test surface


  • Test of surface temperature in alloy steel billet continuous casting

    合金钢方坯连铸铸坯 表面温度 测试研究

  • Research on automatic test for surface hardness of metalwork

    金属工件 表面硬度自动 测试研究

  • Care should be taken to ensure that the probe is held normal to the test surface and pressed positively on to the test surface .

    应注意确认探头通常的手握方式以直接 接触 测试 漆膜的表面。

  • Electrical characteristic test and surface modification in Contact mode of STM using I-Z curve

    利用 I-Z曲线的STM接触模式的电学测量和 表面改性 研究

  • Intelligent Optical Test of Surface 's Status of the Highway and It 's Information Processing

    高速公路 路面状况的光学智能 检测与信息处理

  • The system also test the surface defects of the aluminium sheet .

    实验还对铝板的 表面人工缺陷进行了 检测和分析。

  • At the same time through the microscope test of surface the effect on craze density by strain rate has been investigated as well .

    同时通过 表面银纹显微镜观察 实验,研究了应变率对银纹密度的影响。

  • Experiments comparing the measured value of ultrasonic thickness measurements and mechanical measurements on rough corroded materials without flattening the test surface were carried out . An average measurement error of from 0.6 mm to 2.2 mm was found in the ultrasonic measurements .

    根据对未经平整的粗糙锈蚀 表面分别进行超声波厚度测量和机械测量的比较 试验,发现超声波测量的平均误差为0.6~2.2mm。

  • Identification of Cooling Characteristics on a Test Probe Surface by Inverse Heat Conduction Problem

    利用IHCP对淬火 测试探头 表面冷却特性辨识的研究

  • Novel Moisture Soaking Techniques Of Soldering Heat Test for Surface Mount LSIs

    新的 表面安装LSI耐焊接热 试验加湿技术

  • The temperature of the liquid and test section surface and heat transfer coefficients with and without acoustic cavitation were measured and analyzed in order to study the effect of the parameters of acoustic cavitation on natural convective heat transfer .

    实验中测量并研究有无声空化作用时液体温度、加热 表面温度及传热系数的变化,旨在研究声空化参数对自然对流传热的影响。

  • No statistically significant difference the test of surface righting reflex air righting reflex auditory startle reflex and forelimb hanging as well as performance of Morris water maze was observed between treatment groups and control group .

    平面翻正、空中翻正、听觉惊愕、前肢悬挂以及Morris水迷宫实验的隐蔽平台 实验、可视平台实验和空间探索实验,各剂量组统计学均无显著性差别(P>0.05)。

  • Twenty five test results are collated and calculated so as to get test regression surface of concrete which is critical fracture surface of concrete or criterion of three dimensional mixed mode fracture for concrete .

    对全部试验结果进行整理和分析后,用数理 统计的多元回归 得到混凝土的三维 断裂准则。

  • In this paper a novel electrochemical technique under thin water film combined with dew test and surface roughness measurement were utilized to study the atmospheric corrosion performance of cold-rolled mild steel plates .

    采用薄层电化学测试技术,并结合结露 试验 表面粗糙度测量研究了冷轧低碳钢板的耐大气腐蚀性能。

  • The container was inverted on the test material surface for a period of 24 hours .

    该瓶倒置于所 测试的材料 表面持续24小时。

  • In the convective drying process the infrared thermal technology was used to test the surface temperature of wet Vitamin E and Maitong soft gelatin-capsules . The thermograms of wet Vitamin E and Maitong soft gelatin-capsules were obtained .

    应用红外热像技术,在对流干燥实验台上对热风干燥过程中软胶囊 表面温度进行了 测试,得到了湿维E软胶囊和脉通软胶囊的红外热图。

  • ET can test surface cracks by testing the change of impedance when the testing coil is near the tested object .

    电涡流检测是利用探头线圈靠近被测物体时阻抗发生的变化来 检测 裂纹的。

  • The results indicated that the method could improve the ablative resistance of the composites . The linear ablative rate of the composites at the test surface and the maximum temperature of the backside of the composites were decreased by 7.2 % and 20 ℃ respectively .

    结果表明通过阳极氧化处理可以改善复合材料的 烧蚀性能,其线烧蚀率降低了7.2%, 背面最高温度降低了20℃。

  • When flow velocity reaches 2.62 m / s the local corrosion is pitting corrosion and the protective corrosion product film can not form on the test coupon surface at the temperature of 100 ℃ and the CO_2 pressure of 0.03 MPa .

    在流体速度为 2.62m/s的情况下,温度为100℃、CO2分压为0.03MPa时,发生的局部腐蚀主要为点蚀,试样 表面未能形成保护性腐蚀产物膜;

  • Contact fatigue test of surface hardened gears

    硬齿 齿轮的接触疲劳 试验

  • Tensile test and surface layer effect of ultra fine grain thin copper sheet prepared by electrodeposition

    电沉积法制备的超细晶薄铜板 拉伸表面层效应

  • The new automatic system of distinguishing defects on test workpiece surface presented in this paper has wiped out all the influence of visible light given by ultraviolet exciting lamp overcome the zero drift of the amplifier and restrained the electromagnetic interference in the high gain amplifier .

    本文提出的荧光磁粉 探伤自动识别系统,消除了紫外激发光源中可见光的干扰,较好地克服了放大系统的温漂,抑制了高增益放大器中的电磁干扰。

  • In order to conveniently and quantitatively test the surface shape of large aperture optics a digital knife-edge tester is integrated with a traditional knife-edge tester CCD image processing and a computer aid calculation .

    为便捷地定量 检测大口径光学元件 形,运用数字刀口检测技术,把传统刀口仪与CCD图像采集处理、计算机辅助计算相结合,构成数字刀口仪。

  • Drop Tower Test of Surface Tension Tank

    表面张力贮箱落塔 试验

  • Besides jet perforating simulation test surface compounding test field cement plug test of one well and field well-cementing tests of two wells are carried out .

    此外,还进行了聚能射孔 试验地面打灰试验、1口井的现场打水泥塞试验和2口井的现场固井试验。

  • A magazine for electronic original equipment manufacturers and electronic manufacturing service providers in China who design assemble and test surface mounted PCBs .

    针对中国电子制造商的电子制造服务业,帮助他们开展 表面贴装电路板的设计、组装和 测试

  • Model test of surface water intake of Jining Canal Power Plant

    济宁运河发电厂 地表水取水口物理模型 试验研究