wolf pack

[wʊlf pæk][wulf pæk]


  • In this post there are photos of two episodes of a wolf pack hunting for an elk wildlife researcher shot it from a helicopter .

    这是野生动物研究者在直升飞机上拍摄的照片,由两个情节构成,第一个驼鹿不怎么运气结局悲惨,第二 则和 狼群形成了僵持的局面。

  • By being accepted into a wolf pack Shaun hopes to prove that man can live in harmony with wolves as long as he respects their ways .

    在确定进入 狼群时,Shaun希望来证明人可以和狼一起和谐的生活只要他尊重它们的生活方式。

  • And while he was doing that your wolf pack blasted the convoy .

    在他做这些的时候,你们的 狼群消灭了护航者。

  • You don 't see an alpha wolf run around acting like a happy puppy in front of his pack members .

    你不会看到一 头狼像一只高兴的小狗儿一样围着它的成员们奔跑。

  • It was time to leave the wolf to her pack .

    是让 母狼 回到 狼群中的时候了。

  • Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog ; smaller than a wolf ; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair .

    东半球夜间活动的犬科哺乳动物,与狗近缘;与 形似;有时成群捕食但通常是单个或成对活动。

  • A wolf pack can have a territory as large as 50 square miles . Some can get as large 1 square miles .

    一个 狼群的领地范围可达50平方英里,某些狼群的领地范围甚至可以多达1000平方英里。

  • I cant imagine doing anything other than running with the wolf pack and studying their behaviour - they teach us far more than we ever would think .

    除了 跟随 狼群奔跑、研究它们的习性,我想不出自己还能做别的。它们教会我们的,已经远远超出了我们的想象。

  • At dusk Shaun Ellis and a wolf from his pack regard the camera intently .

    黄昏,埃利斯和一 注视着镜头。

  • In the shadow of an abandoned castle a wolf pack seeks shelter .

    在一个被遗弃的城堡的影子,一 群狼寻求庇护。

  • At about the age of 1 or 2 years the wolf is ready to leave the pack and start his own .

    在1-2岁时离开 狼群,开始独自生活。

  • He was a favorite of all the young wolf cubs of the pack .

    他是所有一 群狼崽中的幸运

  • THIS was Chen 's second encounter with a wolf pack since coming to the grassland .

    这是陈阵在草原上第二次遇到 狼群

  • Bringing a dog into your family is basically like bringing a wolf into a pack .

    带着狗到你的家人一样,基本上把 变成