terminal emulation

[ˈtɚmənəl ˌɛmjəˈleʃən][ˈtə:minəl ˌemjəˈleɪʃən]


  • The Design and Implementation of PU Synchronous Terminal Emulation System

    PU同步 终端 仿真系统的设计与实现

  • A Research on the Combined Terminal Guidance Emulation System for Anti - galley Missile

    反舰导弹复合 制导 仿真系统研究

  • A Data Communication Method between Different Type Computers with Terminal Emulation Technique

    使用 终端 仿真技术实现异种计算机间数据传送的一种方法

  • The computer terminal emulation technology enhances network management ability and expands the scope of NM .

    计算机 终端 仿真技术可以增强网络管理的能力,扩大网管的范围。

  • How terminal emulation sessions work

    终端 模拟会话的工作方式

  • Figure shows a list of operating systems and the terminal emulation software that may be used .

    图显示可被使用的作业系统和 终端机 模拟软体的清单。

  • Design of C # language integrated terminal emulation software and log analysis tools ; performance through a system enables users to quickly view intuitive way to learn about parallel program execution communication situation . To locate performance bottlenecks optimization program provides visual reference .

    设计C语言集成 终端 仿真软件与日志分析工具,通过一列系性能视图让用户以快速、直观地方式了解并行程序执行、通信等状况,从而为定位性能瓶颈、优化程序提供直观的参考。

  • You do this by setting up a terminal emulation program .

    这需要设置一个 终端 模拟程序。

  • To start let 's look at how terminal emulation works .

    首先来看看 终端 模拟的工作方式。

  • To set up a serial console under Linux use a terminal emulation program such as minicom as shown here

    要想在Linux上设置串行控制台,需要使用minicom等 终端 模拟程序,步骤如下

  • This paper systematically introduces all these three application modes of network computer ; they are Windows Terminal Mode X Terminal Mode and Terminal Emulation Mode .

    论文系统的介绍了网络计算机三种应用模式:Windows终端模式、X终端模式及 终端 仿真模式。

  • In this paper we will introduce a terminal emulation technique that can support the communication between different type computers economically and effectively .

    一个计算机网络要 实现与异种网络或 异种计算机的数据通讯,需要使用 复杂昂贵的网关( GATEWAY)。本文介绍的 终端 仿真技术,能经济、有效地进行异种计算机之间的数据通讯。

  • This work designs and implements the combined terminal guidance emulation system for anti-galley missile with the research background of anti-galley missile warcraft jamming evaluation and puts up a platform for warcraft jamming evaluation .

    本文以复合 制导反舰导弹的舰艇干扰效果评估为研究背景,设计并实现了反舰导弹复合木制导 仿真系统,为舰艇干扰效果评估搭建了软硬件系统平台。