


  • The content of lead in the tealeaf is one of important guild line scaling the status of the tealeaf 's sanitation by it .


  • Results showed that Mn contents and the ratio of copper to zinc in tealeaf were respectively positive correlation with its growth soil .

    结果表明, 茶叶 锰含量、铜锌比与土壤 对应的锰含量、铜锌 存在 一定的相关性。

  • The qualities of10 trace elements in tealeaf tea plant leaf and soil in Meijiawu were determined by AAS .

    采用原子吸收方法对梅家坞 茶叶,茶树叶以及其生长的土壤中的10中微量元素进行了测量。

  • Correlation Analysis of Cu 、 Fe 、 Zn 、 Mn Contents between Tealeaf and Its Growth Soil of Fenghuang Garden in Chaozhou

    凤凰 茶园 茶叶和土壤中铜铁锌锰含量的相关分析

  • Determination of trace elements in tealeaf tea plant leaf and soil by AAS

    原子吸收法 测量 茶叶、茶树叶和土壤中微量元素

  • Experiment of & Research on Rhodiola Highland Barley Tealeaf Wine

    红景天 青稞 酒的试验与研究