test toxoid

[医] 试验类毒素

  • Comparison of Various Potency test Methods on Adsorbed purified Tetanus Toxoid

    吸附精制破伤风 类毒素几种效力 检定方法的比较

  • The reliability test of parallel line quantitative analysis based on the intradermal challenge scores of three lots of purified adsorbed diphtheria toxoid ( dad ) and the standard reference preparation showed that the variations of regression and between doses were significant .

    吸白类与参考标准品 免疫 动物后进行皮 内攻 ,记录得分结果进行量反应平行线分析,其可靠性 测验结果表明,剂间与回归项变异皆十分显著;

  • All of the detoxification test toxicity reverse test safety test and potency test of such purified diphtheria toxoid met the requirements for diphtheria toxoid .

    此精白类的脱毒试验、毒性逆转试验、安全试验及效力 试验 符合《中国生物制品规程》要求。