


  • The program can be used as NMEA and COM port tester .

    该程序可以被用来作为的NMEA和COM端口 测试

  • The tester stopped the test run .

    测试 人员停止了测试运行。

  • Plug an external keyboard to the tester .

    将一个外部键盘插到 检测 上。

  • This modular approach beginning with Manual Tester reduces maintenance costs for both manual and automated testing .

    此种由Manual Tester开始的模块化方法减少了人工和自动测试的维护成本。

  • In our example Performance Tester has correlated the beginning of the URL / wps / myportal / !

    在我们的例子中,Performance Tester关联了URL的开始,/wps/myportal/!

  • IBM Rational Performance Tester to assess application scalability through multi-user simulation and response time measurement .

    IBMRationalPerformance Tester用以通过多用户模拟和响应时间度量来评估应用软件可扩展性。

  • When using the tester the first time date and time need to be set .

    初次使用 检测 时,需要设置日期和时间。

  • The Rational Performance Tester test variable provides this functionality .

    RationalPerformance Tester测试变量提供了这个功能。

  • Remove oil pressure tester with adapter .

    将机油压力 检测 与适配器一起拆下。

  • In this project we concerns testing high-speed broadband networks and equipments and the future of tester .

    本课题研究高速的宽带网络和设备的测试问题,以及 宽带 测试的发展等问题。

  • I have a battery tester in my garage .

    我的车库里有台电池 测试

  • The Tester at Work : designing writing and maintaining individual tests .

    ·工作中的 测试员:设计、写和维护各测试。

  • In my fixed pitch design the performance is still acceptable albeit no tester damper can be found .

    在我的固定摊位的设计,表现仍然是可以接受的,尽管没有 测试 的阻尼器可以找到。

  • If the tester inadvertently enters incorrect data or overlooks a data mismatch the test results become invalid .

    如果 测试 人员不注意地输入了错误的数据或漏看了不匹配数据,测试结果就无效了。

  • And Manual Tester 's wizards make it easy to import and export test scripts .

    Manual Tester向导使导入和导出测试脚本变得简单。

  • Being a tester you should be very patient to your testing work .

    作为一名 测试员,你应该对测试工作十分耐心;

  • This introduction to Manual Tester will give you a preview of its intuitive interface and comprehensive features .

    这篇关于Manual Tester的介绍将会让你预览它的直观界面和易理解的功能。

  • The tester can also create a defect prefilled from a test instance .

    测试 人员还可以创建一个缺陷,其中预填充了来自测试实例的信息。

  • Analog-digital automatic program tester Proficient drawing and testing for crane parts .

    精通图纸和起重机安装和 测试程序。

  • Is it better or worse for a staff to be both an application support and a tester ?

    这是好还是坏了工作人员是既是应用支持和 测试

  • Tester Responsible for validating that requirements are testable and associated with actual test plans and tests .


  • Switch off the engine and the tester .

    关闭发动机和 检测

  • You can also view test execution status by testers to analyze each tester 's workload and progress .

    您还可以通过测试程序来查看测试执行状态以便分析每个 测试 程序的工作负载和进程。

  • The control system consists of fuzzy controller blast and aeration system frequency control equipment and DO tester .

    整个控制系统由模糊控制器、鼓风曝气系统、频调速装置和溶解氧 测试 组成。

  • This tester also get the fine results in the check of transient simulation test .

    测试 在暂态仿真试验的检验测试中,取得到了较为理想的检验结果。

  • If you invoke the method Rational Functional Tester automatically compares the actual values with the expected values .

    如果您调用了该方法,那么RationalFunctional Tester会自动比较实际值和预期值。

  • The control will return to Rational Performance Tester to process the recording and display the test content .

    控制器将返回到RationalPerformance Tester,进行记录和显示测试内容。

  • This paper introduces the hardware mechanism and realization of array resistance tester with softwares .

    本文介绍了网络电阻 检测 的硬件原理及软件实现方法。

  • Once you have the Functional Tester tool in hand the fun of creating a reusable framework can start .

    一旦您拿到了Functional Tester工具,就可以开始创建可复用的框架了。

  • To repeat the process the ignition and tester must be switched off .

    若要重复执行此过程,则必须将点火开关和 检测 关闭。