


  • ( resistance ) strain gauge tensiometer resolution Vacuum Projection Welding Simulation and Optimizing Design

    (电阻)应变式 张力计 分辩力真空电阻凸焊 有限 分析及优化设计

  • The manufacture of the tensiometer and certain saturation procedures assure that the tensiometer can measure matric suction in soil above 100 kPa .

    张力计 本身 设计以及特定的饱和过程保证了该张力计能够测量高于100kPa的基质吸力。

  • Volume of microcirculation viability and the tension relieved and length gained of the flaps were observed and measured by tensiometer Doppler flowmeter and computer .

    利用 张力 测定 、多普勒和计算机观察分析皮瓣的活力、微循环血流量,以及张力和长度的变化。

  • Construction of spinning drop tensiometer and determination of liquid-liquid interfacial tension

    旋转液滴 界面 张力 的建立以及液液界面张力的测定

  • Soil-water characteristics curves measured by tensiometer and pressure plate are nearly consistent .

    在土水特征曲线测量试验中 张力计 测出了与压力板 基本一致的曲线。

  • The paper introduces the pressductor pillow block tensiometer briefly . It also analyses its structure and measuring principle

    本文简明扼要地介绍了一种 张力 &压管枕式 张力 ,分析了它的结构及测量原理

  • We have measured the oil-water interfacial tension of the complex drive in the different condition using interfacial tensiometer .

    使用 界面张力 ,测定了不同情况下的复合驱 模拟 的油水界面 张力

  • The theory of the new instrument is the same as that of the tensiometer except for some improvement to the traditional technology by combining a sensor with several probes and higher precision ± 1 KPa .

    该仪器 利用 张力计原理,采用一个传感器结合多个探头的方法,对传统技术进行了改进,其测定精度可达到±1KPa。

  • The intragastric mucosa pH value ( pHi ) of patients was monitored by tensiometer .

    两组均采用 张力计 测定胃粘膜内pH。

  • The main objectives were to study the property of holding water of yellow white soil and the effects of applying organic matter on its holding and supplying water by tensiometer .

    张力计 测量了黄白土的持水特性及施用有机物料对其保水和供水性能的影响。

  • Improvement of automatic interface tensiometer and approach to test method thereof

    自动界面 张力 的改进及测试方法探讨

  • A device for field measurement of matric suction and its measured results are introduced in this paper . The results are compared with that from tensiometer method and SWCC which illustrate that the device is simple and practical .

    介绍滤纸法现场测量基质吸力的装置和测量结果,并与 张力计 测量结果、水土特征曲线算得的结果相比较,说明 研制的装置简单实用。

  • Tensiometer is used to measure the surface tension of water and LiBr aqueous solution at room temperature . The experimental value of surface tension is close to the value from literatures .

    采用表面张力 测量了常温下水、 质量 分数60%的溴化锂水溶液的表面张力,与文献中的测量值接近。

  • Soil Moisture Transducer Turn your tensiometer into a soil moisture data logger with this transducer unit .

    土壤湿度转换器将 张力计 转换成土壤湿度记录器。

  • Moisture content and matric potential of soils under intense irrigation in celery greenhouse in Dianchi catchment were monitored by using TDR ( TRIME-T3 ) and WM-1 tensiometer during the growth period of celery .

    利用TRIME-T3型TDR仪土壤含水量测量系统和 WM-1型负压计系统现场监测了强烈灌溉条件下整个作物生长期西芹大棚土壤水分、土壤 负压(基质势)的动态变化;

  • In this paper a tensiometer developed for cigarette bobbin cutters is introduced .

    本文介绍了一种为卷烟纸分切机而研制的 张力 传感器

  • The results of study demonstrated that : ( 1 ) In range of tensiometer measurement there was a kind of obvious linear relationship between soil water suction and content of the yellow white soil ;

    结果表明:(1)在 张力计测定范围内,黄白土土壤水吸力与含水量之间表现出显著的线性相关。

  • In order to measure the low liquid liquid interfacial tension a spinning drop interfacial tensiometer is presented in this paper .

    本文自行 研制了一 用于低 低界面张力测定 装置&旋转液滴界面 张力测定仪。

  • Type YU-400 Tensiometer and Its Application


  • The responses of tomato seedling to water stress using tensiometer were studied .

    水分胁迫对 番茄幼苗的生长有 严重 抑制作用。

  • Interfacial tension between CO2 and super heavy oil was measured using interfacial tensiometer .

    利用 高温 高压界面 张力 测定了CO2-超稠油界面张力。

  • First measuring the interfacial tension of AN and SN solution by CCA-100 type tensiometer .

    首先通过 CCA-100界面张力 测量硝酸铵、硝酸钠水溶液的界面张力。

  • In addition the calculating limit and the accuracy of the tensiometer are important factors that result in calculating errors .

    另外,计算边界的 选择 负压 的精确性也是造成各种计算方法误差的重要因素。

  • Development of ZL Series Tensiometer for Cigarette Bobbin Cutter

    ZL系列卷烟纸分切机 张力 传感器的研制

  • Tensiometer is a sensor used for directly measuring matric suction in soil . The measurement range of conventional tensiometer has generally been confined to less than 100 kPa due to the cavitation of water in the tensiometer .


  • In view of the deficiency existing in test method of original automatic interface tensiometer some improvement measures have been suggested as follows : ( 1 ) adopting magnetic pot sealed sensor ;

    针对原有自动界面 张力 测试方法存在的不足,提出了改进措施:(1)使用磁罐密封式传感器;

  • Research on Measuring IFT by Using SITE 04 Type Tensiometer

    SITE-04张力 测定界面张力影响因素研究

  • Study of characteristics of a tensiometer on a 350 continuous cold mill

    350冷连轧机 张力 的特性分析及讨论