abbr.Telemetric Data Monitor 遥测数据监控器

  • Research on a Signal Processing Algorithm for TDM in a Fiber-Optic Hydrophone Array

    光纤水听器阵列 TDM信号处理算法研究

  • Note that in TDM the extraction and inserting processes are distinct .

    注意,在 TDM中提取和插入过程是不同的。

  • TDM is able to synthesize two or more signals to make sufficient use of transmission channel .

    时分 复用 实现对两路或者两路以上信号的合成,旨在提高信道的利用率。

  • Study on Development Strategy for Urban Passenger Transport Based on TDM

    基于 TDM的城市客运交通发展策略研究

  • The Import wizard enables the TDM user to import a variety of artifacts into a repository .

    Import向导使 TDM用户能够将各种工件导入到储存库中。

  • This option does not use the established privacy metadata or generate the export file for Optim TDM .

    这个选项不使用已有的隐私元数据或为Optim TDM生成导出文件。

  • In many environments database administrators implement and administer the TDM solution .

    在许多环境中,数据库管理员实现和管理 TDM解决方案。

  • Research and Network Simulation of the TDM Circuit Emulation Technology Based on RPR Packet Switching Network

    基于RPR分组网的 TDM电路仿真技术的研究与网络模拟

  • A new circuit scheme for low speed address coded TDM switching system

    在低速地址编码 时分交换系统中适用的一种新电路方案

  • However some experts say SONET 's TDM structure is too rigid for flexible provisioning or bandwidth sharing .

    但是,有些专家认为,SONET的 时分 多路 复用结构 TDM 太死,不利于灵活地提供服务或 实现带宽共享。

  • The development and application of TDM over IP


  • Developers can use ODS to leverage this data privacy metadata to create an Optim TDM request .

    开发人员可以通过ODS利用该数据隐私元数据创建Optim TDM请求。

  • Just as in TDM the selector reassembles segments of data being written from multiple clients .

    就像在 TDM中那样,选择器重新装配从多个客户机写入的数据段。

  • The copy-and-paste operation generates the new target database objects and the Optim export file that contains metadata information that Optim TDM uses to generate the appropriately privatized data .

    复制粘贴操作生成新的目标数据库对象和包含元数据信息的Optim导出文件,Optim TDM将使用该元数据来生成适当的隐私化数据。

  • Familiarity with IDA ODS and TDM products is helpful but not required .

    熟悉IDA、ODS和 TDM产品有所帮助,但不是必要的。

  • Time-division multiplexing ( TDM ) and dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) technology to assist us to deal with the evolution of the network operational capacity problem .

    时分复用( TDM)和密集波分复用(DWDM)技术的发展帮助我们顺利演进了网络以处理业务容量问题。

  • When using Optim TDM to create the test data subset there is no application-enforced limit on the number of rows that can be copied .

    当使用Optim TDM创建测试数据子集时,应用程序对可以复制的行没有限制。

  • Or they can install multiservice provisioning platforms which are optimized for TDM services but also can support advanced data applications via RPR over SONET .

    或者他们可以安装多服务提供平台,这些平台为提供 时分 复用 TDM 服务进行了优化,同时也能通过SONET上的RPR支持高级的数据应用。

  • Study on Multitone Signal Generator Using Noise-Shaping and TDM Technique

    基于噪声整形 时分 复用技术的多谐信号源研究

  • General specification for microwave communication systems with TDM / FDMA point-to-multipoint


  • Traffic Demand Management ( TDM ) is a strategy which can solve urban traffic problem radically that will be of practical meaning .

    交通需求管理( TDM)是能从根本上解决城市交通问题的策略,具有现实的意义。

  • This paper describes and analyses design method and realize process of realizing PCM TDM transmission by simulation method .

    本文通过仿真展示了PCM 时分 复用实现的设计思路及具体过程,并加以进行分析。

  • This is called time-division multiplexing or TDM .

    这就叫做时分多路复用(time-divisionmultiplexing),即 TDM

  • OBJECTIVE : To enhance the quality control in the course of therapeutic drug monitoring ( TDM ) .

    目的:加强治疗药物 监测过程中的质量控制。

  • FDM and TDM are not the only two multiplex methods which satisfy the orthogonal condition .

    满足正交条件的信号不仅仅只有频分和 时分两种形式。

  • Research on TDM service Carried on WiMAX

    在WiMAX上 承载 TDM业务的研究

  • Using TDM ( time division multiplexing ) virtual parallel synchronous data transmission between the PCI buses of two computers has been achieved .

    采用 时分 复用虚拟并行传输技术,设计并实现了用于计算机PCI总线并行 互连 互连链路。

  • The application and experience of TDM in some developed countries are provided to be referred to by China .

    综合分析了 TDM在几个发达国家的应用情况厦其经验.提出了若干中国 城市 交通 管理 措施

  • Based on the theory of signal processing and random process the total precision of the time-division multiplexing ( TDM ) of three-axis fiber optic gyroscope ( FOG ) is analyzed .

    基于信号处理和随机过程理论,研究了基于时分复用( TDM)技术的三轴光纤陀螺(FOG)的整体精度,利用差分方程 建立TDM闭环处理中相位差的衰减模型。