
[ˈwɔrnˈaʊt, ˈworn-]['wɔ:n'aʊt]


  • Jackets are being made from discarded plastic bottles briefcases from worn-out tires and belts from beer-bottle caps .

    废弃的塑料瓶变成了茄克衫, 磨损的轮胎变成了公文包,啤酒瓶盖变成了皮带。

  • Her shoes had worn-out tops and soles & In fact they were so full of holes They showed off all her bony toes .

    她的鞋面和底都 穿破了&事实上,它们有那么多洞以至于露出了她所有瘦骨嶙峋的脚趾。

  • My trousers are worn-out .

    我的裤子 穿破

  • We are tired of such old and worn-out self-criticisms .

    我们已经厌倦了这种 老生常谈式的自我检讨。

  • The clothes are worn-out .


  • ' A passport to a brighter future ' : it sounds like a worn-out advertising slogan but for once the cliche has substance .

    “通往更加光明的未来的通行证”,这话听起来像句 老掉牙的广告词,但这次这句套话却言之有物。

  • During our residency we collect the worn-out gloves of the labourers from the road .

    在我们的进驻期间我们在路上收集了民工们 穿破 的手套。

  • You idiot forget that worn-out hat .

    你这傻瓜,就别管那 破烂帽子了。

  • The stranger was wearing a blue coat that looked costly but it was very old and worn-out .

    那个陌生的男人穿着的蓝色外套看上去很昂贵,但是衣服已经很旧了, 磨破

  • But without me I am afraid that you can only wear the worn-out ones .

    要是没有我,恐怕你只能 穿破衣服

  • The shoes are worn-out .

    这鞋已经 不能 穿了。

  • Tom drives fast on worn-out tires he is asking for trouble .

    汤姆 磨损的轮胎开快车,简直是自找麻烦。

  • You look worn-out after your long journey .

    你走了很长的路,看上去 风尘仆仆

  • He often wears a worn-out coat .

    他常穿一件 破烂不堪的大衣。

  • They were worn-out after their long walk .

    他们在 长途跋涉累垮

  • These shoes are worn-out .


  • Not only did I witness a memorable romance that day I saw a glimpse of forever in a loving couple 's tired and worn-out eyes .

    在那天,我不仅是目睹了一段难忘的浪漫,我从一对相爱的夫妇的疲倦而 憔悴的眼睛中,看见了永恒的瞬间。

  • She repaired the worn-out doll .

    她修补 的洋娃娃。

  • These shoes are worn-out . they 've lasted a long time .

    这些鞋已经 磨破 。它们撑了好久了。

  • She was dressed in worn-out clothing .

    她穿着 破旧的衣服。

  • I am really worn-out form work .

    我真的工作非常 疲劳

  • But is worried about things like maintenance replacement of worn-out parts and storage space .

    但对于维修、 磨损零件的更换和存放感到担心。

  • Excited worn-out yet still satisfied she fell soon into a deep heavy sleep .

    由于激动和 疲倦,也因为满足,她很快进入了沉睡。

  • The worn-out guide ring of the piston skirt should be renewed .

    活塞裙上 磨损 倒换应该换新。

  • The head waiter saw his worn-out trousers and dirty old shoes .

    领班就瞧见他的 裤子和旧脏鞋。

  • We swapped the worn-out tyre for a brand new one .

    我们把那个 破旧的轮胎换成全新的。

  • These cars are worn-out and must be replaced .

    这些车子 破旧 ,必须更新。

  • He looked quite worn-out after a two days'train journey .

    他连坐了两天火车,显得很 疲倦

  • Watched the back view of her worn-out clothes going away he dazed for a while .

    他望着她 离去的、 穿破衣裳的背影,怔了好一会。