term loan

[tɚm lon][tə:m ləun]


  • That being said you need to understand the term student loan consolidation which like any other consolidation means you take your debt and combine it into one lower easy monthly payment .

    话虽如此,你要了解的 助学 贷款巩固”,像其他整理不论你是债务和手段结合起来,降低,容易按月支付。

  • The commercial paper emerged in year 2005 . Its appearance provides the various enterprises a new short term financing channel apart from the short term loan and discount note .

    短期融资券于2005年问世,它的出现为各类型的企业提供了除 短期 贷款、贴现票据以外的一种融资工具。

  • The Fiorentina youngster has spent this term on loan at juventus but the old lady will not take up their option to sign him outright in the summer .

    这位佛罗伦萨的球员是这个 赛季 租借给尤文的,但是尤文并不打算在这个夏天把他签下。

  • In the short term government loan bonds should be issued in reasonably large quantities and the relationship between preventing financial risks and the increase in loans should be well handled appropriately ;

    短期 考虑,一要保持较大的国债发行力度,二要处理好防范金融风险和增加 贷款的关系;

  • Actually I mentioned the Term Securities Loan Facility because it 's a new innovation but it hasn 't started yet .

    事实上,我提到 术语,是因为它是一个,新的 革新但还没有开始实施。

  • The term of the loan is fifteen year .

    贷款 期限为15年。

  • A loan in which the interest rate is adjusted periodically during the term of the loan based on a pre-selected index and time adjustment .

    利率在贷款期间 按照预先确定的指标和时间不时调整的 贷款

  • Drawdown a RMB Short Term Revolving Loan to repay the existing loan as per the attached CNY Loan Agreement .

    按照所附的中国货币(民币)款协议,拨出一个自动展期的人民币 短期循环 贷款去偿还现有的贷款。

  • At five years the term of the loan is also longer than anything on offer in more developed economies .

    此外,5年的 贷款 期限也比更发达的经济体各银行所能提供的期限更长。

  • The result shows that impact factors of house price include fluctuation ratio loan to house value ratio riskless interest rate and term of loan on default rate .

    研究结论认为:住房价格波动率、贷款房价比、无风险利率和 贷款 期限住房 贷款违约率有显著的影响。

  • Bring forward the method of credit risk measurement through introducing enterprise credit degree enterprise trade loan term and loan manner to loan risk degree for the first time .

    将企业信用等级、企业行业、贷款 期限贷款方式引入贷款风险度中,提出了一种信用风险度量模型。

  • On Calculating Methods of Accrued Interest of Long - term Loan

    企业 长期 借款应计利息核算浅议

  • If they are fixed the rate is locked in at one rate throughout the term of the loan .

    如果他们不动,汇率锁定在一 贷款利率在整个。

  • Then they came up with the Term Securities Loan Facility .

    然后,他们发明了 术语长期资产支持证券 贷款

  • But the effect is different . In the long term the loan and insurance has a certain influence on urban and rural residents ' consumption .

    长期 来看贷款和保险都对城乡居民消费产生了一定的影响。

  • The longer the term of a loan the greater the risk that the investment will not be repaid .

    一项 贷款 时间越长,投资者无法收回投资的风险就越大。

  • After 1998 commercial banks seek for an expansion of medium to long term loan in order to reduce the pressure of NPL rate which directly promotes the expansion of medium to long term loan .

    1998年后商业银行为降低不良贷款率的压力开始主动追求中 长期 贷款规模的扩张,直接推动了近几年中长期贷款扩张。

  • Juventus may now be forced to bring back custodian Antonio Mirante to the club after he spent last term on loan at siena .

    尤文图斯可能被迫回收门将安东尼奥。 米兰特到俱乐部,当他 租借到锡耶纳结束之后。

  • Finance costs are collected over the term of the loan .

    贷款 期间要收取财务费用。

  • Fed officials believe there is already evidence of this in the lacklustre initial take-up of loans offered for the term asset-backed securities loan facility ( TALF ) .

    美联储(fed)官员相信,为 定期资产支持证券 贷款工具(talf)提供的首批贷款申请不活跃,就已证明了这一点。

  • To study the combined housing mortgage loan we established a theory model for it . Through this model we can work out the term of loan the repayment of capital and interest every year .

    为此,试图建立一个考虑居民收入增长的个人住房抵押组合贷款理论模型,通过该理论模型可以确定合理的 贷款 期限以及各年的还本付息额。

  • If the loan is based on more than one deposit certificates the term of the loan shall be determined according to the earliest date of maturity except for loans granted by installments .

    若为多张存单质押,以距离到期日时间最近者确定 贷款 期限,分 发放的贷款除外。

  • Through this article research we discovered northeast old industrial base enterprise financing channel sole relying on strongly to the bank loan unreasonable capital structure in particular high long term loan proportion which caused the enterprise interest burden to be heavy and the achievement drops unceasingly .

    通过研究发现东北老工业基地企业融资渠道单一,对银行贷款依赖性强,资本结构不合理,尤其是 长期 贷款比例偏高,导致了企业利息负担沉重、业绩不断下降的问题。

  • The main business of our country 's banking was now is and will be in the long term deposit & loan traditional operation etc.

    我国银行业曾经是、目前是、今后相当长的 时期 是以经营 存贷等传统业务为主。

  • As a result the right policy guide and support to Export oriented enterprise is urgent issue . For example to offer tax favorable term and low-interest loan to small Labor intensive and Export oriented enterprise who want to import high-tec equipment form foreign market .

    所以正确政策引导和政策支持是当务之急,例如可以给予劳动力密集型出口导向型的加工贸易小型企业科研投入的税收 优惠和进口国外先进技术和设备的外汇低息 贷款

  • The model is another American innovation from the financial crisis & the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility or TALF .

    这是美国在金融危机 时期的另一种创新模式,所谓的 定期资产抵押证券 贷款工具,简称TALF。