workshop system

[ˈwɚkˌʃɑp ˈsɪstəm][ˈwə:kʃɔp ˈsistəm]

[经] 工场制度

  • In this paper a new workshop system structure is proposed basing on the facility layouts under the thought of system and the primary function of every mode in the system and the whole thought of the exploiture are elaborated .

    文章基于系统研究的思想提出了基于设备可重组布局的 车间 系统结构,并详细的阐述了系统的各模块的主要功能以及开发的总体思想。

  • Workshop Control System Model Design Based on Agent

    基于Agent的 车间控制 系统模型的设计

  • The machine & workshop system is a basic unit in manufacture and is a key tache in Green Manufacturing in which the size of noise will affair production and surrounding environment .

    机床& 车间 系统作为切削制造过程的基本生产单元,是绿色制造中很关键的一环,其噪声大小会对生产及周边环境产生多方面的影响。

  • Study of Teaching Mode of Tutor 's Workshop System of Visual Transmission Design

    视觉传达艺术设计专业导师 工作室 的教学模式研究

  • Pass this text can profoundly know a improving of internal workshop logistics system is excellent importance and necessity .

    通过此文,能够深刻认识到 车间内部物流 系统优化的重要性及必要性。

  • The Research on the Application of Bluetooth and Multi-agent Technology in the Workshop Control System ;

    针对敏捷制造的需求,提出了一种基于多智能体的 车间控制 系统

  • Finally workshop simulation system for schedule control by agent-based adhered slice has been discussed which animates the communication of agents and reached the aim of simulation indeed .

    最后,对基于智能代理贴片的 车间调度控制仿真 系统进行了研究,进行了仿真的动画演示,模拟运行了智能代理之间的相互通信,实现了招投标过程,实现了 车间调度控制系统仿真的目的。

  • Collect summarize and analyze workshop production system operation and planned results on each stage .

    汇集、总结、分析各阶段 车间生产 系统运行和计划完成的结果。

  • In view of Unified Workshop Information System of Fu Jian Oil Refining Company the application of Data Warehouse and Data Ming is discussed in the framework of CIMS aided with our research work in these fields .

    本文以福建炼油厂通用 车间信息 系统为背景,结合在数据库技术发展情况,探讨了在CIMS环境下,数据仓库和数据挖掘的研究和应用。

  • CAM Workshop Unit System for Winged Missile

    飞航导弹CAM 车间单元 系统

  • Design and Analysis of Workshop Logistics System Based on Automatic Identification Techniques

    基于自动识别技术的 车间物流 系统的设计与分析

  • Applying the described production management mode the paper proposes multi-layer hierarchy workshop management system frame of production planning and scheduling .

    利用上述先进的管理模式,提出了一种多层作业计划和多级调度的 车间 生产管理 系统 体系结构。

  • And then a system named KCBVWS ( knowledge collision based virtual workshop system ) is presented which combines the methods of KM ( knowledge manage ) and the metasynthesis .

    并综合知识管理概念和综合集成法,提出了一个基于知识碰撞的虚拟研讨厅模型( KCBVWS)。

  • It was analyzed that the requirement of enterprise information integration on the CIMS environment and concretely that the main supply and demand information contents between the workshop management system and other application systems .

    分析了企业信息集成的原则,具体分析了CIMS环境下 车间 生产管理 系统与其他应用系统之间信息供与取的主要关系及内容。

  • Production mode optimization of a steelmaking workshop system

    炼钢 系统生产模式优化

  • Design and Simulation of the Prototype of Digital Workshop Scheduling System

    数字 车间生产 调度原型系统及调度仿真

  • According to shearing deformation principle of continual elastic support this paper analysis the natural frequency of the single-layer workshop roof system .

    提出按连续弹性支座剪切变形原理分析单层 厂房屋盖 体系自振频率,介绍不同类型的支座对屋盖自振频率的影响,并采取有效措施,避免 厂房引起共振。

  • Following the development of the workshop scheduling system in integrated environment of FA Numerical Control Machining Center Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation this paper elaborates the position of workshop scheduling system in CAC-CIMS / FA .

    本文结合成都飞机工业公司数控加工中心FA集成环境下 车间作业计划调度 系统的研究和开发,阐述了车间作业计划调度系统在CAC-CIMS/FA中的地位。

  • The distributed flexible manufacturing cell workshop arrangement system is developed .

    以柔性制造单元分布式布局应用为例,研究了最大生成 布局算法组件的建模策略,开发了分布式柔性制造单元 布局 系统

  • The system was divided into six functional modules including order management purchasing management stock managements material management for workshop system maintenance and help index achieving the scientific management for production material circulation inner workshop .

    该系统根据软件开发的要求和服装企业业务流程的特点划分为订单管理、采购管理、库存管理、 车间物料管理、 系统维护和帮助六个功能模块,实现企业内部生产物流的科学管理。

  • The Application of Computer in Workshop Costing System

    计算机在 车间成本核算 系统中的应用

  • A research based on ERP information of spinning workshop management system

    基于ERP的棉纺企业 车间信息管理 系统的研究

  • As a new management concept of integration of ERP with workshop control system the manufacturing execution system ( MES ) is attracting more and more attention in the informatization project of manufacturing industry .

    制造执行系统(MES)作为一种集成企业资源计划与 车间控制 系统的新管理思想,在制造业信息化工程建设中日益受到重视。

  • Owing to the complexity of workshop manufacturing system the randomness of manufacturing environment influencing factor the objective diversity of production process and workshop production scheduling it resulted in the complexity and difficulty of workshop production scheduling problem .

    由于 车间制造 系统的复杂性、制造环境影响因素的随机性、生产加工任务和车间生产调度目标的多样性,决定了车间生产调度问题的复杂和困难。

  • The combination of rule-bssed workshop scheduling system and expert system makes the intelligent workshop scheduling system applied POpularly .

    基于规则的 车间调度 系统与专家系统的结合,使智能调度系统得到了广泛的应用。

  • Application of Machine Learning in an Intelligent Workshop Scheduling System

    机器学习在智能 车间调度 系统中的应用

  • This paper has constructed a kind of workshop control system which is based on the multi-Agent technology and does a research on the essential technology of it .

    本文基于多代理技术构建了一种 车间控制 系统,并对其关键技术进行了研究。

  • Based on modified heterarchical architecture a workshop scheduling system was proposed for the requirements of modern manufacturing . Scheduling strategies for normal and abnormal conditions were presented .

    针对动态调度 系统对敏捷性和全局优化性能的要求,提出一类基于改进的分布式结构的 作业 车间动态调度模式,并对该 系统在正常情况和异常情况下的调度策略进行了研究。

  • Knowledge integration based operation mode for workshop manufacturing system

    基于知识集成的 车间制造 系统运行模式研究

  • A digital workshop system was introduced a design frame about its clamp subsystem was advanced its assembled clamp manage module and key techniques were introduced .

    提出了其 夹具系统设计框架,详细设计了其中的组合夹具管理模块,并阐述了该系统的关键技术;