaviour and I do not include pressure bullying in my definition of workplace bullying .

    这是“正常”的行为,我不会把压力欺负行为包括在我对“ 职场欺负”的定义当中。

  • My new workplace is full of flowers and plants .

    我的新 工作 场所到处是鲜花和植物。

  • Civil servants must maintain confidentiality with State and workplace secrets .

    公务员必须保守国家和 工作秘密。

  • It seems that your personality clashes with the workplace culture .

    你的个性似乎与这种 工作文化产生了冲突。

  • A workplace for the conduct of scientific research .

    进行科学研究的 地方