test signal


  • Wavelet analysis provided more diagnostic information about bolt anchorage quality and was more suitable for the identification of dynamic test signal for bolt anchorage system with impairments .

    小波分析提供了更多关于锚杆锚固质量的特征信息,更适合于处理锚杆系统有损伤情况下动 波形的识别。

  • Calculating the excitation phase-frequency characteristic of the generators in Zhejiang based on the test signal method .

    基于 测试 信号法计算浙江省机组励磁系统相位滞后特性;

  • Vertical interval test signal frame time base

    帧扫描期插入 测试 信号

  • Electric power cable test is an important work in electrical equipment troubleshooting . Firstly correlation principle to travelling wave fault location of cable is summarized simulation of cable fault test method is carried out and the change law of fault test signal is analyzed .

    电力电缆测试是电气设备故障检修中的一项重要工作,首先总结了电缆行波测距法的相关原理,并通过EMTP软件对电缆故障测试方法进行仿真,分析了相应故障 测试 信号的变化规律。

  • In the process of evaluating uncertain signal processing in electronics information system the selection of standard test signal is the key . This introduces the reasons and basis in selecting standard test signal .

    在针对电子信息系统中的非确定性信号处理评估中,标准 测试 信号的选取是关键,本文介绍了标准测试信号选取的理由和依据。

  • A conventional test signal simulating sound & Programme signals for measuring interference in other channels

    GB/T17148-1997模拟声音节目信号的常规 测试 信号用于测量节目信道间的干扰

  • Test Signal Design for High / Low Pass Multivariable System Identification

    高/低通复合多通道系统辨识的 测试 信号设计

  • It can be used to evaluate and test signal processing method and sonar systems .

    本文对水声信道的模拟结果可以广泛应用于声纳系统中,对 信号处理方法和声纳系统进行快速有效的评估和 测试

  • TV insertion test signal generator

    电视 插入 信号发生器

  • The main research contents are as follows : 1 . In order to analyze the masking properties which movement parameters put on the visual perception we design a kind of video test signal according to the signal amplitude frequency and the movement parameters .

    主要研究内容有:1.为了分析运动参数对视觉感受的掩蔽特性,依据信号幅度、频率和运动参数,设计了一种视频 测试 信号

  • Developing the new method of PID tuning using SOl and PRBS test signal .

    开发了以PRBS作为回路 测试 信号,使用SOI方法进行PID回路优化与IMC&PID回路优化的新方法。

  • Online monitoring of power system test signal contains a lot of background noise not easy to detect .

    电力系统在线监测中的 检测 信号含有大量的背景噪声,不便于检测。

  • By using test signal method the sub-synchronous electrical damping characteristics of a generator and the impacts of the designed SEDC on the generators electrical damping are analyzed .

    采用 测试 信号法,通过计算发电机组的次同步电气阻尼特性,分析所设计的SEDC对发电机组次同步振荡的抑制效果。

  • Using the test signal method a detailed analysis of subsynchronous oscillation for a HVDC system is performed .

    对一个仅含有直流输电线路的系统,采用复转矩系数& 测试 信号法,对其次同步振荡特性进行了分析。

  • We analyze the test signal and developed a reasonable data acquisition system .

    通过对 测试 信号的分析,研制出合理的数据采集系统。

  • How to test signal processor systematically and completely is very important .

    怎样全面系统 测试 信号处理机,是我们关心的问题。

  • Secondly the problem of threshold determination in wavelet threshold de-noising of the test signal is discussed the de-noising effect of different threshold is compared and a threshold calculation method based on the intersection point of SNR and RMSE proportion curves is proposed .

    然后讨论 测试 信号小波阈值消噪法中阈值的确定问题,对比了不同阈值的消噪效果,并提出了SNR和RMSE比例曲线交点的阈值计算方法。

  • A control system was established based on a set of AVR microcontroller to receive and test signal some of the small circuit module can also be used for other applications .

    在完成 信号接收与 检测的过程中,通过AVR单片机建立了一套控制系统,其中设计的一些电路模块,同样能够用于其他应用场合。

  • A method suitable for non-linear and non-stationary signal is proposed to process the ultrasonic test signal .

    引入一种新的处理非线性、非平稳信号的经验模式分解法(EMD)来处理超声 检测 信号

  • In this paper a solution based on FPGA to test signal generator for HDTV monitor is presented .

    本文提出了一种基于FPGA的HDTV显示器 测试 信号发生器的方案。

  • Chapter 2 introduces a method based on the test signal method to design TCSC power oscillation damping ( POD ) controller . This method can overcome some disadvantages of the eigenvalue analysis method and has been proved to be effective by time domain simulation .

    提出一种基于 测试 信号法的TCSC功率振荡阻尼(POD)控制器设计方法,克服了特征值分析法的一些不足,并用时域仿真证明这个方法的有效性。

  • Testing mechanism of the sensor is researched and the relation between test signal and tension is deduced .

    文中研究了索张力传感器的测试机理,导出了传感器 信号与索张力的关系。

  • Continuous test signal controller

    连续 试验 信号控制器

  • The test signal output is analysis for its accuracy spurious and noise .

    针对 测试 信号输出,作者对信号的精确度、杂散、噪声进行了分析,并在探讨影响测量精度的原因后进行了适当的电路改进。

  • The feasibility and the computation of the test signal and the identification accuracy are discussed and compared .

    对辨识精度、 测试 信号施加的可行性、运算量等指标进行了讨论与比较。

  • Realistic device characteristics can be analyzed under actual operating conditions by varying the test frequency test signal level and dc bias .

    切合实际器件特性可以分析根据实际营运情况,由不同检测频率, 测试 信号水平和直流偏置。

  • The method to produce a new kind of test signal is discussed in this paper .

    本文介绍了一种新型 实验 信号的产生方法。

  • A colored test signal design method based on three essential factors

    一种基于三要素的彩色 测试 信号设计方法

  • With a test signal this paper introduced three methods on threshold denoising : force threshold default threshold and given threshold .

    结合某 测试 信号,介绍了阈值消噪的三种方法:强制阈值、默认阈值和给定阈值。