tear strip

[tɛr strɪp][tiə strip]


  • He paused a moment then continued to tear a strip off his daughter .

    他停了一会,然后接着 训斥女儿。

  • It 's staring at Rover with fear and shaking like a leaf . Why did she feel frightened of Anna as if Anna was going to tear her off a strip .

    它正惊恐地盯着狗儿 来福,并且抖得很厉害。她为什么害怕安娜,似乎安娜要严厉地 她似的。

  • Why did she feel frightened of Anna as if Anna was going to tear her off a strip .

    她为什么害怕安娜,似乎 安娜要严厉地 她似的。

  • Or tear each memory off in a strip fold it up and put it in a jar .

    或者, 每条回忆写在一个小 纸条上,折起来放到一个广口瓶里。

  • Research on anti tear steel strip of high strength bolt support sysem

    高强锚杆支护系统抗 撕裂 钢带的研究

  • The boss will really tear a strip off you if he finds out what you 've done .

    如果老板发现你所干的事情,他会真的 责骂你的。

  • When the police arrived to tear him off a strip he apologised for all the trouble he 'd caused them .

    当警察赶到 狠狠地教训了一番后,他为自己给他们带来的所有麻烦表示道歉。

  • Tear her face off strip her to the bones .

    她的脸 下来, 她的骨头。