tennis elbow


  • Method : 327 cases of tennis elbow ( 369 elbows altogether ) were treated with conservative treatments initially and 263 cases were treated with local block therapy .

    方法:对327例 网球 患者(369肘)开始均施以非手术治疗,263肘施行了局部封闭治疗。

  • Helps prevent and rehabilitate tennis elbow .

    网球 病去哪家医院治好?

  • Results Among all the people 432 people underwent tennis elbow ( 36.98 % ) . Brachiocubital ligament injury was 63.42 % . Radial collateral ligament injury was 31.25 % .

    结果1168人中,432人患有不同程度的 网球 ,高达36.98%,其中尺侧副韧带损伤63.42%,桡侧副韧带损伤31.25%,多部位损伤5.32%。

  • Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a common condition effecting nearly three percent of the general population not just those who play tennis .

    网球 即肱骨外上髁炎是一种常见疾病,约3%的人受到其困扰,而不仅仅是那些打网球的人。

  • Normal elbow and intractable tennis elbow was significant difference ( P 0.01 ) .

    正常肘关节与难治性 网球 有显著性差异(P0.01)。

  • Objective To explore the differentiation diagnosis of Proximal radioulnar joints damage and tennis elbow and observe the curative effects of tuina treatment .

    目的探讨桡尺近侧关节损伤与 网球 的鉴别,观察手法治疗的疗效。

  • Therapeutic effects of superficial Needling and block therapy on obstinate tennis elbow

    浮针治疗顽固性 网球 疗效观察

  • Objective : To investigate the results that recalcitrant tennis elbow were treated by release of the common extensor origin through small lateral incisions of the elbow .

    目的:对肘外侧小切口切断伸肌总腱治疗顽固性 网球 的疗效进行评价。

  • Objective To compare the therapeutic effects of triple puncture at Tianzong ( SI 11 ) and routine acupuncture on obstinate tennis elbow .

    目的:比较齐刺天宗穴为主与常规取穴针刺治疗顽固性 网球 的疗效差异。

  • Of course many more such as Scleroderma Sjogren 's syndrome Vasculitis Myositis ( includes polymyositis and dermatomyositis ) Tennis Elbow Frozen Shoulder Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and so on .

    当然还有很多,比如硬皮病、干燥综合征、 网球 、冻结肩、腕管综合征等。

  • Intractable Tennis Elbow Treated Mainly with Needle-knife

    针刀为主治疗顽固性 网球 45例

  • Objective : To study the mechanism of treating tennis elbow by using stick-beating method .

    目的:探讨棒击法治疗 网球 的作用机制。

  • Investigation of students recognition of tennis elbow in tennis specific course and treatment of tennis elbow ; Study on the League Match System style teaching mode for selected ball courses

    网球专选班学生 网球 认知状况的调查与防治球类专选课联赛制教学模式初探

  • Method 44 patients with tennis elbow were randomly divided to two groups .

    方法 网球 病人44例,随机分为2组。

  • Moxibustion for 30 Cases of Tennis Elbow and Tenosynovitis

    隔药灸治疗 网球 和腱鞘炎30例

  • Studies have suggested that PRP preparations may promote healing in medical situations ranging from tennis elbow to spinal surgery .

    研究已表明:PRP制剂能在从 网球 到脊柱手术多种医疗情况中促进愈合。

  • Whether it is your runner 's knees or creaky tennis elbow all can cause discomfort especially if untreated .

    无论是运动的膝盖还是脆弱的 ,都可能导致不适,特别是得不到治疗时。

  • Indicated for arthritis and tennis elbow and ideal for improving finger mobility .

    适合手部关节炎、 网球 或希望改善手指灵活性的人士。

  • Practical research on therapy of tennis elbow by using stick-beating method

    棒击法治疗 网球 的实践研究

  • Observations on the Efficacy of a Knife Needle plus Acupoint Catgut-Embedding in Treating Refractory Tennis Elbow

    穴位埋线结合针刀治疗顽固性 网球 疗效观察

  • The torque which made the forearm pronation was generated by the impact force and it affected the B ' forearm which kept a posture of supination a lot . This was also an important risk factor leading to tennis elbow .

    碰撞力产生的使前臂旋前的力矩对在 击球过程中一直保持前臂旋后状态的初学者是一个重要的 损伤因素。

  • Objective At present not yet the main pathological changes of refractory tennis elbow is the brachial and radial synovial incarceration of refractory tennis elbow X-ray signs of in-depth research reports .

    目的目前国内尚未提出难治性 网球 主要病理改变是肱桡关节滑膜的嵌顿及难治性网球肘X线片征象深入研究的报道。

  • He also fixed a tennis elbow within no time .

    与此同时他还治愈了我的 网球

  • On the cause of formation diagnose prevention and treatment of the tennis elbow

    试论 网球 的成因、诊断、预防与治疗

  • Treatment of the Tennis Elbow

    网球 的治疗

  • Differentiation Diagnosis of Proximal Radioulnar Joints Damage And Tennis Elbow And Tuina Treatment

    桡尺近侧关节损伤与 网球 的鉴别及手法治疗

  • Youve heard of tennis elbow .

    网球 大家都听说过吧。