xerosis cutis

[zɪˈrosɪs ˈkjutɪs][ziəˈrəusis ˈkju:tis]


  • It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that Ginseng essential oil can relieve xerosis cutis improve cutaneous circulation and promote metabolism .

    《精油全书 中记载人参精油有缓解 皮肤 干燥,促进皮肤血液循环,增进新陈代谢。

  • Foot guard essence : It contains bio-grease VE VB and the other active factors . It can repair xerosis cutis whiten and protect skin .

    护足精华素:含生物脂、VE、vb等多元活力因子,能修护 皮肤 干燥 皲裂、美白护肤。

  • Smoking is a predictive factor and sex age xerosis cutis skin rash are relate to the response rate in advanced NSCLC patients .

    吸烟是预后 不良因素,性别、年龄、 皮肤 干燥和皮疹与近期疗效相关。