team working

[tim ˈwə:kɪŋ][ti:m ˈwɜ:kɪŋ]

[计] 协同工作

  • Research indicates that the companies that are most market-focused are those that invest in staff training and career development and encourage team working .

    研究显示,最具有市场导向的是那些愿意投资开展员工培训以及职业发展规划,并鼓励 团队 合作的企业。

  • A variety of effective team working tools which help you in decision-making at each step .

    每一个步骤均有可帮助您做决定的多种有效的 团队 工作工具。

  • Her entrepreneurial dreams were slowed however & she was recruited by Microsoft to join the HR team working with its X-Box Group .

    但她并没有很快实现自己的创业梦想&她加入了微软人力资源 团队,与X-Box部门 合作

  • Can you get assigned to a team working on a hot new project or volunteer for a task that will give you new marketable skills ?

    你是否能够分配到 正在处理一个热门项目的 队伍中?你是否愿意承担将会给予你新的更有市场价值的工作?

  • Be part of a world class highly energized engineering team working towards product of the future .

    是一个 致力于未来的产品开发,高度活跃的 团队一员。

  • The chief financial officer of Chinese computer maker said yesterday that Lenovo had a team working on possible acquisitions and had talked with rim and its bankers about possible deals or joint ventures .

    联想首席财务官昨天表示,联想的一个 团队 正在研究可能的收购计划,并已经与rim及其银行家就可能的交易或者是合资公司开展了协商。

  • Although Rational Software Architect provides a first-class desktop modeling environment the introduction of team working added complexity and extra tasks to the modeling process .

    尽管RationalSoftwareArchitect提供了一流的桌面建模环境,但对 团队 工作的介绍还是为建模流程增添了复杂性和额外的工作任务。

  • Team working spirit hardworking honest and able to travel within China .

    良好的学习、沟通和表达能力,注重 团队 合作,能出差。

  • 49 . What position do you prefer on a team working on a project ?

    49.你想要在 团队 合作的项目中担任何种职位?

  • This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of a dynamic and focused team working on a brand new project .

    你将有机会加入一个 敬业而专注的 团队来完成一个全新的项目。

  • The team working on the RIS has chosen not to partition their model .

    处理RIS的 团队已经选择不对他们的模型进行划分。

  • Excellent communication skill team working skill objective and fair .

    善于沟通,有 团队 合作能力,维持客观公正;

  • Software configuration management tools help in organizing the team 's files tracking and sharing changes and keeping the entire team working in concert to achieve common goals .

    软件配置管理工具帮助组织团队的文件、跟踪和共享更改,以及保持整个 团队协同 工作以实现共同目标。

  • Team working ability is essential ;

    能够和 团队 协同 合作

  • That kind of regional approach is what General Petraeus is working on in his own Afghanistan strategy review and he has a200-member team working on it .

    彼得雷乌斯将军在他对阿富汗战略的审议当中也涉及这种地区性做法,他有一个200人的 团队 正在研究这种做法。

  • For example a year spent travelling can be spun as an opportunity to develop initiative and team working skills through solo and group travel .

    例如以一年旅游作为契机,借个体和团体旅游发展自己的主动性和 团队 合作精神。

  • The team working on the LIS has chosen to partition by using multiple model / LUs .

    处理LIS的 团队已经选择通过使用多个模型/逻辑单元进行划分。

  • The questions this pattern immediately raises include : Which iteration is the team working on ?

    这种模式立即提出了一些问题,包括: 团队 工作于哪次迭代?

  • A core system test team working closely with development in an agile environment offers significant potential benefits to the development organization .

    在敏捷的环境中,与开发密切 合作的核心系统测试 团队向开发组织提供了重大的潜在好处。

  • Excellent interpersonal skills good at team working and communication .

    具备良好英语阅读能力和学习 能力

  • But the World Bank already had a team working on the issue .

    好在世行已经 组建了一个 工作 ,就这一问题 开展 工作

  • Recruit and develop a talent team build up capability of team working delivering equally value to customer .

    招聘发展一支优秀的团队,建立 团队 协作能力,为客户提供等值回报。

  • He works as the Technical Team Leader of the test team working on the IBM WebSphere MQ JMS product .

    他是 致力于WebSphereMQJMS产品的测试 小组的技术小组领导人。

  • Is the team working on more than one iteration at a time ?

    团队是否会在某些时候对多于一次的迭代进行 工作

  • Have good communication skill and team working ability .

    具有良好的沟通和 团队 协作能力;

  • The World Health Organization and its Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network ( GOARN ) partners have a sizeable team working out of the national Cholera Command and Control Centre ( C4 ) in Harare .

    世界卫生组织及其全球疫情警报和反应网络伙伴建立了一个有一定规模的 工作 ,在哈拉雷全国霍乱指挥和控制中心的协调下开展 工作

  • Too has a team working on social products .

    谷歌也拥有一 研发社交产品的 团队

  • Strip away the social side of team working and very quickly people feel isolated and unsupported .

    如果剥夺 团队 工作的社会性,人们很快就会感到孤立无援。

  • If I were President Bush I would have a team working full-time to seek out white-collar crime overseas that can credibly be dealt with on US soil .

    如果我是布什总统,我就会让一个 团队 全职搜索可以令人信服地在美国领土上进行审判的海外白领犯罪案件。