working operation

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˌɑpəˈreʃən][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]


  • Conclude related working process operation guide and make management labels finished and modified on time ensure the jockeys work according to the guide strictly ;

    及时完成和修改相关的 工作工艺、 操作规程和管理标牌,确保操作人员严格按要求执行;

  • A new type digital broadcast system on the passenger train is introduced . The design of hardware and software is described . The main function and working operation are discussed .

    设计实现了一种新型的客运列车数字化播音系统,论述了系统的硬件结构和软件流程,介绍了系统的主要功能和 工作 过程,以及在 客运广播系统中的应用。

  • Make sure electrical system and control system of production machines working in normal operation such as CNC control system .

    及时 处理生产过程中设备的电气故障,确保机床的电气系统和控制系统的正常 可靠 运作,如CNC系统。

  • Calculation Methods & Steps of Working Operation Dimensions and Tolerances-While Non-coincidence References For detailed dimensional tolerance and technical data please see table I 、 table II .

    基准不重合时 工序尺寸及公差的计算方法详细的尺寸公差及技术指标见表I、II。

  • This paper introduces the basic structure design working principles and operation methods ofautoelectric accessory insulating Performance .

    介绍了汽车电器附件绝缘性能测试台的基本结构设计、 工作原理及 使用方法。

  • To maintain the testing equipment in good working operation and to calibrate the instrument according to the provisions of the Quality Manual .

    根据质量手册条款规定,确保试验设备的良好 运行 状态,并对仪器进行校验。

  • Taking HEC as an example this paper points out cost management system on the basis of zero-base budget standard and working operation cost standard of total orientation and process for enterprises whose design and manufacture are made to order . Systematic implementation plan is also given .

    以哈尔滨电机厂为典型案例,提出了订单设计制造类型企业的基于双基准成本 控制方法的成本管理体系,并给出其系统实施 工作方案。

  • Conventional workover rig used diesel engine as power running and working operation used one set of dynamical system vehicle diesel engine and hydraulic transmission box .

    传统的修井机都是采用柴油机作为动力,行驶和 作业共用一套动力系统,多采用车台柴油机+液力传动箱。

  • The bridge construction process is the chance phenomenon . Working operation occurrence and its duration are the random probability distribution model too .

    桥梁施工过程是一种随机现象, 工序发生和持续时间亦是随机概率分布模型。

  • This paper briefly describes the working conditions and operation experiences of ash cooler .

    简要分析冷渣器 运行时的各种 工况以及 实际 运行过程中的经验体会。

  • This paper introduces the working principle operation maintenance and common trouble shooting ways of the QN260heater .

    介绍QN260暖风机的 工作原理、 使用保养和常见故障排除方法。

  • Special request : holder of High / low-pressure Switching Working Operation Certificate and Elevator Maintenance Working Operation Certificate which issued by related department .

    特殊要求:持有有关部门颁发的高/压配电 上岗证、作证,电梯维修上岗证,操作证。

  • On working Operation Reactance of AC-EAF

    炼钢 交流电弧炉 工作电抗模型

  • The Rio de Janeiro State Traffic Police is also helping working alongside the Operation Dry Law enforcers on public holidays .

    里约热内卢州的交通警察也在帮助他们,在公众假日里,他们与 禁酒行动的执法人员一起 工作

  • After working with Operation Smile for a while .

    在“微笑 行动工作了一段时间后。

  • This paper mainly introduces the development of electrical technology and the status quo working principle operation and maintenance of motor .

    本文主要介绍了电动机技术发展及现状、 工作原理、电动机的 运行维护。

  • In2009 Jonas became a pioneer of the wheelchair campaigners working as an Operation Dry Law enforcement officer .

    2009年,Jonas成为坐轮椅残疾人活跃分子中的佼佼者,开始 禁酒行动执法人员的 工作

  • A Discussion on Rebuilding Humanistic Size of Chinese Artistic Design ; Calculation Methods & Steps of Working Operation Dimensions and Tolerances-While Non-coincidence References

    谈中国现代艺术设计的人文尺度的重建基准不重合时 工序尺寸及公差的计算方法

  • Exploring Research on Energy Integration in Working Operation Scale by Trans-scale in the Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking Process

    电弧炉 炼钢过程的跨尺度能量集成的探索研究

  • The system has working operation edit process step edit resource manage and so on .

    本系统具有 工序步编辑、资源管理等功能。

  • In the actual use of the system this essay introduces the actual working and operation situation of different modules in detail from several aspects of station building .

    在系统实现时,从搭建站点的多个角度出发,详细介绍了各个模块的实际 运行情况以及 操作情况。

  • At present in the process of ephedra cropping the most links have implemented mechanized working operation basically except the reaping process .

    目前,在麻黄草的种植过程中,其他环节基本上都已实现了机械化 作业,唯有收获作业仍采用人工。

  • On working The operation principle of each module has been explained in detail .

    并详细阐述各个模块 工作原理。

  • The design of working equipment operation of bulldozer

    推土机 工作装置 操纵设计

  • I am working in the operation department of a real estate company .

    我在一家房地产开发公司的 经营工作,如何翻译?

  • The automation of working operation of products is the most important measure to achieve the high quality and high efficiency .

    产品 加工 工艺过程的自动化是实现高质量、高效率最重要的措施之一。

  • The engineering system we designed not only completely automatized the welding process but also met the requirement of working operation parameter > 1.67 .

    本文所设计的工程系统实现了全自动焊接,满足了 生产 工序能力参数 >1.67的要求。

  • This system has achieved the nod approval of experts and consumer by its many merits such as real-time data acquisition high-speed data transferring multicenter parallel working operation simply and good expansibility .

    该系统以其实时数据采集、高速数据传输、多通道并行 工作操作简单易用、可扩展性好等诸多优点得到了专家及用户的首肯。

  • It is suitable for family herdsmen army training outside communication border post mountaineering geological prospecting coal mine field working offshore operation fisherman etc.

    适用于家庭、牧民、军队野外练习、野外训练、野外通信、边防哨所、登山队、海岛、地质勘察、煤矿、矿山、野外 作业、海上 作业、渔船等照明供电。

  • To balance the collection and consumption energy the system can adjust automatically by changing the initial parameters of working operation parameters in the solution bank .

    并且该系统具有自动调节功能,在非设计日通过改变储罐内溶液初始参数的 方式使系统日收集和消耗的能量平衡。