



  • Such papers would contain testimonial declarations by the accountants not by the taxpayers .

    这样的文件将载有会计师而非纳税人作出的 证明 的声明。

  • He bears a testimonial as to his character .

    他带着一 他的品行 证明书

  • She could hardly expect her employer to provide her with testimonials to her character and ability .

    她可不敢指望雇主给她出具关于她品格和能力的 证明书

  • The fervent testimonial confirmed the President in his intention to let the expedition go ahead .

    热情的 表扬坚定的了总统让这次远征进行下去的决心。

  • The factor that all have in common is their satisfaction with my work ( as the enclosed testimonial letters show ) .

    他们都对我的工作感到满意(见我随信附上的 证明书)。

  • Suggest you give us a testimonial on the web too .

    建议您给我们网站 给予 相关评论。

  • If your testimonial is selected to be featured on our website you will then be notified and receive a $ 25 Amazon gift card !

    如果您的 推荐被选定为我们的网站上的特色,你会得到通知,并收到25美元的亚马逊礼品卡!

  • Ask anyone and you may hear about a particular description of a top-selling product or a slogan or a celebrity testimonial .

    问问别人,您将听到关于热销产品的介绍、一个标语或名人 推荐

  • The units and individuals concerned shall support and assist the audit institutions in their work by providing them with truthful information and relevant testimonial material .

    有关单位和个人应当支持、协助审计机关工作,如实向审计机关反映情况,提供有关 证明材料。

  • The following inscription and not a word more because by these as testimonial that I have lived I wish most to be remembered .

    用杰斐逊总统的话来说,以上这三点是他最希望被铭记,作为他生活的 证明 表彰

  • They all wrote down a testimonial to me one of them three pages and some of the comments were really beautiful .

    他们都给我 ,其中一个的 留言写了三页纸,有些留言写得非常优美。

  • The probability that one or another testimonial goes astray increases with that complexity .

    随着这一复杂性的增加,越有可能丢失这个或那个 证明 文件

  • It it you see it is an honour reward a testimonial to purity of character and and can we allow it ?

    这这你想,这是荣誉奖 ,是 褒奖 清白 人品的,可是可是 能这样干呢?

  • Here is a testimonial from Staples itself .

    链接中是 史泰博自己的 证言

  • I am also pleased that our Chief Economist Nick Stern will be representing us in today 's discussions ¨ C a testimonial to the importance that we attach to this initiative .

    我们的首席经济学家尼古拉斯. 斯特恩将代表世行参加今天的讨论,对此我感到非常高兴,它证明了我们对这项倡议的重视。

  • I 'm talking about guarantee seals photographs of testimonial givers and so on .

    我说的是保证印章, 证明送礼者的照片,等等。

  • I wanted the coaching course the Reserves job this testimonial – and of course the baby – so you have to be prepared to work for them .

    指导训练课,预备队的工作, 纪念 当然还有我的宝贝这些都是我所希望得到的,所以你就必须为这些事情做好准备。

  • If the idea is really about real families giving a testimonial in their own words and images then Homemovies becomes one of the ways in which they can express their feelings .

    如果创意本身的确是让真实的家庭以其自己的文字与形象做 证言式广告,那么“家庭电影”就成了能让他们表达感觉的一种方式。

  • As a personal testimonial my sister met her husband on a total eclipse of the moon many years ago and they now have two children and a happy marriage .

    我有一个 亲身 经历,我姐姐就是在多年前的月蚀之夜遇到了她现在的丈夫,并且他们现在有一对儿女幸福的婚姻。

  • Davis said one segment will feature a testimonial of McCain 's years spent as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War .

    戴维斯说,其中一个部分将是对麦凯恩在越战中被囚禁多年的一段生活的 褒奖

  • The notary office shall refuse to give a testimonial to false or illegal statements and documents .

    公证处对不真实、不合法的事实与文书应拒绝 公证

  • The testimonial of the abode and the production location ;

    住所和生产场地 证明

  • Through international judicial inquiry the testimonial materials that I presented to prove their crimes have been officially verified to be true by China .

    经国际司法调查,受害人所 提供 张虹 翟羽佳(张杰良) 母子犯罪 事实的证明材料,经中国官方的核实,是真实的!

  • After hearing his testimonial to the treatment 's effectiveness I decided to try it myself .

    听到他 推荐 这种疗法十分有效,我决定亲自试试。

  • This unique partnership between our two organizations is a testimonial to the importance the university places on its international relationships in furthering education within the global community .

    我们两个组织之间的独一无二的合作关系 证明了大学院校为推动全球性的教育发展而对国际交流的注重。

  • You will find enclosed a testimonial from the President of our university who has kindly offered to provide you with any further details you may require .

    如果您需要更多我的 个人详细资料,请参见附件中的校长 推荐

  • AT the testimonial dinner everyone flATtered him shamelessly .

    感谢 宴席上每个人都厚颜无耻地奉承他。

  • Demand written material and testimonial from the persons under investigation ;

    要求被调查人员提供书面材料和 证明