test card


  • Then the thesis gives a detailed introduction to the design of boundary scan test card and the development of test software .

    然后详细介绍了边界扫描 测试 的设计和边界扫描测试软件的开发。

  • A disposable blood electrolytic calcium ion test card is a kind of electrochemistry sensor .

    一次性血液电解质钙 卡片是基于 ISE电极原理的一种电化学传感器。

  • Let 's make sure where the test card is .

    咱们确认一下 考证在哪。

  • A type of disposable Ca2 + test card chemical ion sensitivity is an electrochemical sensor based on the principle of ion-selective electrodes ( ISE ) .

    一次性血液电解质钙离子 测试 卡片,是基于离子选择性电极原理的一种电化学传感器,它由测量池、敏感膜、接触衬底和盐桥等构件组成。

  • It determined the optimum conditions and passed the test card we can get a range of products .

    确定了优化工艺条件,通过了中 试验 验证

  • On the Function of Computers and the Test Card Reading Machine in Teaching

    论微机与 阅卷机在教学中的作用

  • Methods BioM é rieux automatic identification analyzer were adopted to identify 85 strains of bacteria separated from sputa specimen of 75 patients The bacteria 's antibiotic susceptibility was tested by ATB G-5 susceptibility test card .

    方法用生物梅里埃微生物全自动分析细菌鉴定 及药 对75例中枢神经系统疾病合并医院内下呼吸道感染患者痰液分离的85株致病菌进行菌型分类和药敏试验。

  • The Study of Trajectory Simulation Based on the Flight Test Assignment Card

    基于 试飞任务 的轨迹仿真问题研究

  • This paper is mainly using the regression method to establish regression function model between the spectrophotometry data of test card and protein concentration .

    本文主要在有监督学习的方法下利用回归方法建立了 检测 的吸光度数据与蛋白浓度之间的回归函数模型。

  • No matter what version is feasible for the sensory test teaching color card . The experiment used the tea tasting artificial weather experiment and bio-chemical examination to find out the most fitted level of the Carrageenan .

    即色卡分为专业版、 标准版和简化版,其中任一版面色泽用于茶叶审评课教学 色卡都是可行的。通过生化实验、茶叶审评 实验和人工模拟气候实验来确定卡拉胶的最适添加量。

  • Conclusions The PIP and the sialidase activities examination in the vagina secretion especially using the PIP Test Card is a reliable method for the diagnosis of BV .

    结论:阴道分泌物PIP和唾液酸酶活性检测特别是 PIPTestCard 是诊断BV较为可靠的方法。

  • The test card for data logging .

    采用 测试 进行数据记录。

  • It is a simple and easy newtype test card of microcomputer control digital integrated device .

    介绍了一种新型微机控制数字集成器件简易 测试

  • Objective To assess the accuracy of the rapid test card for ABO blood groups .

    目的评估便携式ABO血型快速 检测 检测血型的准确性。

  • Reflection colour bar test card

    GB/T3175.1-1987反射式彩条 测试

  • The basic points of design and selection of metal card clothing are introduced . Based on the comparison test of elastic card clothing and metal card clothing in spinning fine count yarn the result is that metal card clothing is more suit for spinning fine count yarn .

    介绍了梳棉机金属针布设计和选用的基本要素,通过弹性 布与金属针布纺细号纱的对比 试验,说明金属针布比弹性针布更适于纺细号纱。

  • Flesh tone test card for color TV

    电视彩色肤色 测试 的研制

  • The second test measures graphics card performance and is run inside the3D editor window .

    第二次 试验措施 显卡性能,内部三维编辑器窗口运行。

  • Parents are at work and children at school so the test card that feature of a bygone age is the only thing aired .

    父母们在上班,孩子们在上学,所以,唯一播送的是过去年代的特征& 测试 图象

  • Fast wearing simulated test of metallic card clothing

    金属 布快速磨损模拟 试验研究

  • Development of Test Card of Digital Integrated Component

    数字集成器件 测试 的研制

  • Each channel had a unique themed test card .

    每个频道都有各自不同主题的 测试

  • Rated the appearance of this card classic ! Workmanship is very fine appearance and generous wear ! Here we test this card to see how kind of speed .

    这个卡的外观堪称经典!做工非常精细、外观大方、耐磨!下面我们 测试一下这个 ,看速度怎么样。

  • To damaged mechanism of coppered well test recording card a set of physical and chemical protecting way for preserving well testing card for long time has been studied and searched .

    针对铜质地层 测试 卡片的损坏机理,研究、摸索出了一套有利于地层测试卡片耐久保存的物理保护方法和化学保护方法。

  • Reflection colour bar test card Diffuse . Apply tone of color into modeling .

    漫反射贴图:在模型上加上材质的 本色

  • Evaluation of Carry-home Rapid Test Card for ABO Blood Groups

    便携式ABO血型快速 检测 效果评估

  • Data record in the data collection process will inevitably lead to error review the test card and removed .

    在数据收集过程中难免会出现数据记录错误,复查 测试 并剔除。

  • Application programs based on windows platform are used to test the PCI card . It is proved that the hardware system and the device driver are all working in good conditions the data transferred is correct .

    基于Windows平台的应用程序 测试了PCI接口 ,证实了系统硬件电路和驱动程序工作正常,数据传输结果正确。

  • Finally develop a test java card code coverage tool with the effort of Plug-in developers . Finally we succeed to output the EC and EM file that include the code coverage running information .

    最终,成功输出了记录代码运行时覆盖率信息的EC和EM文件,并配合插件开发人员成功开发了一种 测试Java 代码覆盖率的 测试工具并投入公司实际使用。