

n.[法] 遗嘱(基督教)圣约书确实的证明誓约

  • The core of New Testament belief and proclamation is found in the earliest Christian baptismal affirmations of faith .

    新约 信仰和宣言的核心是在最早的基督徒施洗者对信念的确认中被发现的。

  • The New Testament describes the life and work of Jesus Christ and the early development of christianity .


  • This is his last will and testament .

    这是他的遗愿和 遗嘱

  • This is your will and testament .

    这是你的遗言与 遗嘱

  • The diversity and richness of the Bible as literature especially the old testament are unparalleled .

    作为一部文学作品,《圣经》,特别是《 旧约 的丰富多彩,是前所未有的。

  • It is revealed that the aesthetic conceptions in the Old Testament contain both perceptual beauty and rational beauty .

    揭示了 旧约的审美思想中同时包容了感性之美和理性之美;

  • Let 's see . I could read the Old Testament in hebrew .

    让我想想,我可以用希伯来语念 旧约

  • Taboos surrounding menstruation and sex have existed since the times of the Old Testament .

    月经和性的禁忌早在 旧约的时候就存在了。

  • One of my favorite characters in the Old Testament of the Bible was a man who understood this .


  • We know how Jesus himself completed and even changed the Old Testament .

    我们知道基督怎样满全了 旧约,甚至修改了 旧约

  • It is the third book of the Old Testament but it speaks of Christ .

    的确, 旧约的第三卷书,可是,它却预表了基督。

  • God 's holiness has been revealed in the old testament .

    旧约 ,神已经启示了他的圣洁。

  • The fact that these scandals are now public is testament to the relative openness of America 's government .

    这些丑闻如今 公之于众的事实说明了美国政府的相对透明。

  • The Old Testament tells the story of the people of God ;

    旧约 圣经讲述了神的子民的故事;

  • This is because I teach New Testament studies and the history of early Christianity almost like ethnography .

    这是因为我几乎把 新约研究,及早期基督教历史当作民族志来教。

  • This is his final testament .

    这是他的决定性的 遗嘱

  • This author is not living in the time by which we have a New Testament .

    作者不是生活在,有了 新约的时期。

  • It 's a testament to how he was raised .


  • Four books in the New Testament that tell the story of Christ 's life and teachings .


  • The New Testament consists of early Christian literature .

    新约 包含了早期基督教文学。

  • One of the four Gospels in the New Testament ; contains details of Jesus 's birth and early life .


  • The Old Testament is the foundation stone in the religion of the Jews-the Muslims and Christians .


  • Sacred scriptures of Judaism and with the New Testament of Christianity .

    基督教(包括 新约 )和犹太教的正典经书。

  • Until August of this year there was no complete translation of the New Testament in Mongolian .

    直到今年8月,还没有 新约 全书 的蒙古语全译本。

  • This is our unique New Testament blessing .

    这就是我们在 新约的独一祝福。

  • Braka 's house just off Sloane Square is a testament to his Gothic tastes

    布拉卡那幢紧靠斯隆广场的房子是他喜好哥特式建筑的一个 证据

  • The second Old Testament patriarch ; son of Abraham and sarah ; father of Jacob and esau .

    第二 旧约 全书 的创办者;亚伯拉罕和沙拉的儿子;雅各布和以扫的父亲。

  • The book of Revelation is very deep in the Old Testament roots and Hebrew .

    这本书的启示是十分深刻的,在 旧约 圣经的根源和希伯来文。

  • Christ : the messiah as foretold by the prophets of the old testament .

    救世主:《 旧约 中的先知们预言的救世主。

  • Winning this award is a testament to his superb instructing ability and his students'positive responses to his teaching .

    这一奖励是对他卓越的指导能力和学生对他教学良好反应的 证明