working plan

[ˈwə:kɪŋ plæn][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ plæn]


  • Finish the working plan according to department 's index .

    配合部门的 工作指标,完成 计划

  • To work out working systems of the Federation and organize the implementation of annual working plan ;

    制定本会工作制度,组织实施年度 工作 计划

  • Article6The State Council shall prepare an annual legislation working plan at the beginning of each year .

    第六条国务院于每年年初编制本年度的立法 工作 计划

  • On Tuesday the Chengdu government released a working plan on the free migration of its residents between urban and rural areas starting in2012 .

    上周二,成都市政府就自2012年开始实现城乡居民的自由迁徙发布了一份 工作 计划

  • Report : what 's your next working plan ? and what 's your biggest dream that have not achieve in your life ?

    接下来的 工作 计划是什么?人生中还未完成的最大的梦想是什么?

  • To make out annual working plan and financial budget program for the federation ;

    制定本会年度 工作 计划和财务预算方案;

  • To preside over daily works of administrative bodies and organize the making and implementation of annual working plan ;

    主持办事机构日常工作,组织制定和实施年度 工作 计划

  • Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors Prepare working plan to support the audit plan and carry out internal audit .

    执业会计师和审计师协会根据年审计计划执行独立审计,编制恰当的 工作 报告,以支持执行中的审计 工作

  • An optimal decision base for automatically making the shift working plan of the marshalling station with computer is supplied .

    从而,为 日班 计划的计算机自动编制提供一个优化决策基础。

  • Train Scheduling is the train working plan and the promises which railway transportation affords to society .

    列车运行图是铁路运输企业的列车 运行 生产 计划,是向社会提供服务的一种承诺。

  • Be responsible for monthly work summary and working plan of the next month to analyze the existing problems and put forward the improvement measure .

    负责做好月度工作总结及下月 工作 计划,分析存在的问题,提出改进措施。

  • The school working plan for the first term in2003 .

    2003学年度第一学期学校 工作 计划

  • We must band ourselves against natural calamities despite the disputes on the working plan .

    尽管我们对 工作 计划存在着分歧,但我们应该联合起来与自然灾害作斗争。

  • Management personnel may use this function make the institution work plan working plan or the work of the project plan and at the same time to these plans decomposition to specific implementation staff ; and can always check plan implementation .

    管理人员可以使用本功能制订整个机构工作计划、 部门 工作 计划或项目工作计划,同时将这些计划分解到具体的执行人员;并可以随时检查计划的执行情况。

  • Makes working plan according to company 's target .

    根据公司目标制定 部门 工作 计划

  • It is more important to ensure the rationality and effectiveness of station working plan .

    因此,保证车站 作业 计划的合理性、有效性对客运站有着重要的意义。

  • That helps establishing operation decision preparing the next year working plan with reference .

    为电信制定经营决策、编制下年度的 工作 计划提供依据与参考。

  • Train graph and timetable are the working plan and foundation for train operation management .

    列车运行图和运营时刻表是城市轨道交通行车组织的 工作 计划和基础。

  • Therefore some suggestions for drawing up our strategic target and working plan on Ocean Resoureces exploitation are also put forward in this paper .

    为此,作者对制订我国进行海洋矿物资源开发的战略目标及其 实施 计划提出了几点建议。

  • Besides HACCP control system was introduced in the management of grape wine production based on hazard analysis of each processing unit and grape wine HACCP working plan was formulated .

    对葡萄酒生产工艺流程工作单元进行危害分析,将HACCP控制体系系统地引入葡萄酒生产管理过程,建立了葡萄酒HACCP 工作 计划

  • Implementing stage : establishing the model unit and bring the holistic nursing care into the hospital 's working plan ;

    实施阶段:建立模式病房,将整体护理工作内容纳入全院 工作 规划中。

  • Open-minded and be able to work under pressure Job Description : Assists the production manager with arrangements for working plan ;

    思维通达并能承受压力岗位职责协助生产经理对车间 工作进行 合理安排;

  • Help me hang up this working plan .

    帮我把这幅 工作 计划挂上去。

  • Budget Auditing Controlling of Working Plan for Make Sure the Construction Cost Reasonable

    把握 施工 预算审核合理确定工程造价

  • The working plan for development of Global Mineral Resources Information Database and its Application and Management System ( GMRIDAMS ) and framework of this system were ascertained based on a systematic investigation on the relevant databases at home and abroad .

    在对国内外全球矿产资源数据库进行系统调研的基础上,作者确定了全球矿产资源信息数据库及应用管理系统( GMRIDAMS)的开发思路和框架结构。

  • Ideally the budget should be prepared by all managers at all levels and be sufficiently comprehensive to be an operational working plan .

    在理想状态下,预算是由组织内各级管理者 共同 参与 制定的,并且非常具体和富有操作性。

  • It is inappropriate to discuss the next-stage working plan during noon break or the payment issues at office .

    在午休的时间谈论下一步的 工作 计划,在大办公室里谈论薪酬问题,都是不合适的。

  • We provide brand new working plan our machines can turn the troublesome rocks broken bricks cement blocks etc into reliable basement for new roads ;

    我们还提供全新的 路政 施工 方式,我们的机械可以把原来施工人员厌烦的不规则的石块,砖头,瓦砾完全变成新路的扎实路基;

  • This achievement in research provides important information for the research of the acidizing process of hydrocarbon reservoirs and working out rational acidizing working plan .

    此项研究为油气储层酸化工艺的研究及制定合理的酸化 施工 方案提供了重要的资料。

  • Set up club 's working plan each year report to members'convention about implementation situation .

    制定俱乐部每年的 工作 计划,将落实情况向会员大会报告。