term plan

[tɚm plæn][tə:m plæn]


  • To China a developing country it is of great technological economical and strategic importance to set up a long term plan of developing renewable energy and pushing the wind power technology and industry to be globalized .

    中国作为发展中国家,制定 长远 目标发展可再生能源,实现风电技术和产业的国际化,具有非常深远的科技、经济和战略意义。

  • Social debate among different groups pushed the issue of de-bureaucratization in the teeth of the storm before and after the promulgation of the National Mid-long Term Plan of Education Development .

    2010年《国家中 长期教育发展 规划纲要》颁布前后,来自社会各方面的热议更是将高校去行政化问题推到了风口浪尖。

  • Electricity has become the main traction power in railway systems . Constructing electrified railway is the major task of Chinese railway development according to The Middle and Long Term Plan of Chinese Railway Network .

    电力牵引以其特有的优势成为了铁路的重要牵引动力,我国《中 长期铁路 规划 将电气化铁路作为今后铁路建设的主要任务。

  • The Central Authorities have already approved the long term plan for the Reform and Development the Pearl River Delta region .

    第四,中央已经批准珠三角改革和发展的 长远 规划

  • General thoughts of medium and long term plan of health education and health promotion in Shenzhen City

    深圳市健康教育与健康促进中 长期 规划的总体思路

  • The key to carry out transmission of power in West to East is to have an overall and comprehensive long term plan at the same time to change conception and to overcome inadequacy of existed management system .

    认为西电东送的落实关键要有一个全面的、综合的 长远 规划,同时要转变观念、克服现有管理体制存在的不足;

  • We are a nation that is growing stronger economically because of our long term economic plan .

    英国的经济因为有了 长远 规划得到了强有力的发展。

  • Sealy China has just started with a strong commitment and long term plan to develop in China market .

    丝涟公司对中国市场有极大的信心及 长远的发展 规划,丝涟中国公司也于 近期成立。

  • Have you ever taken a position that didn 't fit into your long term plan ?

    除了工作之外,告诉我一 来你一直对其保持兴趣的活动。

  • Anyone implementing these configurations is strongly advised to do so as the first phase of a longer term plan that ultimately implements a strong authentication mechanism for remote connections .

    我们强烈建议实现此配置的任何人将其作为 长期 计划的第一阶段,以最终实现远程连接的强身份验证机制。

  • I don 't know what will happen tomorrow so I don 't have a long term plan because it 's useless .

    我不知道明天会发生什么,所以我没有 长远 计划,因为那没有用。

  • China is in the period of economic transition which poses new problems that need solving to the perfection and reform of social pension security system as well as the requirement for sustainable development with long term plan .

    我国经济处于转型期,对社会养老保障制度的完善和改革提出新的需要解决的问题和 长远 规划的可持续发展的要求。

  • On the Draft of Short - term Plan for Urban Construction

    关于编制城市 近期建设 规划的思考

  • Measures should be adopted to work out a long term plan and to strengthen investigation in order to make a break through in search for world-large gold deposits in our country .

    长远 考虑,要进一步采取措施,加强科研工作, 制定 规划,有目标地探索世界型的金矿床在我国突破的可行性和现实性。

  • Not to mention the lack of a long term plan when the common currency was established .

    更别提当欧元这一共同货币创建时,就缺乏一个 长远 计划

  • To formulate a long term plan of passenger transport by ship requires that to correctly estimate and evaluate the position and role of passenger transport by ship in the comprehensive transport network .

    正确估计和评价陕西水路客运在综合运输网中的地位和作用,是制定陕西船运 发展 远景 目标的客观要求。

  • In order to await the arrival of west gas and Gas expanded utilization of East China Sea Shanghai government department has formulated short middle term plan for gas utilization .

    为了迎接2004年西气及东海天然气的扩大利用,上海市政府及有关部门制定了利用天然气的近、 中期 规划

  • Power Equipments Maintenance Scheduling is a very important aspect of the long term plan of the electric power system .

    发电设备检修计划是电力系统 长期运行 计划中一项主要内容。

  • Analysis to the medium and long term plan of DSM in Hebei province

    浅析河北省电力需求侧管理中 长期 规划

  • But because I see a very clear goal I make a long term plan and move according to it to reach the goal .

    是因为如果我看到一个非常明确的目标,我会制定一个 长期 计划并朝着目标努力。

  • The information center designs comprehensively both considered the education city territory net long term plan each kind of server reasonably matched and considered the city territory net possibly appeared each kind of security problem and solution .

    信息中心设计全面,既考虑了教育城域网的 长远 规划,各种服务器的合理搭配,又考虑了城域网的可能出现的各种安全问题及解决方案。

  • Suggestions : Professional football club must be guided by market assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses must make a long term plan and the most important duty of the club is to improve the match so that can meet the needs of fans .

    建议职业俱乐部必须以市场为导向、自负盈亏,必须具有 长期 规划,俱乐部最根本的任务在于提高球队比赛的精彩程度,满足广大球迷的需要。

  • He has to give markets a credible medium term plan in case events push the targets beyond his reach .

    他必须给市场拿出一套可信的 中期 计划,以防事态发展导致自己无力实现上述目标。

  • By system simulation test the short term plan is proved to be able to solve the shortage of water in North China .

    通过系统仿真试验表明 近期调水 方案能够较好的解决华北地区的缺水问题。

  • Research on thermal cycles and integrated energy systems is one of the important subjects for energy and environmental science which is also emphasized in the National Mid-to-Long Term Plan for S & T.

    热力循环与总能系统是本世纪能源与环境科学的主要议题之一,也是在国家中 长期科技 规划中位于优先位置的需要关注的重点。

  • So what 's your short term plan ?

    那么你的 短期 计划呢?

  • The long - term plan of high educational development is integrating with the world while developing basic discipline .

    高等教育发展的 长久之计是发展基础学科的同时跟世界接轨。