term of office

[tɚm ʌv ˈɔfɪs][tə:m ɔv ˈɔfis]


  • Occurring at or marking the close of a term of office .

    发生的 职务 任期结束的时候或者与这一时刻相关。

  • Once a president is inaugurated he begins his term of office .

    总统在就职典礼举行后,就开始了他的 任职

  • The unicameral Korean parliament is the National Assembly or Gukhoe whose members serve a four-year term of office .

    单一议院的南韩议会是国民大会或甑殒(Gukhoe),成员 任期4年。

  • The administration of the city schools was centralized during mayor jone 's term of office .

    在琼斯市长 任期 ,市内学校曾集中管理。

  • A person discharging the duties of the President of the Republic shall not shorten the term of office of the Sejm .

    一个人不会因履行了共和国总统的职责而缩短了众议院 任期

  • He broke with tradition and stood for a third term of office .

    他打破传统,参加第3 任期 竞选

  • The term of office of the board of directors shall be three years .

    董事会 任期为三年。

  • An American President 's term of office is four years .

    美国总统的 任期是四年。

  • The wages and welfare during the term of office of the full time chairman vice-chairman of the trade union of enterprises institutions and other organizations shall be contrasted with the related regulations of country or city .

    企业、业单位和其他组织专职工会主席、主席 任职期间的工资和待遇按照国家和本市有关规定执行。

  • The composition of the board of directors its powers and rules of procedure the term of office of directors and the responsibilities of the chairman and vice-chairman of the board ;

    董事会的组成、职权和议事规则,董事的 任期,董事长、副董事长的职责;

  • Within that term of office I shall strive to achieve the revision .

    在这 任期 ,我会努力完成修宪。

  • His term of office expires next month .

    他的 任期到下个月届满。

  • I hope that during President reagan 's term of office relations between our two countries will make further progress .

    我希望在里根总统 执政期间,中美关系能有进一步的发展。

  • He and his family live here during his term of office .

    他和他的家人在他 任职期间住在这里。

  • The term of office of the third Presidium is one year .

    本届主席团成员 任期为一年。

  • Their term of office may be renewed with the approval by the board of directors .

    总经理、副总经理由董事会聘任, 任期为三 ,经董事会批准后可以连任。

  • The Vietnam War dashed President Johnson 's hopes of a second term of office

    越南战争使约翰逊总统 连任的希望破灭了。

  • The presidential term of office is 7 years and the parliamentary term of elected office is 6 years .

    总统 任期7年,选举出的国会期限是6年。

  • The government is elected for a fiveyear term of office .

    选举产生的政府 任期五年。

  • His term of office has run out .

    他的 任期已满。

  • Where the term of office of the director is expired but is not re-elected immediately before the new elected director inaugurates the previous director shall execute their official duties as a director in accordance with the law and this articles of association .

    董事 任期届满未及时改选,在改选出的董事就任前,原董事仍应当依照法律和本章程的规定,履行董事职务。

  • The term of office has expired .


  • Under the proposed new system these officials would no longer be civil servants . Their term of office would not exceed that of the Chief Executive who nominated them .

    在建议的新制度下,这些官员不再是公务员, 任期也不会超逾提名他们的行政长官的任期。

  • The term of office for the directors is four years and may be renewed .

    董事 任期为四年,可以连任。

  • Felipe Gonzalez won a fourth term of office in Spain 's election .

    费利佩·冈萨雷斯在西班牙选举中获得第4次 连任

  • Transformational diplomacy is the governing principle and fundamental policy of Bushs external strategy during his second term of office .

    转型外交是布什第二 任期对外战略的指导原则和基本政策。