test terminal


  • Analysis of fuzzy sets and x ~ 2 - test on Micronucleus of terminal blood

    模糊数学法与X~2 检验末梢血微核的分析&南四湖地区青少年微核测定报告

  • This paper analyzed the methods to automatically test the intelligent mobile terminal software and presented a test platform for intelligent mobile terminal software .

    分析了智能移动 终端软件的自动化 测试方法,并提出了一个智能移动终端软件测试平台。

  • Mathematical Simulation Test for Terminal - guide Radar

    制导雷达数学仿真 试验

  • Based on the method of automatic test of GUI software an automatic test technology for mobile terminal was introduced .

    基于GUI软件的自动化测试方法,提出了一种移动 终端软件的自动 测试方法。

  • Shaking table model test on Pudong International Airport Terminal 2 Building in Shanghai

    上海浦东机场T2 航站楼结构模型模拟地震振动台 试验研究

  • With the simulation results of a metal test structure layout and a terminal interface chip XT - 1 the simulation system is checked .

    通过对金属微电子 测试阵列和 终端接口芯片XT-1的成品率仿真实例,对仿真系统进行了检验。这是迄今为止的第一个集成电路功能成品率仿真与设计系统。

  • Test on Four - Terminal Tandem Cell

    薄膜迭层四 电池 试验

  • The test is divided into test server and terminal test .

    测试分为服务器 测试 终端测试以及它们之间的联合测试。

  • Finally an experiment is made on this test item in a simulation terminal test environment .

    最后模拟 终端测试环境,对指标进行了 测试

  • The monitoring software of unified dispatching complete the remote control command receiving high power amplifier switching machines ranging transponder zero value test and control terminal station zero value test and calculate the control station equipment and the actual distance of zero .

    在监控软件的统一调度指挥下,完成遥控指令的接收、高功放的开关机、测距转发、校零 终端的零值 测试 测控站的零值测试,并计算出测控站设备的实际距离零值。

  • Second this paper studies terminal protocol conformance test theory mainly terminal protocol conformance test system structure and development process . Subsequently this paper studies the terminal protocol conformance testing of Protocol specification .

    然后,对终端协议一致性 测试理论进行了研究,主要是 终端协议一致性测试的体系结构和开发流程。

  • Development of MAC-hs Test Cases Related to TD-SCDMA Terminal Protocol Conformance Test System

    TD-SCDMA 终端协议一致性测试系统MAC-hs 测试例的开发

  • This paper carry out a full and detail introduction on project significance requirements analysis outline design detailed design test and maintenance of the terminal information repository query system .

    本文对 终端信息库综合查询系统的项目意义、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计和 测试维护都进行了全面详细的描述。

  • Test of Radar Terminal and Realization of Its Target Simulator

    雷达 终端 测试及其目标模拟器实现

  • The test conditions and main results of wind tunnel test for Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital Airport are introduced . The block shape coefficients for the most unfavorable conditions are given which clearly show the characteristics of the wind pressure distributions on this long-span roof surface .

    介绍了超大跨度屋盖结构&北京首都机场3号 航站 的模型 风洞试验概况和主要结果,给出了屋面在最不利工况下的分块体型系数,清楚地显示了屋面的风压分布特征。

  • The three kinds of tests will perform an overall test on the MIN-STD-1553 terminal to verify if they meet the requirements of MIL-STD-1553 standard and avionics system communication protocols .

    这三种类型的测试将全面 验证MIL-STD-1553通信 终端的设计是否满足MIL-STD-1553标准通信协议及航空电子系统通信协议的要求。

  • Third the kernel of network test terminal and the software of application layer are developed .

    接下来,对网络 测试 终端的内核和应用层软件进行了开发。

  • UML Use Case Modeling in Software Automatic Test for Mobile Terminal

    基于UML的移动 终端软件自动化 测试用例建模

  • The application of this system has solved a lot of the cable test problems in both GIS terminal underground substation as well as extension in substation .

    该系统的应用解决了很多两端都是GIS 终端、地下变电站以及扩建改造变电站中的电缆 试验问题。

  • The test results of the terminal show that the designed software can basically satisfy the required performances .

    终端性能 测试结果表明设计的软件基本能够满足性能要求。

  • The wireless terminal integrated test system with test terminal RF performance and basic call / audio function plays an essential role in a series of work such as R & D production and certification .

    无线终端综合测试系统具备 测试 终端射频性能和基础的呼叫/音频功能的能力,在 终端的研发、生产、认证等一系列工作中发挥着不可忽视的作用。

  • Finally the communication protocol interaction between the test terminal subsystem and the whole network test system are designed .

    最后,对 测试 终端子系统和整个网络测试优化系统之间交互的通信协议进行了设计。

  • Later we try to detailed testing and assessment on mobile terminal for cinema ticketing system including three parts : database encryption test simulator test and mobile terminal test .

    论文后期对移动终端影院购票系统进行详细的测试和评估工作,包括三部分:数据库加密测试,系统模拟器 测试 真机测试。

  • First the basic framework of the wireless mobile communication network optimization test system are carefully described in paper ; Second designing the hardware structure according to the network test terminal subsystems of the network optimization test system .

    首先,对整个无线移动通信网络测试优化系统的基本构架进行了描述;然后针对该网络测试优化系统中的网络 测试 终端子系统进行了硬件架构方面的设计。

  • System combine with hardware and software hardware include test terminal DDF ( Digital Distribution Frame ) and transmission device ;

    该监控系统的实现分为硬件和软件两部分,硬件部分由 测试 终端、数字配线设备和传输设备组成;

  • Moho Depths beneath Broad-Band Stations in Fujian Area Inversed by Teleseismic Receiver Function Shaking table model test on Pudong International Airport Terminal 2 Building in Shanghai

    用远震接收函数反演福建地区宽频带台站下方莫霍界面深度上海浦东机场T2 航站楼结构模型模拟地震振动台 试验研究

  • Third-party certification authority strictly in accordance with national carrier certification standard through a standard testing environment on the Terminal performance security and reliability tests accurate technical and performance test Terminal .

    第三方认证机构严格按照各国运营商的认证标准,通过一个标准的测试环境对终端进行各项性能、安全性以及可靠性测试,准确 测试 终端的各项技术和性能指标。

  • Through the test of SIP protocol based on all kinds of Sniffer software the private net is presented in this paper . Through the test on SIP terminal port to port the standardization and the security on the SIP terminal are detected .

    笔者就是在传统地、利用各种Sniffer软件测试SIP协议流程的基础上,提出了建立私网,实现对SIP 终端端到端的 测试,检测SIP终端的协议规范性和安全性。

  • The Design of Auto Test on Mobile Terminal Equipment

    移动 终端设备自动化 测试的设计及实现

  • Technical requirements and test methods for semi-automatic toll terminal equipment

    GB/T7720-1987长途电话半自动对 设备技术要求和 测试方法