test model


  • The test model with six-speed automatic transmission included several electronic options such as voice-activated navigation .

    试驾 车型的变速器为六速自动档,包括了几种电子选配设备,如语音激活巡航系统。

  • This paper seeks to explore an Internet-based test model .

    本文主要旨在探索一种以互联网为基础的 考试 模式

  • Shaking Table Test Model Design with Setback in Elevation for a Super High-Rise Building

    某立面收进超高层结构振动台 模型 试验设计

  • For instance if the requirements analyst also helps create the analysis model or the test model he or she will be much busier beyond the requirements work for the iteration .

    例如,如果需求分析人员也能够帮助创建分析模型或 测试 模型,他或她将比处理迭代的需求工作更加忙碌。

  • Create a simple test model and project to test the aspect .

    创建一个简单的 测试 模型和项目来测试方面。

  • The special high-speed wind tunnel test model is a difficult problem in the aviation field .

    特种高速风洞 试验 模型设计一直是风洞试验领域的难点问题。

  • Board Interconnections Test Model Based on Boundary Scan

    基于边界扫描的板级互连 测试 模型研究

  • In many cases it is possible to partially generate one model from another ( for example moving from an analysis model to a design model or from an application model to a test model ) .

    在许多情况下,由一个模型部分地生成另一个模型是可能的事情(例如,从分析模型转换为设计模型,或者从应用模型转换为 测试 模型)。

  • Research of Test Suite Optimization Method on Regressing Test Model

    基于回归 测试 模型的用例集的优化研究

  • Intelligent Optimization Test Model of Armature Turn-To-Turn Insulation Parameter and Its Application

    电枢匝间绝缘参数智能优化 测试 技术及其应用

  • This paper the finite multi-well test model with consideration of heat loss and adjacent production wells is established based on the characteristics of seepage flow of heavy oil reservoir .

    为此,根据稠油油藏的渗流特征,建立了考虑热损失和邻井为生产井的稠油热采有限多井 试井 模型

  • This paper mainly discusses the design and realization of the test model for a bionic underwater vehicle which is propelled by undulations of a long flexible fin .

    以基于柔性长鳍波动推进的仿生水下机器人 试验 模型为背景,主要研究其设计与实现问题。

  • A Flow-Based Web Application Function Test Model and Implementation of Its Tool

    基于流程的Web应用功能 测试 模型及其工具的实现

  • Displacement measurement method of similar material test model by ordinary digital photography

    普通数码相机测定相似材料 实验 模型位移方法

  • Formalized analysis for authentication test model of TLS

    TLS协议认证 测试 模型与形式化分析

  • Research of Mnemonic Lifting Control System Based on Coal Shearer Test Model

    采煤机记忆调高 试验 模型控制系统研究

  • The Application and Research of a Y Test Model on Agile

    一种敏捷开发模式下的Y 测试 模型的应用研究

  • Using the simple test model described in the Setup section you 're going to apply FFDC to the sayGoodbye () method .

    使用在安装章节建立的样例 测试 模型,把FFDC应用到sayGoodbye()方法中。

  • We then built our metamodel and then used the editor to design a concrete test model including two Java methods modeled in the form an EOperationImpl .

    然后构建了元模型,并使用编辑器设计了一个具体的 测试 模型,包括以EOperationImpl形式建模的两个Java方法。

  • Application of Shear Test Model in Optimization of Adhesives

    剪切 测试 模型在粘结剂优化中的应用

  • A design method for the static and dynamic test model of Dongjiang Bridge ( double-deck and three main trusses steel bridge with rigid cable ) was introduced .

    介绍了东江大桥双层桥面三桁刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁 全桥静动力 模型的设计方法。

  • This paper uses unit root test model co-integration test model and Granger Causal test model to analyze the relation between international tourism and economic growth of Guilin .

    运用动态计量经济学的单位根 检验 模型、协整分析模型、因果关系检验模型,以桂林市为例,对国际旅游业和地方经济增长之间的动态关系进行了实证分析。

  • Unfortunately the Dealer have not left us any documents of instruction because it is only a test model .

    看来,因为是 测试 的关系。代理始乎没有把说明书留给我们。

  • Sampling inspection analysis based on sequential posterior odd test model for torpedo system

    基于序贯验后加权 检验 鱼雷抽样检验分析

  • Design of general EVM test model based on SDR and analysis of its uncertainty

    基于软件无线电架构的EVM通用 测试 模型与不确定度分析

  • Comparison of several optical measurement methods applied to measure displacement of test model

    试验 模型位移场中的几种光学测量方法比较

  • Constant stress accelerated life test model and its application-Weibull distribution

    恒定应力加速寿命 试验 模型及应用&威布尔分布

  • Numerical simulation of a RC frame shaking table test model

    钢筋混凝土框架振动台 试验 模型的数值模拟研究

  • The high-pressure loading system consisting of loading plates and the large-tonnage jacks is used to apply3D high geostress for the test model .

    高压加载系统用于给 试验 模型施加三维高地应力荷载,主要包括加载板和大吨位液压千斤顶。

  • The Research of Test Model of Innovative Enterprise Development 's Inner Power Based on BP Neural Network

    基于BP神经网络的企业发展内部动力 测量 模型研究