testing company

[经] 检验公司

  • The old universal hydraulic testing machine of our company is running by the method of manual adjusting inlet and outlet oil valve and it has many defects such as testing method behindhand intensity labour and imprecision results .

    而我 公司旧液压万能 试验机以手动调整进、回油阀的方式运行,有试验手段落后,劳动量大和测试结果不准确等多项缺点。

  • During the testing phase the company may even try out different prices by market to ensure a new launch is adding incremental sales rather than stealing share from an existing item .

    测试阶段, 公司甚至会尝试不同的价位,来确保新产品既能够增加销售额,又不会拖成熟产品的后腿。

  • Private equity funds are expected to re-examine their attempts to buy out Taiwanese listed companies after the collapse of Carlyle 's attempt to acquire Advanced Semiconductor Engineering the world 's largest chip testing and packaging company .

    在凯雷(Carlyle)收购台湾日月光半导体制造 股份 有限 公司(ASE)的努力落空后,预计私人股本基金将重新审视自己尝试收购台湾上市公司的做法。日月光半导体是全球最大的芯片 测试和封装

  • Can you check this top important point with the testing company in china ?

    能否将此最重要的一点与中国 检测 机构核实一下?

  • Complete ISO9001:2000 quality assurance system and the most rigorous testing procedures to ensure that my company 's products manufactured full compliance .

    完善的ISO9001:2000质最保证体系和严格的 检测程序,确保我 公司出厂的产品全面达标。

  • During a long period Daqing well-logging and testing company had advantages in R & D of new technique and providing quality oilfield services in domestic market .

    大庆 测试 公司作为中国国内第一大 测试技术服务 集团,是国家为打造中国自己的石油 测试航空母舰,经过企业重组建立起来的。

  • Well Testing Company Daqing Oilfield Co. Ltd. ; 3 .

    大庆油田有限责任公司 试采公司

  • Although the fluid samples from MDT operation are also suitable for the PVT measurements in lab the testing company may only give the drawdown mobility data ( K / μ) on the result plots due to the time difference between MDT operation and lab PVT measurements .

    MDT流体取样可用于实验室的PVT分析,但是MDT井场作业和实验室的PVT分析之间存在时间差,因此, 测试 公司在MDT测试成果图上只给出了压降流度(K/μ)。

  • This Standard covers all physical chemical biological and microbiological GMP testing performed by Company Sites and Affiliates .

    本标准覆盖 公司各部门需完成的物理、化学、生物和微生物 试验

  • Firstly the macro environment and industry competition situation are analyzed to identify that NA testing company is facing good opportunities for growth in government policy support and industry high-speed development but also facing the threats such as tightening industrial supervision and increasing competition .

    首先对公司宏观环境和行业竞争环境进行分析,识别出 公司面临政府政策支持和行业高速发展等良好的成长机会,但同时也面临着行业监管 趋紧、竞争日益激烈等威胁。

  • The specimen tested is the Cu-steel inertia friction welded joints . In the testing a US PAC company made ultrasonic C scan system with focus transducer is used in water immersion .

    研究的试件为铜-钢惯性摩擦焊接头,采用美国PAC 公司生产的超声C扫描系统及聚焦探头水浸 测试

  • The vaccine is safe in testing and is manufactured by an Indian company .

    疫苗是一家印度 公司生产的,经 检测显示是安全的。

  • NA testing company is the leader in the field of pesticide residue testing has good market credibility and strong R & D capabilities which are the strengths . Meanwhile the weaknesses are narrow scope of business poor profitability and high turnover of staff .

    公司是国内农药残留 检测领域的领导者、有良好的市场公信力,研发能力强,这是其优势,劣势是公司业务范围小盈利能力差,人员流动性大。

  • They can also be useful for carrying out integrity checks during software testing as we showed with the Company example .

    它们在软件 测试期间执行完整性测试时也会有用,就像用 Company例子所展示的。

  • The emerging winner was Pearson VUE a part of Pearson Plc the largest commercial testing company and education publisher in the world .

    涌现出的赢家是培生VUE专业考试服务中心(PearsonVue),后者的母公司培生集团(PearsonPLC)是全球最大的商业 考试服务 公司和教育出版商。

  • SGS is the world 's leading inspection verification testing and certification company .

    sgs世界领先的检验、鉴定、 测试和认证 机构

  • On the Effects of Theories of Financing and its Testing & Analysis of the Public Company in China

    融资理论的实践效应及其 验证&基于中国上市 公司的数据分析

  • According to running of the system for a time and the testing results from testing company every capability indexs are as expected .

    本系统通过一段时间的运行和软件 测试 公司的测试,各项指标(如系统响应速度、系统负载等)均达到了指定的要求。

  • Research and Failure Analysis Based on the Engine Testing Equipment of FEV Company Germany

    基于德国FEV 公司发动机 试验设备的研究和故障分析

  • By using the testing kit provided by DPC company ( U.S.A. ) and radioimmunoassay ( RIA ) we had determined the serum level of sex hormones including TT E2 PRL FSH and LH in the male homosexuals and compared the results to control ;

    采用DPC 公司的药盒,以放射免疫 测定法进行了男性同性恋组进行了血清性激素水平(TT、E2、PRL、FSH、LH)测定,并与正常男女对照组进行对照;

  • At Yili headquarters reporters were shown a new station for melamine testing where workers wearing lab coats and gloves used testing equipment they said cost the company $ 15 million .

    在伊利总部,记者们看到了一个新的三聚氰胺检测站,工人们穿着实验室制服和手套,利用价值1500万美金的 检测设备进行 工作

  • The FDA has said that those already enrolled can stay in the testing as long as the company revises its disclosure materials to ensure that participants are fully informed about the risk .

    FDA称只要药物 公司修改了其披露材料确保受试者充分了解试验风险,已经被招募者可以继续留在 试验中。

  • It is found that market-oriented operating model of business must be set up in daqing well - logging and testing service company under the present circumstances .

    本文作者通过研究发现,大庆 测试 公司在目前的市场环境下,必须建立以市场为导向的业务运营模式。

  • A Study of Accreditation of Internal Testing Lab of Automotive Company

    浅析汽车零部件 企业内部 实验室的认可

  • Cross platform Localization testing system is designed to implement automation testing in cross platform Localization testing business what our company put great effort to in recent years .

    跨平台本地化测试系统是 公司近年倾力研发的,专用于跨平台本地化 测试这一业务的自动化测试系统。

  • With the efficient and automatic welding equipment and standardize testing process the company can produce high quality products .

    高效自动的焊接设备和规范完整的 检测程序,实现了链板等 配件生产的高质量和高效率。

  • Secondly the internal resources and capabilities are analyzed for NA testing company to find the strengths and weaknesses .

    其次对 公司的内部资源和能力进行分析,找到 公司的优势和 劣势

  • If allowed you should perform penetration testing against any applications your company uses .

    如果允许,您应该对您的 公司使用的所有应用程序进行渗透 测试

  • The well testing truck our company provided is mainly used for the well testing operation in oil fields and it consists of chassis van and integrated hydraulic winch for well testing .

    公司提供的 试井车主要用于油田的生产试井作业,该车由底盘车和试井用的集成液压绞车组成。