working lining

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈlaɪnɪŋ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈlaɪnɪŋ]


  • Measures to Lengthen Working Life of Lining of Cored Induction Furnace

    延长有芯感应电炉 炉衬 使用寿命的方法

  • Spraying material for working lining of CC tundish its application

    连铸中间罐 工作 喷涂料及其应用

  • The development of new tundish working lining material successfully and the application of compound masonry technique of refractory can improve the tundish continuous casting heats and the productive efficiency of continuous caster which supplying the condition of high efficiency continuous casting .

    成功开发新型中间包 工作 材料,多角度应用耐火材料综合砌筑技术,为提高中间包连浇炉数,提高连铸机的作业率,实现高效连铸提供了条件。

  • Discussion about the corrosion mechanism of working lining bricks in lime shaft kiln

    石灰竖窑 工作 砖蚀损机理的探讨

  • The BF has been working stably the hearth and bottom lining working normally and the temperature of thermocouples varying steadily for 16 months since the BF blew in-The temperature of hot metal has raised 15 ~ 25 ℃ arid the quality of het metal has been improved .

    高炉投产16个月以来, 生产稳步上升,炉缸、炉底 内衬工作正常,热电偶温度变化平稳。铁水温度提高15~25℃,铁水质量提高。

  • Investigation and application of magnesia casting plate for tundish working lining

    中间包 工作 用镁质浇注板的研制与应用

  • The brake block structure consists of steel back and friction material and the latter can be divided into transition layer and working lining .

    刹车块结构由钢背和摩擦材料两大部分组成,其中摩擦材料又分为过渡层和 工作

  • Study on the Performance about Working Lining on the Stirring Device of KR Desulphurization

    KR脱硫搅拌头 工作 耐火 材料性能的研究

  • A method is presented to evaluate the working state of lining at tunnel exit . ( 6 ) A new model which is used to predict the occurrence time and position of collapse is established .

    提出隧道出洞口段 衬砌 工作状态的合理评价方法。(6)建立了隧道出洞口塌方的时空预测模型。

  • Thermal stress distribution and structure optimization of bottom working lining of ladle

    钢包底 工作 的热应力分布及结构优化

  • Measures of Prolonging the Working Life of the Inside Lining of Gas Suspension Roaster

    延长气体悬浮焙烧炉 内衬 寿命的措施

  • Use of medium-grade precast block in the bottom working lining can decrease the stress effectively .

    包底 工作 增加中档预制件可有效降低包底应力水平。

  • Physical property test system and performance test method of disc type brake shoe lining are expounded according to working principle of disc type brake and requirements of disc type brake shoe lining property .

    根据盘式制动器的 工作原理及对盘式制动 的性能要求,阐述了盘式制动片的物理性能检测体系及盘式制动片性能的测试方法;

  • Proportion design is done which applying for machine sand mixing thin sand to replace river sand it settles strength and working performance of machine concrete and summarizes quality control measures for secondary lining construction of pump concrete .

    采用机制砂掺部分特细砂优化级配代替河沙进行配合比设计,解决了机制砂配制的混凝土强度和 工作性能,总结出二次 衬砌施工泵送混凝土质量的控制措施。

  • Foundry Method of a Working Table Fabricating lining boards for ball mill by means of bimetal casting process

    工作平台的铸造工艺双金属复合铸造球磨机 板工艺研究

  • In the meanwhile it is observed that formation of a decarburized zone on the working face of MgO-C lining is advantageous to the bonding slag .

    同时,观察到在 MgO-C工作面形成一定的脱碳层,对粘渣是有利的。

  • Process of Sprayed on Working Lining of Tundish for Continuous Casting

    喷涂连铸中间包 工作 的工艺

  • In this paper the composite mechanism of polyurethane composite mill lining its structure design and working process were introduced and the application of the composite mill lining to double pipe vibrating mill was studied and analyzed .

    介绍了聚氨酯复合材料磨机衬板的复合机理、结构设计与 加工 制作过程,并对复合 在双筒振动磨机中的应用进行了研究与分析。

  • The parameters include concentration of carbon dioxide environmental temperature relative humidity and the working principle and operation of detecting the second lining defects . I also introduce various advanced analytical and test instruments both at home and abroad .

    分别研究了二氧化碳浓度检测、环境温度、相对湿度检测、二次 衬砌缺陷状况检测的 工作原理与操作方法,对于国内外先进的检测仪器作了详细介绍。

  • The lining construction of the cored induction furnace was introduced . Based on analysis of reasons causing various problems in practical production measures to lengthen the working life of furnace lining were proposed .

    介绍有芯感应电炉炉衬结构,通过分析实际生产过程中各种问题出现的原因,提出延长有芯感应电炉 炉衬 使用寿命的方法。

  • The bimetal-cast jaw plates with high carbon alloyed steel as working layer and low carbon steel as lining layer was introduced .

    介绍了 工作面为高碳合金钢、 层部分为低碳钢的双金属铸造颚板。

  • The Working Mechanism and Design of Concrete Lining Vibrator Sliding Machine used in Large-scale Channel

    大型渠道混凝土 衬砌振捣滑模成型机的 工作机理及设计

  • Research and Application of Dry Working Lining Technology of Long Life Tundish

    高寿命中间包干式 工作 技术的研究与应用

  • In order to prolong working life of the lining sleeve for the blast furnace tuyere the corrosion mechanism of lining sleeve was studied by the methods of SEM XRD and oxidation at high temperature .

    为了延长高炉风口 衬套 使用寿命,采用SEM,XRD和实验手段,研究宝钢现用风口衬套的侵蚀机理。

  • In order to ensure the working life of the furnace lining the new inductor put on production must roast with low power 2 hours later can it be produced with high power .

    为了保证 炉衬 使用寿命,新投入生产的感应器,一定要低功率烘烤,2小时后再大功率开始生产。

  • A home-made high quality MgO - C brick in 150t UHP EAF in Tianjin Steel Pipe Company has achieved an average life of 220 heats and the working lining consumption of 1 . 36kg / t steel .

    天津钢管公司炼钢厂150t超高功率电炉用国产优质镁炭砖后,平均寿命达220炉, 炉衬 工作层单耗为1.36kg/t。

  • Practice experience of using magnesium paint working lining for CC tundish

    中间罐使用镁质涂料 工作 的实践与体会

  • Thermal Distribution Design Status Analysis and Working Lifetime Prediction for Blast Furnace Hearth Lining

    高炉炉缸 内衬的温度场设计及其状态与 寿命研究

  • Method of Forming a Furnace Slag Coating on the Working Surface of Magnesite Carbon Brick Lining

    在镁碳质 炉衬 工作面上形成炉渣涂层的方法探讨