
[医] 体被的,皮肤的

  • Scanning electron microscopic observations on tegumental damage of Schistosoma japonicum after treatment with levo-praziquantel

    左旋吡喹酮对日本血吸虫 皮层损害的扫描电镜观察

  • Studies on the Tegumental Membrane Proteins from Adult Schistosoma Japonicum : ⅰ . Observations on Reactions of Cellular and Humoral Immunity

    日本血吸虫 表皮膜蛋白的研究Ⅰ.细胞免疫和体液免疫反应观察

  • Conclusion : The detailed vascular anatomical data of the tegumental tissue on the back area of the trunk are provided for the clinical design of the scraping therapy and the mechanism .

    结论:本研究提供详细的躯干背区 组织的血管解剖数据,为刮痧等疗法的临床设计和作用机理探讨提供解剖学依据。

  • 24 hours after oral administration of single dose of 120mg / kg pyquiton to dogs infected with Pagumogonimus skrjabini the tegumental cytoplasmic projections swelled the mitochondria in the ground substance ;

    动物一次口服吡喹酮120mg/kg后24h, 皮层细胞质突起肿大,基质中 分泌 减少,线粒体固缩;

  • The tegumental surface was covered with microtrichia which were different in morphology on different sites .

    成虫 体表均被一层微毛覆盖,不同部位体表微毛的形态不同。

  • RESULTS : When the dose used was 300 mg . kg-1 the worms showed mild or moderate swelling fusion or even erosion and collapsed of the tegumental ridges which was characterized by swelling of the discoid sensory structures .

    结果:吡喹酮的剂量为300mg·kg~(-1)时, 宿主体内的 21-d 有轻度或中度的 皮层 嵴肿胀、融合、糜烂或 ,且以盘状感觉器的肿胀为特征。

  • Effects of praziquantel and artemether on tegumental surface antigens of different developmental stages of Schistosoma japonicum

    吡喹酮和蒿甲醚对不同发育期日本血吸虫 体表抗原 显露的作用

  • Studies on the Tegumental Membrane from Adult Schistosoma japonicum : The Value of ELISA in Assessing the Therapeutic Efficacy

    日本血吸虫成虫 表皮蛋白的研究& .ELISA法在疗效考核中的价值

  • Three types of secretion processes are observed in the tegumental cytoplasm i. e. apocrine eccrine and microapocrine processes .

    在原 尾蚴 皮层细胞质中观察到三种腺细胞的分泌过程,即顶分泌、外分泌和微分泌过程。

  • Loss of definition fusion increase in electron density and disruption of the outer plasmic membrane of the tegumental cytoplasmic processes and degeneration of sensory structures .

    皮层细胞质突起的外质膜模糊、融合、电子密度增加和 ,以及感觉结构的变性等。

  • Being inferred from this the tegumental surface structures of Qinghai two different strains Echinococcus granulosus were not only similar but also different .

    由此可见,青海两株虫 体表结构既有相似之处.又 存在差别,显示出不同虫株的 形态结构 特点

  • Conclusion Artemether causes extensive and severe tegumental damage in adult S.haematobium .

    结论蒿甲醚对埃及血吸虫的 皮层具有广泛和严重的损害作用。

  • To observe the tegumental ultrastructure of egg cercariae and the adults of Echinostoma Miyagawai may provide information for its taxonomic studies and its biological characteristic .

    目的观察宫川棘口吸虫虫卵、尾蚴及成虫的 超微结构,为其分类及其生物学特性的进一步认识提供资料。

  • Effect of artemether on tegumental surface antigen of Schistosoma japonicum

    蒿甲醚对日本血吸虫 体表抗原 显露的作用

  • Amplification sequence analysis and cloning of a novel gene encoding tegumental protein of Clonorchis sinensis

    华支睾吸虫 相关蛋白基因的扩增、序列分析和克隆

  • The tegumental surface of the mainland strain of adult Schistosoma japonicum prepared by the CO2 critical point drying method was studied using scanning electron microscopy in the depth of the oral sucker numerous silk-like villi were observed .

    本文报告用CO2临界点干燥制 的扫描电镜术观察大陆品系日本 血吸虫所发现的一些新 形态结构。