terminal analysis

[ˈtɚmənəl əˈnælɪsɪs][ˈtə:minəl əˈnæləsis]


  • Users through the browser at any place using any access to the Internet terminal remote query analysis of all the data collected to support a variety of display reserved interface based on the need to develop a variety of data analysis .

    使用者可以通过浏览器在任何地方,使用任何接入互联网的 终端,远程查询 分析采集到的所有数据,支持多种显示方式,预留接口可根据需要开发各种数据分析功能。

  • Terminal Guidance Analysis of Extra-Atmospheric Kinetic-Kill Vehicle

    大气层外动能拦截器 制导 分析

  • According to the demand for vehicle terminal system analysis we will be its main function is divided into information services information collection vehicle navigation and positioning in-car multimedia services vehicle networking car safety driving assistance parking guide .

    根据对车载 终端系统的需求 分析我们将其功能主要划分为信息服务、信息采集、车辆导航及定位、车载多媒体服务、车联网、汽车安全辅助驾驶、停车场引导等。

  • The control center based on B / S structure was mainly responsible for receiving from the monitor terminal and completing data analysis and processing data packet of GPRS transmission and preserving database ( MySQL ) .

    监控中心采用B/S架构,主要负责接收监控 终端由GPRS发送的数据包并完成数据的 解析、分析处理,并保存到数据库(MySQL)。

  • Alarm system of ETI carrier terminal analysis and monitor point selection

    ETI 载波 告警系统的 分析与监测点的选取

  • METHODS The purified product was characterized through Western blot terminal amino acid sequence analysis mass spectrometry and in vivo bioactivity assay . MOLECULAR CLONING OF HUMAN STEM CELL FACTOR GENE We have been studying the expression of rhSCF in E.

    方法通过蛋白质杂交,氨基酸 末端序列 分析,质谱分析及动物体内生物活性的研究,对人干细胞因子基因大肠杆菌表达产物&重组人干细胞因子(rhSCF)分子进行了鉴定。

  • Based on terminal conditions of numeric analysis numeric analysis of the relative expanding difference of shaft and cylinder of steam turbine was made at the different temperatures in the no-load work condition by ANSYS .

    利用数值 分析 边界条件,运用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对汽轮机转子及汽缸空负荷工况下,不同排气温度时的相对胀差进行了数值模拟。

  • It has explained the working principle and hardware design of the centralized meter reading terminal and analysed the terminal type of interference analysis around the presence of concentrated reading .

    同时,阐释了集中抄表 终端的概念,并对集中抄表终端的工作原理和硬件设计做了详细说明,针对集中抄表 终端周围存在的干扰类型进行 分析

  • Ultrasonic c-scan system applied to inspect the torus has been developed in which the directly digital imaging and programmable sample scanning are used . The testing result is displayed on the screen of the computer terminal after analysis and processing accurately .

    利用直接数字成像和程控采样扫描技术,研制成了圆环蜂窝构件超声C扫描检测系统,精确地将蜂窝构件检测结果 分析处理后直接显示在微机 终端屏幕。

  • In this basic performance test evaluation of breeding value computation of maternal and terminal index and pedigree analysis have been carried out .

    在此基础上对基础群的个体开展了性能测定,进而进行了育种值的估计、父系或 母系指数的计算以及系谱 分析实现了基础群的选种、选配。

  • Terminal Trajectory Correction Capability Analysis and Optimization Design for Simple Control Projectile

    简易修正弹 末段弹道修正能力 分析与优化设计

  • And study on the current common container terminal production scheduling system combined with the statues of the production operations in Xiamen port Haitian Container Terminal and the analysis of applications work out the main function of production assist system .

    并以当前常见集装箱港口生产调度系统的研究入手,结合系统应用所在地&厦门港海天集装箱 码头的生产作业现状进行了现有系统及其应用的 分析,提出了生产辅助系统的主要功能。

  • This paper details the design and implementation of two-dimensional code terminal management system and analysis the defect of system and makes the solution is the theory supplement to the terminal system .

    本论文在详细阐述了 终端管理系统的设计和实现流程的同时还 分析了系统存在的缺陷并提出了改进方案,是对终端管理系统很好的理论补充。

  • Design of Guidance Law for Exoatmospheric Interceptor During Its Terminal Course Analysis of the Divert Ability of Atmospheric Interceptors Controlled by Lateral Jet Thrusters

    大气层外动能拦截器 末段导引规律设计大气层内直接侧向力控制拦截导弹末段修正能力 分析

  • In the third phase develop system original shape and decide terminal demand and requirement analysis .

    第三阶段开发出系统原型, 最终确定系统的需求 分析

  • The software system includes real-time data transmission from acquisition facility to customer terminal equipment and data analysis by client other than data acquisition function .

    整个软件系统具有传送实时数据和在 客户端进行数据 分析两部分功能,不包括数据采集功能。

  • The maximal UV absorption is at 280 nm and the N terminal amino acid analysis shows that the first 19 amino acids sequence is the same as the theoretic prediction .

    其N 19个氨基酸 分析与预期序列一致,紫外最大吸收光谱位于280nm,氨基酸的组成与预期结果一致,内毒素含量低于部颁标准。

  • Development and Application of Terminal Message Software System of Analysis and Processing in Civil Aviation

    民航电报 分析处理 终端软件的开发及应用

  • The structure of PAMAM were characterized by IR and terminal analysis and the demulsification of PAMAM has been investigated by using the simulated O / W emulsion .

    采用IR和 端基 分析对PAMAM的结构进行了表征,同时采用O/W型的模拟原油乳液评价了PAMAM的破乳性能。

  • The author introduces hardware platform system structure and software system for the mobile terminal and makes analysis and research on design and realization of water regime database method for linking with Internet and real time transmission of water regime information .

    介绍了水情信息移动 终端的硬件平台、系统结构,以及软件系统的组成, 分析研究了水情数据库的设计与实现, 终端接入Internet的方式,水情信息实时传输的实现等内容。

  • Dry bulk cargo terminal operator Analysis on Reliability of Handling System of Specialized Bulk Cargo Terminal

    干散装货 终点 码头经营人专业化散货码头装卸系统可靠性 分析

  • A Survey on Requirements of Family Members of Terminal Cancer Inpatients and Analysis of the Influencing Factors

    晚期癌症住院患者家属需求及其影响因素 分析

  • Terminal examination analysis of comprehensive prevention and cure of common ill in students of Chengdu City

    成都市学生常见病综合防治 期考评结果 分析

  • C terminal Analysis of Proteins and Peptides

    蛋白质及多肽的C 分析

  • Discussion on Determination of Relative Number Average Molecular Weight of Chitosan-Oligosaccharide by Terminal Group Analysis Method

    关于 端基 分析法测定壳低聚糖的相对数均分子质量问题的探讨

  • Improved Facility Layout Planning for Passenger Terminal Based on Streamline Analysis

    基于流线 分析的客运 枢纽设施布置改进方法

  • Methods : Various analytical techniques including gene sequencing amino acid composition analysis of N terminal amino acid analysis peptide mapping IEF molecular weight and UV scanning were used .

    方法:用基因测序、氨基酸组成分析、N 末端氨基酸 测序、胰肽图谱、IEF、分子量、紫外扫描等各种实验手段对重组L天冬酰胺酶及其天然品进行了全面比较。

  • The work of this paper can be divided into five parts : signal collecting signal detection classification recognition terminal display and experimental analysis .

    可以将本文的工作大致分为五个部分:数据采集、信号探测、分类识别、 终端显示、实验 分析

  • This paper introduces the system structure analysis and design the core hardware module and software module of the vehicle terminal analysis and design the database and software system of the monitoring center and realize the data communication between the vehicle terminal and monitoring center .

    论文研究了系统总体结构, 设计和实现了车载 终端的核心硬件模块和软件模块,分析和设计了监测中心数据库和软件系统,实现了车载终端和监测中心之间的数据通信。