terminal supervisory

[计] 终端管理程序

  • Such system is composed of the measure device on substation terminal and the software platform of the supervisory center .

    此系统由 终端测量装置、 监控中心软件平台两部分组成。

  • The client terminal can carry on the network video supervisory through the IE browser or installment of the client terminal software and realize the long-distance control of the camera and rapes through the serial port .

    客户端可以利用网络通过IE浏览器或安装客户端软件进行网络视频 监控,并可通过串口实现远程控制。

  • The system core is an embedded supervisory control terminal the supervisory control terminal acquires the data of direct-reading gas meter by M-BUS communicates with the supervisory control center of gas company by GPRS net .

    该系统以嵌入式监控 终端为核心, 监控终端通过M-BUS总线实现直读式气表读数的采集,并通过GPRS网络平台与燃气公司监控中心通讯。

  • Design and Realization of Multi-Service Digital Optical Terminal Used in Remote Supervisory

    远程 监控系统中多业务数字 光端 的设计与实现

  • The container supervisory control system consists of monitor terminal communication link and supervisory control center .

    系统主要由监测 终端、通信链路和 监控中心组成。

  • The second-joint video terminal system for Dong-Huang Oil Pipeline has been developed in order to improve the line 's field operating supervisory field operating status display of Chinese characters and screen copying .

    为解决东黄线全线现场运行情况 监视、运行状态汉字显示、屏幕硬拷贝等问题,开发和研制了东黄线再接 终端系统。

  • The composition functions characteristics of structure ( including supervisory control center terminal supervisory control system data transmission ) and software programming base are analyzed in detail in the paper .

    文中时该监控系统的组成、功能、结构特点(包括监控中心、 监控系统、数据传输等)以及软件编程基础等进行了详细分析。

  • It provides a kind of solution for remote data acquisition and supervisory control system based on web . The system adopts B / S structure on supervisory control mode and can realize tri-communication among intelligent terminal supervisory control management center and client terminal .

    该系统采用B/S结构监控模式,实现智能 终端监控管理中心和客户端的三方通讯,客户端设计采用基于组态的设计方法,服务器端设计包括Web服务器和数据库服务器的设计等。