terminal carbon

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈkɑrbən][ˈtə:minəl ˈkɑ:bən]


  • Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylation of Terminal Acetylenes in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

    超临界 二氧化碳介质中钯催化 末端炔烃羰基化反应的影响因素

  • The terminal of this system was the biological activated carbon it could be removal COD and chroma of the emerge water from contact oxidation pillar effectively to make the wastewater effluent measure up to the industrial standards basically .

    工艺 末端的生物活性 深度处理可以有效地去除好氧出水的COD和色度,使得出水基本接近工业废水排放标准。

  • At present the main methods are reducing the terminal devices energy consumption using the advanced control algorithm to control the pumps and fans with the parameters such as pressure temperature and concentration of carbon dioxide .

    目前针对中央空调系统的节能措施主要围绕降低中央空调 末端设备能耗,利用压力、温差、室内 二氧化碳浓度等参数采用先进控制算法,对泵与风机进行变频控制等。

  • An improved method for the palladium catalyzed carbonylation of terminal acetylenes using supercritical carbon dioxide as the reaction medium has been developed .

    研究了以超临界 二氧化碳为反应介质实现改善钯催化 炔烃羰基化反应绿色性的方法。

  • Comparing the ~ ( 31 ) PNMR ~ ( 13 ) C NMR and DEPT of reactant with those of ring-opening products we reached the conclusion that the nucleophilic opening ring occurred at the terminal carbon having less stereo-hindrance .

    通过比较反应物和产物31PNMR,13cNMR及DEPT,得出了开环反应是发生在五元环的 原子上。

  • The result indicates that terminal carbon concentration will decrease with decreasing the initial carbon concentration or increasing the initial oxygen concentration ;

    计算结果表明:降低初始碳含量、增大初始氧含量可使脱碳 终点 含量降低;

  • Terminal Ordovician mass extinction and its relationship to iridium and carbon isotope anomalies

    奥陶系与志留系界线处生物绝灭事件及其与铱和 同位素异常的关系

  • The major metabolic pathways involved oxidation of the pentyl side chain to alcohols and acids with sequential cleavage of the terminal carbon .

    主要代谢途径为:戊基支链 末端 原子连续裂解而氧化为醇和酸。

  • The effects of co-solvent pressure and temperature on the palladium-catalyzed carbonylation of terminal acetylenes in supercritical carbon dioxide has been studied .

    在超临界 二氧化碳介质的钯催化 末端炔烃羰基化反应中,研究了助溶剂、压力和温度等因素对反应的影响。