


  • This workshop was organized around three overlapping themes : perception and movement learning and memory and development .


  • He bolted down a few mouthful of food and hurried back to the workshop .

    他匆匆忙忙吃了几口东西,又 回车 去了。

  • Each teacher will run a different workshop that covers a specific area of the language .

    每位老师都会单独主持一个 研讨会,讨论语言的一个特定领域。

  • I washed combed my hair and went to the workshop .

    我洗了脸,梳了头,就去 车间了。

  • None of the machines in our workshop are idle .

    我们 车间里的这些机器没有一台是空闲的。

  • The head of the workshop ordered that the work should be finished in two days .


  • Please give this letter to the director when you go to the workshop .

    你到 车间请捎手把这封信交给主任。

  • Five young workers have been assigned to our workshop .

    拨了5名青年工人到我们 车间

  • The workshop is on fire .

    车间 工厂 w_107起火了。

  • This workshop has air-pumping equipment .


  • Tidiness in the workshop is really essential for producing good work

    工作 干净 整洁对于生产出好的产品非常重要。

  • I have a workshop with three technicians and my own secretary .

    我有一个 工作 ,三个技术人员和我的秘书在那儿工作。

  • You may have our leave to visit the workshop .

    我们同意你去参观这个 车间

  • The factory director has gone to the workshop .

    厂长下 车间了。

  • This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby


  • Man : I was at a physics workshop last month in Munich .

    上个月我去了慕尼黑的一个 研讨会

  • He turned round and headed for the workshop .

    他扭转身子,向 车间走去。

  • The workers in this workshop do day and night shifts in weekly rotation .

    这个 车间的工人上白班和上夜班每周轮换一

  • The Jamaica Festival is planning a series of workshops and business seminars .

    牙买加节正在筹划一系列 研习 和商务研讨会。

  • Smoking is out in the workshop .


  • They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the basement

    他们买了一处老校舍当住房,然后在地下室里建了一个 作坊

  • Please take this study material with you to the workshop .

    你顺便把这份学习材料带到 车间去吧。

  • Workshop on Data Analysis Methods and Applications

    数据分析方法和应用 讲习班

  • The small workshop challenges big companies in marketing .

    作坊 着力开拓市场,向大公司叫板。

  • He has been transferred to be head of a workshop .

    他已调任 车间主任。

  • Trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ran a jazz workshop for young artists

    小号手马库斯·贝尔格雷夫为年轻艺术家办了一个爵士乐 研习

  • His workshop connected with a small building in the garden

    他的 工作 连着花园里的一栋小楼。

  • My son is an apprentice in a furniture maker 's workshop .

    我的儿子在一家家具 里当学徒工。