

vt.& vi.结束使终结解雇到达终点站


  • At this point the client and server terminate their connections .

    此时,客户机和服务器将 终止它们的连接。

  • The buyer then may elect to terminate the transaction by giving timely and appropriate notice to the seller .

    买方则可以选择 终止交易给予及时和适当的通知卖方。

  • This train will terminate at Taunton .

    这列火车的 终点站是汤顿。

  • If all is correctly configured the program will execute and terminate without you seeing any error messages .

    如果一切都正确配置,程序将执行并 终止其间看不到任何错误消息。

  • All hopes of happiness in this world terminate in pain despair and sorrow .

    所有的在这个世界上的希望和快乐 终止在痛苦,消失和悲伤中。

  • Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation

    她接下来说的话使谈话 戛然而止

  • To call a subroutine to terminate the reading from or writing to a file by a program .

    调用一个子程序来 终止程序对一个文件的读出或写入。

  • After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy

    经历一番痛苦挣扎后,她决定 终止妊娠。

  • I entered into this contract with high hopes now I want to terminate it .

    我曾抱着很大的希望签订这份合同,但现在我想 解除

  • JADE also provides a graphical user interface ( GUI ) to initialize control and terminate agents .

    JADE还提供了图形用户接口(GUI),用以初始化、控制和 终止代理。

  • Are you opting to terminate your association with the cia ?

    你是在选择 中断你和中情局的联系吗?

  • This fault will terminate the scope together with all running event handlers .

    此错误将 终止该范围和所有正在运行的事件处理程序。

  • To forcibly terminate a running process you can use TerminateProcess () in Windows .

    在Windows中,您可以使用TerminateProcess()强制 终止一个运行中的进程。

  • In the world as a whole about ten per cent of all pregnancies are terminated .

    从全世界看来,所有怀孕的人中约10%的妊娠被 终止了。

  • A filter can terminate its processing at any time by calling the next filter in the chain .

    一个过滤器可以通过调用过滤器链中下一个过滤器随时 终止自身处理。

  • Finally analyzed the testing terminate condition and opportunity to satisfy testing cost .

    文中最后分析了测试 终止条件和时机,以控制测试成本。

  • Your rights under this EULA will automatically terminate if you breach any of your material obligations under this EULA .

    如果您违反本EULA项下您的任何实质义务,您在本EULA项下的权利将自动 终止

  • The death of the offeree or offeror may terminate an offer . Do you want to make an appointment ?

    受要约人或要约人的死亡将可能使要约 终止。你要不要约个时间?

  • We will learn what a process is and how to create and terminate it .

    我们将学习什么是进程以及如何创建和 终止一个进程。

  • You can use this label as before to terminate the job or return it to the foreground .

    您可以像先前那样使用这个标签,以 终止工作或让工作返回前台。

  • A process being terminated has no threads to terminate .

    终止的进程没有线程来 终止

  • Either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement in the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the other party .

    本协议任何一方可以在对方破产或资不抵债的情况下 终止本协议。

  • In this example we want it to terminate .

    在本例中,我们希望 终止 脚本

  • This instance exists until the machine reaches a final or terminate state .

    这一实例直到状态机到达最终或 终止状态时才会 结束

  • The death of Guarantor shall not terminate this Guaranty .

    担保人的死亡不应使本担保书 终止

  • It is said that the General Motors is going to terminate your contract .

    据说通用汽车公司要 解除和你订的契约。

  • If you fail they terminate you .

    如果你不合格就会 了你。

  • You have to terminate this therapy right away .

    你必须 马上 终止对她的治疗。