working length

[ˈwə:kɪŋ lɛŋkθ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ leŋθ]


  • A clinical study of posterior teeth root canal working length measured by electronic apex locator

    根管 长度电测仪测定后牙根管 工作 长度的临床研究

  • Objective : To evaluate the correlation factors on the accuracy of determining root canal working length by electronic measurement in vivo .

    目的:评价患者年龄、患牙牙位、冠根状态等相关因素对根 长度电测法测定根管 长度准确性的影响。

  • Clinical study on the accuracy of working length determination on molars of old people by root canal apex locator

    根管治疗仪测定老年人磨牙根管 工作 长度准确性的初步研究

  • The traditional method is that the dentist confirm the canal working length according to his feeling of the hand when detecting the root canals the patients sense of pain and X - ray radiographs ;

    传统法根据医生探测根管时的手感、患者的疼痛感和拍X光片来确定根管 工作 长度,根测仪法采用日本JUSTY-Ⅱ根测仪来确定根管 工作 长度

  • The working length was determined with the X-ray film .

    疏通 ,并拍X线片确定是否达 工作 长度

  • I was not qualified to be trained as a BEC examiner due to the insufficient working length at SYSU for my teaching experience here was less than three years .

    因为当时在中大 工作不满三年不能去培训为 考官,反而,报名成了BEC高级的考生。

  • Conclusions Electronic apex locator is a convenient and accurate device in determination of canal working length .

    结论根管长度电测法是一种准确度高、操作简便且实用的确定根管 工作 长度的方法。

  • A study of triple-united method for determining root canal working length

    三联法测量根管 工作 长度的研究

  • Compared group 98 cases with 170 roots applying teeth X ray testing the root working length undertake root preparing and filling up and took X ray after operation .

    对照组98颗牙共170个根管,用X牙片法确定根管的 工作 长度,进行根管预备和充填,术后拍片。

  • Evaluation on the quality of root canal obturation and on accuracy of electronic apex locator for determining root canal working length

    电子根尖定位仪测量根管 工作 长度准确性及根管充填质量的评价

  • Objective To test the accuracy of electronic apex locator in determining working length of anterior teeth using ODIS system .

    目的用口腔数字成像系统(ODIS)检验根管长度测量仪在测定前牙根管 工作 长度时的准确性及实用性。

  • Objective : To investigate the clinical effect of Root ZX electronic apex locator in measuring posterior teeth root canal working length .

    目的:探讨rootzx根管长度电测仪测量后牙根管 工作 长度的临床效果。

  • CONCLUSION : ProPex is relatively accurate in molar working length measurement .

    结论:ProPex可以比较准确地测量磨牙牙齿 操作 长度

  • Results The standard working length was obtained in 95 % teeth with electronic apex locator .

    结果根管长度测量仪测定的结果95%为标准 长度

  • Objective To discuss the reliability of the method of measuring working length of the upper front teeth by finger-feeling .

    目的探讨指感法在测量上前牙牙体 操作 长度的准确度。

  • The experiment group for 102 cases with 180 roots applying root length surveyor test its working length undertake root preparing and filling up took X ray after operation ;

    实验组102颗牙180个根管,用根管长度测量仪测量其 工作 长度,进行根管预备和充填,术后拍片;

  • Conclusions : In terms of working length determination on molars of old people TRI AUTO ZX root canal apex locator has greater accuracy than touching sensitivity and has the same effect with X ray method .

    结论:根管治疗仪在老年人根管治疗中,对磨牙根管 工作 长度的测定方面,比手感法有更高的准确率,与X线片法可取得同样的效果。

  • The correlation factors on the accuracy of electronic measurement for root canal working length : A clinical study

    根管 长度测法相关性因素的临床研究

  • Skewed Slot Wheeled Seeding Mechanism Working Length Comparative Trial Research

    斜槽轮式排种器 工作 长度的对比试验

  • Results : For group A 74.7 % of root canals had a longer working length after preparation than before while for group B there was no significant difference .

    结果:A组,有74.7%根管在预备后 工作 长度超过预备前。B组,预备前后无明显差别。

  • The changes of working length after root preparation between the three groups are no significant different ( P0.05 ) .

    3组器械根管预备后根管 工作 长度的改变无统计学意义(P0.05)。

  • The experiments results shows through adjust the die working length control extrusion temperature and speed which can valid reduce coarse grain structure .

    结果表明,通过调整模具 工作长度、控制挤压温度和挤压速度,可以减少粗晶组织的产生。

  • Objective : To evaluate the accuracy and influence factors of a triple-united method used for the determination of root canal working length .

    目的:研究三联法(手感法、牙平均 长度法和X线片法)测量根管 工作 长度的准确性及影响因素。

  • Objective : To observe the accuracy of electronic method ( EM ) handing method ( HM ) and X-raying method ( X-RM ) in measuring root canal working length .

    目的:比较电测法、手感法和拍片法测定根管 工作 长度的精确性。

  • Evaluation of the apex locator for determining the accuracy of working length of the root canal

    根管测量仪测定根管 工作 长度的准确性评价

  • Working length of the canals ;

    根管 工作 长度

  • Accuracy of three methods of determining the working length of root canal

    三种测量根管 工作 长度方法准确性的评价研究

  • All nurses were divided into two groups according their working length ( 5a as the divide ) .

    根据护士的护龄分为: <5a组和≥5a组。

  • EAL can measure the working length accurately at the reading Apex in every age group .

    根管 长度电测仪所测“Apex”处读数可以作为各年龄组准确测量根管 工作 长度的参考读数。