technical stability

[ˈtɛknɪkəl stəˈbɪlɪti][ˈteknikəl stəˈbiliti]

[计] 技术稳定性

  • Then the principle of the power amplifiers is introduced including the main technical parameter classification and stability of the power amplifier .

    然后介绍了功率管放大器的原理,包括功率放大器的主要 技术指标、分类及功率放大器的 稳定性问题。

  • Some of the regularity about how to get a oil-water-solids dispersion system with high stability were discussed according to the effects of technical parameteis on the stability of paste products .

    本文结合制备 工艺条件,通过对产品 稳定性影响的实验结果,讨论了如何获得高分散、高稳定的油-水-固三相体系的一些规律。

  • At the same time a large number of direct and indirect testings showed that the technical indicators stability and reliability which meet the design requirements .

    大量的直接和间接的测试结果表明基于虚拟仪器的多路同步模拟信号源在 技术指标, 稳定性和可靠性方面达到设计要求。

  • Supercavitation technology makes great achievements in drag reduction but also poses technical challenges in system stability and control .

    然而,超空泡技术在水下航行体减阻方面取得巨大成果的同时,也给超空泡航行体的 稳定与控制带来 严峻的挑战。

  • Power system impedance is an important technical parameter to measure stability of DC power system ( DPS ) this parameter is of great practical significance to DPS design and stability analysis .

    电源系统阻抗是衡量直流电源系统 稳定性的重要 技术参数,对电源系统的设计与稳定性分析具有极大的现实意义。

  • In seasonal regions the main problems existed in the seasonal region is the frozen injury . the frozen injury also affects railway technical indexes and driving stability .

    在冻土地区中,冻害一直是铁路路基中存在的主要问题,也是影响冻土地区铁路各项 技术指标及行驶 稳定性的控制因素。

  • So the technical measures of safety stability margin regulation are put forward .

    因而提出了安全 稳定裕度调控 技术对策。

  • Finally some technical measures ensuring the stability of the soft rock are summed up .

    本文亦总结了工程实践中为保证这类岩体中井巷围岩的 稳定而常用的一些 工程 技术措施。

  • Compared with manipulator handling a rigid payload . flexible payload will cause elastic vibration which brings a lot of technical problems on stability and control of system .

    与机械臂操作刚性负载不同,柔性负载在操作过程中会引起弹性振动,这会给机械臂系统的 稳定性及机械臂对柔性负载的操控性等都带来很多 技术上的困难。

  • Some Thoughts on Main Technical Issues Arising from Vaccine Stability Study in China

    对我国疫苗 稳定性研究主要 技术问题的思考

  • Based on the collaborating simulation / design between ADAMS and MATLAB the design scheme and technical route of vertical stability control are established by double-oscillator LQG controller .

    以Adams与Matlab作为协同仿真平台,基于双振子模型LQG控制器设计,建立了 稳定控制方案和 技术路线。

  • Studies on copper catalysts by co-precipitation was reviewed and the influence of technical parameter to copper catalysts stability in the process of preparation was discussed .

    主要介绍了利用共沉淀方法制备铜系催化剂,并考察了制备过程中各个 工艺参数对铜系催化剂 稳定性的影响。

  • In this paper the effects of the main technical parameters on the dimensional stability of short-rotation poplar particleboard boned with PF resin were studied .

    研究了4个主要 工艺参数对短周期速生杨木酚醛胶刨花板尺寸 稳定性的影响。

  • Propose the appropriate technical measures to improve transient stability of the grid .

    由计算结果提出相应的提高蒙西电网暂态 稳定性 技术措施。

  • The scientific and technical matters concerned with the stability and the rheology properties of SiC slips the packing behaviors of SiC powders the manufacture of SiC tape and bulk skeletons and the process of pressure infiltration were investigated .

    研究了SiC料浆的 稳定性和流变特性、SiC粉末的填实过程、SiC薄带和骨架的制备技术、SiC的固相烧结和骨架密度的控制,以及压力浸渗等科学问题和 工艺问题。

  • Taking a 2500t / d line installation as an example the advantages and disadvantages of various combined grinding circuits with roller press are discussed through products quality technical economic index and performance stability evaluation . Comments are also made on systems selection by the author .

    本文以2500t/d配套为例,从成品质量、 技术经济指标、操作 稳定性等方面,探讨了各种不同辊压机联合粉磨系统的优缺点,提出了选择意见。

  • Finally the technical reliability and stability of the ammonium-free plating process is analysed and evaluated ; its resulting economic and environmental benefits are comprehensively assesed .

    最后,对无铵助镀工艺的 技术可靠性和 稳定性进行了分析和评价;对其所产生的经济效益和环保效益进行综合评估。

  • The result shows that the technical stability of Chinese team is low and they could hardly complete the attack and defense technique efficiently in a whole match .

    研究结果表明:中国队运动员在全场比赛时间内保持对抗中有效地完成攻、防 技术 稳定性较差;

  • This system in actual application initially solved some key technical problems high stability high maneuverability interaction and has certain practical value .

    该系统初步解决了实际应用中一些关键 技术问题, 稳定性高、交互操作性强,具有一定的实用价值。

  • The concepts of thermodynamic compatibility technical compatibility and storage stability are proposed and the relations of them are pointed out ;

    概述热力学相容性、 工艺相容性和储存 稳定性的基本概念,指出三者之间的关系;

  • In this paper the circuit and primary technical specifications of high stability and multi-function constant current power supply were introduced .

    文中介绍了作者研制的高 稳定性、多功能恒流电源的电路、主要 技术指标,以及用国产氘灯代替进口氘灯的具体作法。

  • The technical requirements of quality and stability research

    指导原则解读系列专题(七)仿制药品质量研究及 稳定性研究的 技术要求

  • Study on Prescription Technical Design and Stability of Time and Slow - released Asthma Tablet

    哮喘延迟定时释药片处方 工艺及其 稳定性研究

  • There is conflict between the technical development and humanity 's stability needs .

    技术的发展与人类的 稳定性需要相冲突。

  • Technical Stability of Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems With Small Parameters

    小参数时变非线性系统的 技术 稳定性

  • It can avoid defects such as low material utilization poor technical stability in thin wall shell-shaped production and product properties .

    采用塑性成形方法可以克服镁合金材料利用率低、在薄壁壳形件生产中的 工艺 稳定性差、产品性能方面的缺陷。

  • The Effects of Main Technical Parameters on Dimensional Stability of Poplar Particleboard Boned with PF Resin

    主要 工艺参数对酚醛胶杨木刨花板尺寸 稳定性的影响

  • It affects technical performance and system stability .

    它的存在影响着微波传输的 技术指标和系统的 稳定性